It was the first day of school for all The Malibu sophomores, and they were going to Sea View High-school. It was thursday, and they started on thursday because it was easier to start with a short week.

"Hey dude, its time for the annual bet." John Micre said to his friend.

"What the hell?" Jake Ryan laughed. "Since when did we have an 'annual bet'?"

"I don't know, since now." John said. "The bet is that I pick a girl for you, and you pick a girl for me, and we ask them out. The person that can score fastest wins. Deal?" John asked.

"Sure, whatever." Jake agreed, then they shook on it.

"Finally, something to make high-school more interesting." John smirked.

"Im going to class dude, meet me after." Jake said, then started to walk away from his best friend.

"Alright man. I'll have your girl picked out by then!"

"Same here." Jake replied. He wasn't as excited about this as his friend, but he was fine with it.

They boys class went by really slow, it was basically just the teachers introducing themselves, and learning everyone's names. When second period was finally over, they met outside the boys' bathroom.

"So, who's the lucky lady for me?" John asked.

"Um," Jake said the name of the first girl he saw walk by, "Sara Johnson."

"Hey! Did you pick her just now? I spent the first to classes thinking about who your girl would be!" John said.

"Sorry man."

"It's fine. I always though Sara was hot." John smiled. He was a little bit low, but Jake had been friends with him since 8th grade, and he could be a good person when he tried.

"So who did you pick for me?" Jake was curious.

John smiled, again. He was obviously excited for this. "Miley Stewart."

"No. Absolutely not!" Jake said. He had liked Miley a lot all through middle school, but she was always turning him down. Although it amazed him that she could turn someone down as popular as himself, he was sick of it, and didn't like her anymore.

"Nope, to bad. You can't break the deal. So when are you gonna ask her out?" John wondered.

"I don't know, whenever? How 'bout by monday?" Jake said.

"Deal." Then they went their separate ways to class. Jakes next class was with Miley, so he decided to sit next to her.

Jakes Point of View

"Can I sit here?" I asked her, only because I didn't want her to think I was rude.

"Go ahead, I don't own the seat." Miley said to me, then rolled her eyes. I sighed.

"Look Miley, Im sorry for whatever I did that make you hate me." I apologized.

She sighed. "Jake-" but she was cut off by the teacher.

He looked at our name tags (mandatory for the first day of school) then said, "Miley Stewart, Jake Ryan, if I hear you talking again, you each will have a detention."

Then introduced himself to the class as Mr. Morson, and talked about the class.

I looked at Miley, but she just looked away, and we weren't able to talk the rest of class.

After class, Miley walked out immediately, but I caught up with her. She saw me walking next to her, so she decided to talk to me.

"Well, thanks for getting me introuble." She said, a little bit angry.

"Im sorry. I promise to never ever do it again," I could tell Miley was trying not to smile, but she wasn't hiding it very well. I continued. "if you go out with me on friday. Just to like a movie or something." I added.

"Um," Miley looked around. "fine. But only if you leave your large ego at home." Miley said.

I laughed. "Sounds good to me." We both smiled. "Well I gotta get to my next class." I said.

"Me too."

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7."

"'Kay." She said, then we walked away from each other.

Disclaimer. I do not own Hannah Montana. okayy. I started a new story. I'll continue my other story, but I need reviews for chapter 3!! Anyway, this is a Jiley, duhh. haha. and I got this Idea from like alot of movies, idk but i watched Shes all That today, and its in Beautiful People, and a lot stuff haha. Well Thanks for reading, and Pleaseee review. It helps. Tell me what you liked/hated. thanks Sherriee