Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews! Hope you really enjoy the chapter! I've got everything planned out!

Disclaimer: Own nothing recognizable!


potterhead0013: Yay! That has made my day, dear! Enjoy!

pstibbons: Hope you enjoy this chapter more if not I appologize but my other readers love it! Please review and go ahead and criticize if you must. Thanks!

Chapter 10

Concerns, confusions, and conflicts

Hermione slowly woke to a constant shaking that was becoming very irritating. She opened her eyes to find Harry and Luna looking down at her, "Hermione we need to talk," he had one of those 'this is life your death' looks.

Hermione looked back at her sleeping pillow and new exactly what this was about. Sighing she slipped his arms from around her then pulled herself up with Luna's and Harry's help, "why didn't you confront me earlier like when I was snogging him?"

Harry avoided her question as he helped her walk to the little group of her old peers but Luna had no problem with her odd ways, "you seemed very occupied plus with everything going on there was not time," she watched the flames with sparkles in her eyes, "Harry needed to think."

Hermione looked at the girl and smiled her appreciation of her. Luna was the most clear headed girl she knew. She never jumped to judge another and was loyal to the end plus extremely sociable for a Ravenclaw, once you got to know her. Stars seemed to always be in her eyes and nothing could bring her down from the cloud she was on, not even torture. They reached the group and Hermione's thoughts went to her friends. Ron, a weak Ginny, Lavender, Luna, Harry, and Neville watched her closely as she took a seat careful of her leg, "alright I'm here."

No one seemed ready to talk until Harry broke out, "he's murdered so many Hermione, killed! Why him? He's on the opposite side of this war the side we are fighting against," he didn't sit nor look her in the eyes.

None of them looked her in the eyes except for Ginny, Lavender, and Luna who kept quiet and strangely Hermione new that they new what she was going through, "Harry? A war that has been going for years now. We have been fighting all of our life in this and all we are doing is destroying the wizarding world," she looked at her hands, "I know it won't stop and he'll never stop being Lord Voldemort, Harry, but something," she looked up at him, "something about him, Harry."

"Something about him! Hermione he's a killer!" He turned to her and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Then what am I?" She held his gaze, "I have killed for revenge Harry and you have never turned your back on me. I see things from a different point of view, now" she grabbed his hand, "Harry I will never turn against the only people who have always been there for me but I can't help caring for him," she pulled him into a sitting position, "and I'm tired of fighting, Harry. I would never have given him a second glance if he hadn't of put this into action," she watched the emerald green eyes water, "Harry today has been the weirdest day of my life but I'm willing to take a chance. I'm ready to move on and if that means saying good-bye then good-bye," the two friends began to cry, "I love you like a brother Harry! Forgive me, please," shaking they embraced each other.

"If he ever hurts you this war will come to an end that day, Hermione, I promise that to you," he pulled her closer, "I don't understand but it's you and I love you like my sister, Hermione," he held her face in his hands, "I want you to be happy even if it means with that thing over there."

She cried harder, "why do you have to be so dang understanding! It makes it so much harder," she pulled him into another embrace, "thank you so much, Harry! Thank you!"

Neville patted her on the back, "I don't like this nor agree with it either but as long as you don't befriend the Lestranges I think I can handle it," he smiled at her with tears of his own, "and he'll need to worry about me as well if he ever harms you, Hermione."

"Oh, Neville," she jumped off Harry and wrapped her arms around the crying boy, "we would have gotten nowhere with out you," she pulled back and gave him a peck on the cheek, "thank you."

"No problem, Hermione," he blushed, "what are friends for?"

She chuckled then turned to Ron who was blood red, "No I won't except this Hermione. He's a killer and a heartless man," he rose sharply, "I won't be there when he hurts you!" He turned and stormed off to the punch making Hermione break down into even more sobs and the two boys to run after him worried.

Ginny, Luna, and Lavender began there comfort and care of the brilliant Gryffindor. When she stopped crying she looked up at her closest girlfriends who wiped her tears away. Ginny was the first to speak, "Hermione, you have been there for each one of us. Listening and giving advice. We're happy, I have Harry," she smiled warmly.

"I have Seamus," Lavender wiped a tear away.

"And I have Neville," Luna brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"We know that you don't pick the person you are meant to be with," Ginny looked at each girl, "and if that means that Voldemort is yours than," she paused, "Well, I'm saying we're here for you no matter what."

"And if he ever hurts you all three of us will be with Harry and Neville," Lavender smiled broadly, "he won't know what hit him."

All four girls laughed, "Just remember what I've always told you, Hermione, keep an open mind," Luna winked at her.

Hermione smiled at each one then wrapped them all in a huge hug, "I'll never forget! Ever, Luna," they were all crying full out now, "I love all of you! Thank you for being there for me!" They stayed like that for what seemed like centuries.

Voldemort woke to the strange feeling on his shoulder but when he opened his eyes he noticed nothing was there. No Hermione. He shot up and scanned the room to find her in a huddle with six of her friends crying on the Longbottom one while Harry rubbed her back. Anger jumped to the forefront as she pecked his cheek then turned to the Weasley he chew out earlier this day. He leapt up and snapped something before running away to the punch table followed by the other two boys. Hermione fell in a heap crying as the three girls around her comforted and soothed her before doing there own talking. He looked away slightly angry with Hermione but tried to force it out as his Inner Group of Death Eater's approached him and sat down. Lucius was the first to speak, "My Lord, we couldn't help but notice that…well…you see…" He was wringing his hands together.

"You've been snogging a Mudblood!" Bellatrix snarled not realizing that she had crossed the line.

"Is that what you were going to say, Lucius?" No one was expecting the reply and Bellatrix looked triumphant.

"Not like that my Lord but similar," Lucius let it out, "why her my Lord? Potter's mudblood?" Lucius was avoiding raising his Lord's temper but Bellatrix had already succeeded in doing so.

With lightening speed he lashed out and wrapped long fingers around Bellatrix's neck, "because she's smart and interesting, Lucius," he tightened his grip making Bellatix fall to her knees, "mudblood, yes, but all of her other traits make up for it don't you think, Lucius?" It was a rhetorical question that he expected answered so he raised his brow in question, "Narcissa?"

The blonde headed woman looked up, "she's quit unique my lord."

"I agree," Bellatrix was turning blue with the lack of oxygen, "I like her, Lucius, is that a problem with any of you?"

Rodolphus stepped in to defend his wife, "she is mudblood my Lord," he was watching Bellatrix, "a pureblood would be far worthier for you."

He growled at the black hair wizard, "would you have me bored with some witch? No, Rodolphus, Narcissa is right. She is brilliant, strong, defiant, and loyal. Name a pureblood witch that matches that description?" He released Bellatrix and she began to gasp taking in as much air as she could.

"No my Lord, I know none," Rodolphus refused to introduce Bellatrix afraid for her life.

"See. Any more questions?" He glared at each carefully trying to get the point across that he wasn't in the mood for questions.

Bellatrix gasped out, "the war? My Lord," she was holding her throat gently.

"Shall continue. My courting Hermione will not stop the war," he stretched out as their expressions formed pleased smiles knowing that the war would continue, "anything else?"

"No my Lord," Lucius cut Bellatrix off before she could say something stupid but mainly it was to gain good graces back with Voldemort, "our worries were more for the war rather than the girl. It is your will, my Lord," he bowed his head as did the others.

"Goo.." Voldemort was cut off as Hermione sat down beside him but it wasn't he who cut in.

"She's a mudblood! She is trying to trick you, my Lord," Bellatrix lunged at Hermione completely startling her, "Filth!" Her hands were around Hermione's throat as they fell back onto the hard stone.

Hermione grabbed her hands and tried to pry them loose but Bellatrix had gone crazy, "Get…off."

She came up with her knee and caught Bellatrix in the side. She gasped for air then rolled over to get up but was hit across the jaw and she fell back. Having her body trained to fight Hermione swiftly moved out of the way of Bellatrix's kick that was aimed at her ribs and was abled to push off with her hands and feet to drive a fist into Bellatrix's stomach. Bellatrix grabbed her around the waste and ran her backwards until they hit a wall near the weapons. Hermione came across her face with the other fist and pushed her off of her; unfortunately, toward the weapons on the ground. Screaming Bellatrix jumped at Hermione with a war axe making her stumbled back but she kept her balance and swung around and punched Bellatrix again before somersaulting over to the weapons and drawing a sword.

Hermione's ever muscle was in fight mode and Bellatrix charged without even caring what the outcome would be. Muscles twitched and her reflexes reacted as the axe came toward her head and everything slowed. Hermione moved down into a crouch out of the way of the axe blade and on impulse her mind registered every vital point in Bellatrix's body ready to pick the best one and Hermione picked the fastest one. She drove the long blade through Bellatrix's chest then backed away as the raven hair witch screamed out in agony and dropped to the ground. Hermione looked up at the on lookers with the hard stare she had trained herself to use when she made the kill and she remembered:

Calindel stared up into the unmoving hazel eyes that turned from gold to amber in her kill high, "You killed my parents," she was full of rage. With a howl of defeat sent out the life left his eyes and Calindel fell limp on the blade. With the smooth motion of a swordsman she removed the blade then turned to the onlookers. They backed away from her frightened of the hard stare in her eyes. The sound of powerful wings beating the air signaled Weyndell's descent to his dead brother's side. The cry was of hisown mental agony, and she watched uncaring.

With tears rolling down her cheeks Hermione turned back to the still corpse and shook her head. Her knees gave out and she fell but strong arms wrapped around her to stop her from hitting the ground, "Hermione?" The voice was faint but familiar and she liked it, "Hermione?" She cried, Why was he fading away? "Hermione!" Why is he leaving? "Hermione!" Her breath was slowly dragging the life from her, "Hermione, here!" Her face was turned up to see a snake like man with brilliant crimson eyes looking down upon her then a boy with messy black hair and brilliant emerald eyes and a lightning blot scar was looking down. They were both yelling a name, "Hermione!" Hermione? That's my name isn't it?

Both sets of eyes held the same emotion but in different degrees and she was mesmerized by the degree in the crimson eyes. The snake man whispered her name once more and everything rushed back into place. Broken puzzle pieces joined back together and gently laid themselves back into their rightful place. Hermione Jane Granger broke away from the chains that held her in a trance and wrapped her arms around Voldemort's neck not ready to give up on her life.