Alas, the saga has come to an end (We can't get food anymore?!!!!) I am referring to the story's saga, not the cafeteria saga (so we still have food? Okay) I wouldn't call that strange substance food, but yes we can. (you know what I meant) Anyway the story comes to an ending and (sadness settles over the newsies) And I enjoyed writing this peice along with my nutt butt. (Aw, I enjoyed helping) yes and I apologize for kicking you in the head that one night. (When we were writing a Newsie was Never lovlier?) No, it was during this one, I hit you really hard in the temple during that one (when did you kick me?) We were wrestling and I brought my leg up and kicked you (oh yeah I remember that's all good!) I am glad, so enjoy your final reading of All the Kings of New York. (BYE!)

Izzy and Blink were patrolling the skies above the haven and saw Angel and Renee carrying Mush. They flew to the trio and carried them back to the haven. Beth and Bumlets set to work on giving aid to them. A short time later, Spot and Skittery returned and Spot urged Skittery to go to the medical center. Skittery entered to find Angel already bandaged and resting next to Jack. Bumlets was working on Mush as Beth tended to Renee who was watching Bumlets closely.

"Beth your skills are needed by Skittery." Renee said.

"Yes Madame." Beth replied, knowing better than to argue with the Lobo.

"How is he?" Skittery asked, not knowing of Mush's state.

"He is not well, but once the chemical that blocks his transformation and healing abilities is out of his system, he will make progress." Renee replied.

"How long will that take?"

"It is uncertain." Beth answered.

"How is Jack?" Skittery asked.

"Time is needed." Beth told Skittery as she led him to an empty bed.

"Will this war ever end?"

"It already has young one, now we just crush the remaining few." Renee said coolly.

"How, all of our leaders are injured!" Skittery despaired.

"Spot is well and I am not bedridden." Renee told him.

"Although it would bring you no harm to be." Beth said referring to Renee's knife wound in the gut.

"The blade was planted more in my ribs than my stomach." Renee replied.

"Still, it wouldn't do you, nor your child, any harm to be bedridden for a day or so."

"Very well, Beth. Spot and Taivin will take charge until another is able." Renee said.

"I will tell them Madame." Beth said leaving the room. Over the next few days, the leaders healed and the rebels that had scattered were hunted and executed. After the final mission had been completed Spot went to the medical room to speak of the news.

"My Head, Allies." Spot said addressing the leaders in the room.

"Yes Spot?" Jack replied.

"I bring you news that every rebel has been wiped from the face of this planet." Spot said beaming with pride.

"Very Well, Spot." Angel added.

"Very well indeed." Mush smirked.

"HEY!" Les said pounding on the door.

"Enter pup." Renee called.

"Guess what!" Les asked bursting through the door and pounced on Mush's still healing stomach.

"Oomph." Mush groaned with the added weight.

"I went on a mission!" Les chanted happily.

"Elaborate." Renee said scowling.

"Well, it was on this last one, and I snuck out with them when Spot wasn't looking, don't tell him though. And, I shot one of the stakes with a bow and hit an enemy vampire on the wrong side of his chest, but where his heart would have been if it had been on the side of his chest that I aimed for."

"You did what?" Spot asked coming up behind Les.

"Perhaps it would do you wise to use your senses before entering." Mush smiled at Les.

"Oops." Les said a guilty smile playing across his face. Renee had to turn her head so Les would not see her smile at his actions. Regaining herself, she turned to the pup.

"A fine archer you are Les, as for obeying that needs practice."

"Yes ma'am."

"You have not told him?" Mush asked Renee.

"Not of yet, you may." Renee said.

"Tell me what?" Les asked growing excited.

"You little one are now a real pup of ours." Mush smirked.

"You mean-?" Les started to say.

"You are now legally our son as if I given birth to you." Renee smiled.

"What about Skits?"

"Yes he shall now have the right to the title of big brother over you."

"Les, breathe." Mush said looking at Les who had almost hyperventilated.

"Soon My Angel, soon." Jack whispered to Angel.

"Indeed." Angel smiled.

"I'm gonna tell Skits!" Les said kicking off Mush.

"Geh, there must be a better way to get down." Mush groaned.

"There is, he is just too excited for it." Spot smirked.

"One thing still troubles us." Renee said as Les and Skittery entered the room.

"Yes Madame?" Jack asked.


"What of him?" Angel asked Renee.

"Word traveled of how Izzy and Blink took part in the war."

"That is most distressing news." Angel commented.

"We still have the chemical…" Skittery thought out loud.

"And let us hope that we NEVER have to use it." Jack said sternly.

"Agreed." Mush said recalling his crossing with Corbin.

"Speaking of which." Skittery said turning to leave. "I wish to see mine."

"Should they marry we will have two sons and a daughter." Mush pondered.

"Lest you forget the one on the way." Angel smirked.

"That would make two boys and two girls." Renee said.

"Are you certain?" Mush asked.

"It is my sense that tells me."

"Ah, speaking of which, we must keep a closer watch on the pups during full moons." Mush sighed.

"We did fine the way we did before." Renee argued gently.

"They terrorized that cat."

'We did not own a cat darling."

"It twas the neighbors, they lived ten miles away and that cat never strayed from it's home." Mush pointed out and Renee again turned away so she wouldn't laugh at it.

"Very well." Renee smirked. As the days passed the leaders grew stronger and Dellia came hastily to them one day.

"I bring urgent news." Dellia called knocking lightly on the door.

'Enter then Dellia." Jack said and Dellia came inside the room.

"Race is here."

"Send him in." Jack said and Dellia vanished and returned a moment later with Race.

"Greetings." Race said to the leaders.

"Good day." Jack said.

"It has come to the attention of the High Council of how Izzy and Blink took part in battle. This would have been punishable by death, however David set a new law into play shortly after they left us so this news was unknown to them."

'Prey, tell us what this news is." Angel asked.

"It states that a gargoyle was free to choose a side in battle if they saw it fit."

'That is well." Renee said relieved Skittery would not go after David with the chemical now.

"Indeed, also that they are to take up their patrols tomorrow and David sends his word nothing is held against them." Race said.

"It shall be told to them." Mush said.

"Then I am done here."

"Fare thee well." Angel said as Race took his leave. Renee swung her legs off the bed and stood to her feet.

"Where do you go?" Mush asked as Renee kissed him lightly on his lips and headed to the door.

"I am well as is our daughter, things need taking care of." Renee said before leaving the room.

"David's decision is well for us. Things are falling into place." Jack pondered.

"Falling in line for what my love?" Angel asked him.

"For Spot to take control." Jack said and Angel smiled.

"Of that, he is aware of the standards for dealing, correct?" Mush asked.

"Indeed he is, the pact between him and Madame shall be better then the one between Renee and I."

"That is well." Mush said before allowing sleep to take him since his body was exerting all it's strength to heal.

"After Spot is Head, we move to Ireland?" Angel asked wanting to make certain of this.

"That is true." Jack said softly.

"I am pleased."

"As am I." Jack said as the room fell silent as they fell asleep. Renee headed out into the group and found Izzy with Skittery.

"My Lobo." Skittery hailed.

"Greeting Madame." Izzy said as Renee joined them.

"Hello to you both, Izzy you are aware of why Race was here?" Renee asked.

"I was not aware at all." Izzy answered as Skittery grew annoyed at the thought of David trying to punish his promised one.

"Then you shall be enlightened, after you left David let it be known that gargoyles could fight with whom ever they saw fit. You are to begin your patrols tomorrow."

"That is well." Izzy smiled.

"Is anything needing to be done, mother?" Skittery asked getting himself use to calling Renee that.

"Only that you be peaceful." Renee mused as she walked away.

"Mother?" Izzy asked.

"Her and Mush have adopted Les and I legally as their own." Skittery said as he and Izzy got close. Renee sought out Blink who was talking with Bumlets. The three greeted each other as Renee approached them.

"How do you fare Madame?" Blink asked.

"Very well, I bring pleasing news for you from David." Renee said.

"Do tell."

"After you and Izzy parted David gave word that gargoyles could fight for whom they liked and you are to return on your patrol tomorrow, you are not in trouble."

"Good news indeed, so I could have fought in the war more than I had." Blink said agitated he missed out.

"Things have turned out well." Bumlets smirked.

'Indeed." Renee said taking her leave and checking on the rest of the group. Renee went to Spot and the two spoke of their expectations of their alliance when Spot would be Head and began discussing terms of the treaty.

"The feeding of humans?" Spot pondered.

"Let it be done in moderation." Renee mused.

"Guarded by the gargoyles would be best."

"Then it shall be done."

"I have noticed members of your pack and of the clan have become close, should Les or someone want to visit?" Spot said not sure of how friendly the two races were or would be.

"There are steps to be taken with that." Renee said and elaborated what she meant when she saw Spot have a blank expression on his face. "Should one wish a visit, let them call ahead for permission or keep cordial to a degree at least in the beginning. Should things change, we discuss it then."

"This will work."

"Indeed, I am pleased you have learned to speak for yourself." Renee mused.

"As am I." Spot said uncertain of if Renee jested with him or was serious.

"We are through for now then, for you are not yet Head." Renee said standing up.

"Indeed this is true." Spot said standing and the two parted. A week later Jack, Angel, Mush, and Skittery were fully healed and the two races were uniting well.

"When do we go home?" Les asked growing bored with the tunnels.

"When you stop being a Chihuahua." Skittery teased.

"You are a tall sti-"

"Peace boys." Renee said cutting them off. "We return soon."

"Is that so?" Angel asked a little surprised they would go back to the casino.

"Indeed, the business will grow again, after the building is reconstructed."

"When do you wish this done?" Mush asked.

"Soon darling."

"What do we do love?" Dellia asked Spot who turned to Jack since he was still leader.

"The location of the clan's safe spot is your decision." Jack said knowing Spot would find a good location.

"Why do we not return to the Serpent's Tail?" Beth asked growing home sick.

"We shall see." Spot said.

"My Head, we grow low on food rations, again." Joshua said joining them.

"How much is left?" Jack asked.

"Enough for a time, not much My Head."

"Spot see to it this is taken care of."

"Yes My Head." Spot said heading to see how much food was left. Seeing a shortage, Spot went to Jack and was given permission to gather food with a small group. Mush, Spot, Bumlets, and Angel went out and returned with plenty of food. Reports of strange creatures had been plastered on the news since the war and caused humans to be more paranoid.

"This does not affect the efficiency of the hunt Madame, humans are still prey." Jack told an irritated Renee.

"I am aware of this Head, however the hunts have become sloppy and our endeavors are known more be the people now than ever before." Renee said.

"This is true, what say you of it?"

"That more stealth be taken in going in public for food gathering and in general. That is what I shall instruct of my pack, I leave your clan to you."

"I see your thoughts, caution is called for." Jack mused. Word was spread of what Jack and Renee spoke of and all were warned to be more discrete when mingling with humans in any fashion. As the weeks passed the wolves began construction on the crumbled Black Dragon and Spot settled on a new location where another casino would be built and used for the vampire's haven as the Serpent's Tail had. Not wanting to stray from their roots, the new vampire head quarters was named after the original one. Several months later, a gathering of all races took place to honor Spot as the new Head. Spot and Renee formed a new alliance and signed it letting it be known there would be peace between the two. David pledged that the swift death penalty would end and the gargoyles took the new role of monitoring the feeding of the wolves and vampires upon human flesh. Shortly after things were settled Jack and Angel returned to their home in Ireland where they lived in a home that could be considered a small castle that stood by the shore of the ocean and was on lush green lands that stretched as far as the eye could see. It had many years since the Spot was named Head when Jack, Angel, and their kids traveled back to America for their decade visit. Constance, Renee and Mush's oldest daughter was a hybrid as her mother and the second oldest was a boy who displayed wolf born traits. This was discovered when the pup transformed in broad daylight and Jack and Angel's children played together with the wolf children. Beth was expecting and David was forced to give Blink time away from patrol because Blink was thinking off his wife and future child so much so his work was suffering. Skittery and Izzy were married but were waiting another decade before they would have children since they were called on frequently to aid their leaders. Les and Mitch were given jobs at the casinos to busy the boys allowing there to be more peace in New York. Race rose to second in command of the gargoyles and had taken to Lea, a newly turned vampire and she became Race's promised one. Jack cradled his son Gabriel in his arms as the babe slept and watched Angel and Dellia talk while Renee and Spot pondered business until Mush pulled his wife up and Skittery put on some Celtic music on. Jack handed Gabriel to Bumlets, took Angel's hand, and led her to dance. Soon the entire alliance showed their joy in dance and laughter. Taivin still tested Mush, but it was now how the two bonded. Angel went to get refreshment for herself and Renee joined her. The two ladies looked at the group and were at peace and in awe of how things had come together from when the journey had first begun,

"I wonder." Renee pondered.

"What is that?" Angel smiled.

"Where the road leads next."

"I am certain it shall be a lively one." Angel smiled and the two returned by their husbands' sides. Battle and confrontations rose from enemies and fell under the alliances might and the pact stood strong for what some called eternity.