Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Alive With The Glory Of Love

I'm not sorry for everything. I really, really, really, hate you I'm sorry that I trusted you. I really, really, really, hate you. When I found out about you guys I felt like my fucking heart throat was just torn out. I really don't know what to say. You guys are so fucking special. I wish I was special. Maybe we should be friends. I can't be friends with you. Maybe we should just…coexist. It won't work. I wish you and that fucking slut whore backstabbing two faced everything I'm not everything I wish I was Peyton well. You both deserve joy.I fucking hope you choke.I'm incredibly sincere when I say that there are no hard feelings. I just…when I look at you…I see…lies, betrayal, hurt, nothing bliss. She's not good enough for you. I think that I was we were just kidding ourselves with all this. You knew we both knew that you and fucking bitch I hate you I hate you I hate you Peyton belong together. You're a fucking douche bag good guy, you stupid bastard Luke. I still remember that time you fucked me and told me you loved me the good times. Peyton is not my best friend. Is her happiness more is important than mine? There's something I've been meaning to tell you… You've turned into everything that I hate in this world. You're corny, cheesy, sleazy, ugly, offensive, rude, condescending, arrogant, and ugly (again). I can't believe how fake you are now and I'm so glad we broke up because you've turned into a fucking…you've turned into this horrible, person. You both are horrible people. You walk around acting like your relationship is so perfect and that you're the only two people who exist and you act like you never knew me. Well you really never did. My problems don't matter. You were supposed to fucking save me. You were supposed to be my fucking savior. You act like I meant nothing. You're right about that.

Fuck I need you.

Okay, so if you didn't get it...yeah, the bolded words are the letter itself. The italics are what she means and doesn't say.