A/N: So... it's over. I had such a hard time with this. I spent about a week trying to get the ending satisfactory... and I'm still not happy.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, or anything else that's copyrighted... -tears-

Flamers: -sniiiiiiiiff-

WARNING: -sniffle-


Vampire in the Tower

10 :: Crescent


"Lucrecia Crescent."

"Who is she?" Olette asked. Vincent glanced at her.

"A ghost."

"...Huh. Should I be jelous?"

"Are you?"

"Eh. I'm not worried."

"That was generally unconvincing."


"I think we've been here before." the brunette commented. Vincent mumbled something incoherently, placing a bundle of yellow roses over one grave. Before them stood two perfectly kept gravestones. Two graves in the middle of a nearly deserted forest. Sounded like the setting for a horror movie. Olette stepped forward, laying down an identicle batch of roses. She took three steps backwards and began reading the inscriptions on the stone.


A friend, our hero."

"I love you, too."

Vincent's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, Olette failed to notice. It was most likely Chaos' jealous reaction. That's what he told himself, anyway.


A friend and/or stalker/kidnapper."

"You were about as evil as a militant kitten. Sorry."

Two years, exactly, had passed since Roxas and Riku 'died'. Twilight Town's weather slowly returned to normal and the Heartless had yet to return. Olette would be graduating later that year, along with Pence and(surprisingly) Hayner. Reeve had been blissfully unaware of his daughter's love interest for a little over a year and a half. That Christmas the brunette finally decided to introduce her 'boyfriend'... to which Reeve promptly fainted. Apparently, Vincent and the man had a history; a story for another time, perhaps.

Once the Twilight Town trio were reunited, Olette discovered that the boys' had dreams similar to her own, but they stopped as abruptly as they began. Olette, despite her better judgement, decided to tell the boys of her little adventure. Of course, she promptly left their little love triangle out. That probably wouldn't have gone too well with Hayner. It was then that the three decided to pull their money together and buy a gravestone. Of course, Vincent and the girl secretly gathered their own funds for Riku's stone.

"Do you think..." she began, "That they're happy somewhere?" Vincent gave a slight nod; the brunette's left eye twitched slightly. "You're not even going to give me a decent answer, are you?"

Vincent stared in response. Olette threw her arms up, sighing loudly. "This is why you have no friends," she growled, "This... right here."

"Why would I need friends?" the vampire overlord of all things GLOOM asked. The brunette thought for a moment, tilting her head to one side.

Suddenly, it dawned on her. "Oh, because you have me. Ha ha ha." Despite her tone, Olette was genuinely amused. It wasn't every day Vincent attempted to make a joke.

Olette grabbed Vincent's real hand, tugging him towards the town.

"So... about those undead vampire babies..."


Several figures clad in black sat on top of insanely high chairs. For the longest time Nobody had a clue why they were at such uneven heights, or why Xemnas insisted for them to sit in a certain order. VI next to VIII and whatnot. The shortest living Nobody, Zexion, was currently lounging on his chair, reading off a folder full of papers.

"Subject 019 has show incredible increase in potential." Zexion stated. Xemnas casually read over a copy of the report with a strange twinkle in his eye. Honestly, it made Zexion want to catch the first portal off that world. The Superior was planning something... and the twilight haired Nobody felt he would not like it.

"VI, VIII," the Superior began, "Your orders have changed." Axel perked up at this slightly, Zexion remained indifferent. "You are to capture the girl for study. Use any means necessary, just bring her alive." Axel groaned, slumping back in his chair.

"Is there a problem, VIII?" Yes. Axel was good at roasting things. Toasting people and heartless into a perfect pile of ash, not dragging some adolescent half way across the universe.. which he had proven once before. Kairi had escaped him how many times, exactly?

"No, sir."

Later that da- er... night, Zexion was slumped against his windowsill, hanging one hand lazyly to the ground below. He hadn't been that 'depressed' since Vexen's Riku Replica almost killed him. The scent of burnt anything lingered towards his door. Axel. Of course. He couldn't leave the younger Nobody alone for at least two minutes, could he?

The door burst open and the burning scent got stronger. The twilight haired Nobody cringed slightly. "Zexy, I'm hoooooome." Axel's, what Zexion described as the closest thing to annoying a Nobody could feel, voice rang through the room.

"Growing a conscience, Zexy?" the redhead asked, Zexion stared at him blankly, then turned towards the window again.

"The Superior isn't making sense," he replied. Axel smiled grimly, watching a small shadow Heartless being torn apart by a group of dusks. A few minutes later a small heart floated by the window towards the heart shaped moon.

After a moment of silence, the taller Nobody spoke, "You think he's lying or something?"

"Deceit... I wasn't aware Nobodies were capable of that action."

"Liar." A familiar weight pressed against his backside, Zexion's hidden eye twitched.

"VIII... get your hand off my ass."

"..." A smug grin.




Vampire in the Tower



Olette: Capillary?
Passe: Yes, capillary.

Next Story: God Knows
Summary: "Right so... you're a vampire too?" "Vampires don't exist, dammit!" "Gasp! This means Vincent doesn't exist either?" "Oh my Jenova, I'm going to shoot you."
Profile Summary: Two years and nothing had changed. Two men clad in black appear and nearly kidnap poor Olette, if not for the heroic actions of Vincent Valentine. A strange light engulfs Twilight Town, and our favorite brunette girl wakes on an unfamiliar world. "Right so... you're a vampire too?"
Pairings: Vincette, mentions of Roxette, Axel/Zexion(hoyeah), Other
Warnings: This will be longer, purtier, and generally more angsty. Still AU.

Woo! Look for it in a few weeks! The title is based on a well-known song from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu(don't own).


Thanks to my reviewers for supporting/tolerating me through this! I seriously love you all. May vampire babies grace your futures! Eyeofthetiger, MimiB.Real, Shadow, Silver Moon Droplet, skittlesRus, Musically Gone, Porporino the III, Olivia, Lily Vendrem, and Tweenkle! For you, the cutest Chaos plushies in the world.

Review or desu desu desu!