Kyllex: HELLOS!!!!!! New story, coming through!

Rihxanonn: MUAHAHAHHA!!!

Kyllex: I warn you, this is hyper and random!!


Disclaimer: we don't own anything at all!


It was morning, and very chaotic in the Castle that Never Was. The 16 members of the Organization (there's 16 cuz we're counting ourselves and Xonny) were getting ready for their first day of school.

Everybody was headed to "The School of Randomness", which was their new school. It wasn't really a school. They didn't do any work. They just did random stuff! But they weren't the only ones going there. They heard that their class was going to have over 40 people in it. That surprised everyone!

When they finally got there, Xaldin, Vexen, and Lexaeus had to go to a separate classroom. That's what their schedules said. So they shrugged and went to their class.

The rest of the Orgy XIII went into the normal class. There were TONS of people in there.

Edward, Alice, and Emmet Cullen were there. Bella joined them, of course. Hayner, Olette, Namine, and Kairi were there too. Balthier was there with Fran, Ashe, and Penelo. Artemis Fowl, Holly, and Chix were also present. Then there was Harry, Ron, Hermione, Cloud, Leon, Sephiroth, Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Rikku, Paine, Yuffie, and Riku. (Only the KH1 and COM version of Riku. No KH2 Riku aloud!) There also was Naruto, Sakura, Lee, and Shikamaru. Also Dustfinger, Farid, and Meggie!

Immediately, Xonny ran to Balthier and started to hug him. Everyone around was staring at her, because she was screaming, "BALTHIIIEEERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kyllie and Rihxy had simultaneously run to Edward and started staring at him. He was kinda freaked out by that. Suddenly they snapped out of their trance.

"EDWARD!!! EEEEDDDWAAARDD! I LOVE YOU EDWARD!" they both said at the same time, charging toward Edward to glomp him. But he moved out of the way and they fell on the ground. They got up as if nothing had happened.

"Kyllie, you can't like Edward! You're supposed to like Axel, remember??" Rihxy argued.


"But we asked Savannah! And she said I was the only one aloud to like Edward!!"


"NO I DO!"


You can't imagine the pain that Axel was going through. At first, he was just shocked. Then he was relieved, happy that they had gotten off of his back. But then, he felt…disappointed. Depressed. Unloved. Jealous. Angry. Hated.

And Edward was feeling annoyed. Of course, any 17 year old vampire would be annoyed if he had two 13 year old girls (who acted like they were 8 and got into pointless arguments every two seconds) crushing on him. Especially if he already had a girlfriend.

"WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED???!?!?! WHYY??!?!??! I THOUGHT YOU GUYS LOVED ME!!!" Axel yelled, distressed.

Kyllex, Rihxanonn, and Xonelel turned and looked at his sad face.

"Oh, we do love you Axel!!" Xonny said cheerfully.

"Then why didn't you glomp me and scream 'SQUEEE!! IT'S AXEL-KUN!!' like you usually do??" he asked. They giggled at his bad impression.

"Oh!! That's cuz WE LOVE EDWARD MORE!!!!!!!" Kyllie screamed as she turned her attention back to Edward.


"And I LOVE BALTHIER!" Xonny went back to bugging the crap out of Balthier.

So Axel was left to stand alone next to Roxas and Demyx. He was dumbstruck. Two of his biggest fangirls had just left him for bloodsucker boy, and the other one had left him for the stupid sky pirate. He felt even worse now.

"Aww, cheer up, Axel! They'll come back eventually!" Demyx patted Axel on the back and Axel glared at him.

In the meantime, Bella was glaring at Rihx and Kyllex evilly, and Ashe was staying as close as she could to Balthier without being attacked by Xonny. Emmett was laughing because he was watching his brother try to survive his two rabid fangirls and trying to get to Bella.

Alice was trying to console Bella, because she was kinda upset that her boyfriend had been attacked by crazy people who claimed that they loved him.

Inuyasha was eating ramen while Kagome sat, bored. Miroku was flirting with every single girl he saw, and Sango was following him, glaring at him. Everybody else was just doing random stuff.

Soon everybody had calmed down and they were put into groups by the teacher. (don't ask who that is we have no idea)

There were 4 people in each group. There was a table with four seats for every group!

Rihxy and Kyllie were lucky enough to get to be in a group together, with Alice and Axel. Xonny was with Yuffie, Rikku, and Edward. (her two friends weren't too happy about that) Emmett, Kagome, Miroku, and Paine were at one table, then Sango, Bella, Naruto, and Hayner. Olette, Namine, Marluxia, and Shikamaru sat at another table. Fran was with Kairi, Dustfinger, and Chix. Harry was with Ron, Luxord, and Penelo. Ashe had to sit by Cloud and Sephiroth, and Inuyasha. Then there was Arty, Holly, Leon, and Lee. Larxene was with Xemmy, Xigbar, and Demyx. Roxas was with Saix, Hermione, and Zexion. And then finally Riku, Sakura, Meggie, and Farid.

The groups were kinda pointless. The only time people would actually sit in their seats was when the teacher was taking attendance. The rest of the class was just messing around.

Finally after a million hours of randomness and bugging Edward (and Balthier) to death, (not really a million hours but you know) it was time for the 'PAL' class. Whatever that was. That was just what the teacher said.

And so they all walked down the big, long, hallway to the other side of the school. Everybody saw a door that said PAL on it.

"What does PAL stand for??" Naruto asked the teacher. (we'll just call her miss teacher)

Miss Teacher answered, "Point and Laugh!" she smiled and opened the door.

Everybody was confused by what she had said, but they looked around and saw 13 people looking at them.

They were Minerva Paradizo, Jacob Black, Rosalie Cullen, Kikyo, Basch, Sam Uley, Pence, KH2 version of Riku, Sora, Xaldin, Lexaeus, Vexen, and Uchiha Sasuke.

The hyper trio (Xonny, Rihx, and Kyllie if you haven't figured that out by now) noticed that everybody in this room were people they hated. They burst out laughing and started pointing at everybody.

"That's exactly what you're supposed to do! This is a class where you point and laugh at the people you hate, and insult them!! It gives us self-confidence, knowing that we are better than others!" Miss Teacher explained.

"Oh! Then why isn't Demyx in this class??" Axel asked.

"Hey!!" Demyx complained. The teacher ignored them, as did everyone else.

Riku went up to his older version of himself and Sora.

"You want me to insult myself? And my best friend?" he asked.


"Oh, okay. YOUR HAIR IS SOOO UGLY!!" he screamed, pointing at his own hair. (well, his kh2 versions' hair)

The KH2 Riku started to freak out and KH1 Riku laughed.

The more nice people like Namine, Kairi, Olette, and others were just standing near the door and talking. Besides, they didn't really hate anyone in the PAL class.

Kyllex, Rihx, and Xonny went around giving out stupid insults that weren't even hurtful (just stupid and dumb) to everybody. They gave the most to stupid Jacob and stupid Minerva, because they hated them the most. And because they knew that if they did that to anyone else, Sasuke for instance, they would have been ripped to shreds. Well, Jacob could rip them to shreds too. If he turned into a werewolf. But they didn't think he'd do that, it would risk the safety of his precious Bella.

So they spent about 10 minutes in the PAL room. Then they got bored and Miss Teacher told them it was recess time!!


During recess, Xonny told Rihx and Kyllie she was gonna go hang out with Ashe, Balthier, Penelo, Fran, Rikku, Yuffie, and Paine.

"Fine then, meanie. Go hang out with your stupid Final Fantasy friends," they said as she shrugged and left to go be with them.

So the two friends decided to hang out with Alice, Holly, and Sakura.

"How come you guys were annoying Edward so much?" Sakura asked.

"Cuz he's awesome! And, we annoy a different person that we love every day!" Rihxy answered.

"But why?" Holly asked.

"Cuz!! It's our tradition! Plus it's fun!"

"Sooo…who's it gonna be tomorrow?" Alice asked curiously.

"Hmmm…probably Artemis! WE LOVE HIM TOO!" Kyllex shouted. Holly flinched at the noise.

"Yeah! That sounds fun!" Rihxanonn agreed.

So for the rest of the recess, they talked, jumped around, and were VERY hyper!

By the end of the first day of school, everybody had little groups of friends. Kyllex, Rihx, Alice, Holly and Sakura were obviously one. Then there was Xonny and her final fantasy friends. And then there was Edward, Artemis, and Bella. And there were tons more too, like people from the organization. And Chix and Miroku seemed to get along well.

Nobody wanted to leave their new school; it had been too much fun! (Well, there was always Edward, Axel, and the people in the PAL class that wanted to leave)

But they all reluctantly got on the bus that would take them home.




Kyllex: SUUU!

Rihxy: (punches kyllie on arm REALLY hard)

Kyllex: I MEAN SOUP!! SOOOUUUPP! (starts wailing and rubbing spot on arm)