I don't own Harry Potter.

Gryffindor House had never seen anything like it since James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew entered Hogwarts. It was quiet and no one knew why. Though, no one was complaining about it. The older students were even relishing the silence. Some were afraid that this new found calm was just a launch of a prank that involved the whole House.

For once, their suspicions were baseless.

Nope three of the four Second Years were in their dorm meditating while the fourth was in the library doing more research. The one who was studying was the one who was having the most fun (though it was a proven fact that Remus loved to read more than he loved breathing).

But in the dorm thing were different.

"I'm bored." Those were first words spoken in an hour. That was an all time record because they sometimes even talked in their sleep.

"Shut up, Pudge-pudge. We are supposed to be trying to find our inner animal." James broke his concentration.

Then they heard a loud snore in Sirius corner of the room. James opened his eyes and threw a pillow at him.

"NO! Not fudge." Sirius yelled as he fell out of bed. The other two laughed at him.

"Sirius, try to stay awake. This is important to learn." Sirius thought about throwing the pillow back at James but put it under his head instead.

"It's been two months, guys. We haven't made any progress on becoming Animagi. What if we can't do it? We're twelve..." Peter coughed, "and thirteen in Pete's case. This might be too hard for us now." Sirius for once tried to sound rational.

"We can do this. That book Remus found said that the youngest Animagus ever was ten." James always was the optimist.

"Yeah, but were not Godric Gryffindor," mumbled Peter. He hoped James hadn't heard him.

"I'm his descendant." So such luck. "That must count for something. My whole family on my dad's side has all been Gryffindors..."

"We know James. There's no wonder why Evans doesn't like you. You won't shut up about your heritage."

"Why would I care about what Evans thinks?

"Because you love her." The other two said that at the same time.

"I refuse to dignify that with an answer." James turned his nose at his roommates. "Besides, we're supposed to be meditating. Maybe we would have gotten it by now if Peter didn't complain so much."

"It's not my fault that meditation is so boring."

"How else are we going to help him? Other than become werewolves ourselves, there's no other option. Just think of the reward at the end."

They went back to meditating. That only lasted ten minutes.

"I'm bored," Pete repeated.

Both James and Sirius threw pillows at him.