Fantastic Four: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Style

MewIchigoPrincess: Hey y'all! I'm back and ready to write again! I'm really sorry to everyone who wanted me to keep writing True Love Is Blind. I just ran out of steam on that one! Yes JadenYukiAlexisYuki, I did get your e-mail on that chapter but, I'm done with that! I'm really sorry everyone! But, I've got some fresh new ideas that are just waiting to get out! So, I promise this story won't be a disappointer! I promise! Anyway, this story is mostly about Jaden and Alexis, just like always. Unlike my other stories, Alexis and Jaden are hooked up in this one! Anyway, here are the characters:











And OC's

I'm making my own version of the Fantastic Four so, a couple of the powers could be a little different. Don't worry, I promise it'll be good! So, without me spoiling it, here's chapter one!


Chapter One

It was early one spring morning, and as the sun began to rise, Jaden Yuki got up and went outside. The air was cool and refreshing and smelled like the sea. Jaden and Alexis were supposed to meet up at the cliff overlooking the sea to talk. Of course, they did this every morning before class and it was never any different. Or, so Jaden thought. The moment he got out of bed and walked out of his dorm room, he could feel it. Curiosity coursed through his veins, threatening to explode inside of him. As he got closer and closer to the cliff, it kept getting stronger and stronger until he couldn't take it anymore! Jaden sat down on the cliff and closed his eyes.

'What's going on?' he thought. 'What is this feeling inside of me? Is it sadness, fatigue, anger?'

No, that couldn't be it. His curiosities escalated in a matter of minutes to strong suspicion and then suddenly, fear. Jaden stood up and looked around him. Something was here. He didn't know what it was, but it was something evil. This something must've been invisible because, he couldn't see it. Jaden closed his eyes and tried to stay calm. Suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder. Jaden spun around on the balls of his heels and braced himself for what ever the evil something was. To his surprise and relief, it was only Alexis.

"Jaden, are you okay?" Alexis asked a hint of worry in her soothing voice.

"Uh, y- yeah. I'm fine." Jaden said.

"Okay. Good morning!" Alexis said with a warm smile on her bright face.

Alexis put her arms around his neck and kissed him gently on the cheek. Just as suddenly as his fears came, they just as suddenly went away. He was totally relaxed now and had completely forgotten about the evil aura surrounding him. Alexis always made his worries go away. And what was so funny was that he didn't even know how she did it!

Maybe it was her deep, light brown eyes that could pierce right into your soul. Or maybe it was her beautiful smile that lit up a room, or her warm embrace that made your heart melt. Maybe it was the touch of her long, silky blond hair, or her soft olive skin. Or maybe, just maybe, it was her voice. Her beautiful voice that soothed you and calmed you and made everything seem like it was going to be okay. Maybe, it was all of that and more. Whatever it was, Jaden loved it.

"So, did you finish studying for the exam today?" Alexis asked.

Jaden scratched the back of his head and gave Alexis a goofy smile.

"Well, ya see, I was getting ready to study and then---" Jaden started to say but was cut off by Alexis.

"You mean, you didn't study at all?"

"Well, I studied some, but it was getting really late and I had to get to sleep if I wanted to see you this morning." Jaden said as he caressed Alexis' cheek.

Alexis blushed lightly while trying to stay firm, but to no avail. His soft touch and his big chocolate brown eyes always made her heart melt.

"Well, we wouldn't want you to be tired for the exam now would we?"

"No, we sure don't!"

Alexis kissed Jaden on the cheek. All of a sudden, she remembered the time. She looked at her watch. They had 25 minutes until class started!

"Uh oh, speaking of the exam, we better hurry before they start the exam without us!"

"Oh, right. Well, let's go!"

Jaden and Alexis ran off to class as fast as they could. With her right next to him, the feeling of fear and evil had disappeared for now. The only thing he was concerned with right now was getting to class on time so he didn't get detention.


Jaden slept right through the written exam along with Syrus and Hasselberry. They really weren't concerned too much for that part of the test. They were too busy thinking about the dueling part. As soon as the written part was over, the students immediately piled into the duel arena. It was Jaden versus Chloe, Syrus versus Hasselberry, Atticus versus Alexis, Bastion versus Chazz, and so on. But, just as the duels were about to start, Chancellor Sheppard came on the big screen and made an announcement.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, but I need Alexis and Atticus Rhodes, Jaden Yuki, Chazz Princeton and Bastion Misawa to report to my office immediately! Thank you and you may continue on with your duels."

The six students looked at each other and walked to the Chancellor's office. What was going on? Chancellor Sheppard never interrupts when they're in a middle of an exam! It must've been urgent because that never happens. The Duel Academy students walked in to the Chancellor's office. He had his back turned to them with his arms behind him and was looking out the window. He turned around and greeted them with a friendly smile.

"Ah, good afternoon lady and gentlemen! How did your written exams go?" Chancellor Sheppard asked.

Everyone exchanged looks with each other.

"Um, with all do respect Chancellor, what's going on? You never interrupt us when we're in the middle of an exam. Could you fill us in please?" Alexis asked in her sweetest voice possible.

"And cut right to the chase! I have a duel to win!" Chazz said somewhat annoyed.

Alexis elbowed him, annoyed with Chazz's rudeness. Chazz yelped in pain.

"What Chazz means is, could you tell us what's going on so we could get back to our duels, please?" Jaden said.

Chancellor Sheppard sighed. He knew he'd just come out and say it. There was no use in beating around the bush.

"Okay, here it is. Now, brace yourselves for this," He said.

Everyone, including Chazz, opened up their ears to hear the news the Chancellor was about to give them.

"NASA has chosen six students from Duel Academy to go up in to space. NASA wants to try their new junior space program that would allow you to duel like never before. So, they contacted me and told me to choose six of my top duelists here at the Academy, and I chose you six. You will be our first ever students to duel up in space!"

No one spoke for a moment. They were all trying to absorb the shock of it all. And then finally, it hit them all like a ton of bricks. They were all going to be able to duel up in space! They started to chat loudly about the news. They talked and talked and talked amongst each other that Chancellor Sheppard had to use a blow horn to get their attention again. Everyone immediately froze right in the position they were in and looked at Chancellor Sheppard with wide eyes.

"Now that I have your attention again, you need more details. For example, you are to go to the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas in the United States of America."

"Sweet, Chancellor! When do we leave?" Atticus asked.

"Well, you leave Wednesday morning."

"What?! Wednesday?! But, why so soon?!" Bastion exclaimed.

"Well, you needed to get started on your training A.S.A.P. After all, you'll be training for eight weeks only, and you'll need all the time you can get! So, go ahead and head back to your dorms and start packing. You don't have to go to class for the rest of today and tomorrow. I will see you Wednesday morning."

Everyone let out a cheer, (except Bastian) and ran to their dorms as fast as they could. They were still trying to get over the shock of it all! They would get to go to the United States for an awesome new space program for NASA, the world leader in space science! Who knows what adventures would await them in space? And they couldn't wait to find out!


MewIchigoPrincess: So, what did y'all think of my new story? It wasn't bad for my first time back in forever! Since I'm feelin' creative, I'm gonna go right into chapter two! See ya there!