Epilogue- Endings are often just new beginnings

"Oooph! Man I feel fat right now." Hermione lowered herself carefully onto the couch. Her large belly protruded in front of her, making mobility difficult.

"Tell me about it." Ginny lowered herself next to Hermione.

"There is just something about Weasley's and twins, isn't there?" Hermione sighed as she propped her feet up on the ottoman in front of her. Ginny groaned as she did the same.

"I'm not even a Weasley anymore and it didn't escape me. Maybe it's something in the water." Hermione chuckled.

It was a joy to everyone when both Hermione and Ginny found out they were pregnant at the same time. It was a shock two months later to find out that both were having twins. Both George and Harry were ecstatic. The women were happy, but now that they were both well into their eighth month of pregnancy, they just wanted to be over with it.

Both had been staying at the Burrow just incase they went into labor. With the two men working all the time, they found comfort in being at the Burrow where they always had someone around. Not to mention they had each other's company. Molly came in with James following her slowly. He was close to being two now and he followed everyone around. He walked over to the couch and eyed his mother's and aunt's stomachs.

"Babies!" He grinned and poked at his mother's stomach.

"That's right James. Babies!" she paused. "Babies coming right now. MUM!" Molly ran over quickly and helped Ginny up. Her maternity sweatpants were wet.

"Oh looks like it's time to go to Mungo's. Hermione, I'll call for Mia and let her know that I am going to be taking Ginny and to watch over you in case you need anything.." Hermione shook her head weakly.

"There's no need. I need to go to Mungo's too. I think my water just broke." Molly looked horrified. Two pregnant women, both ready to give birth. Mia was in the kitchen making lunch when she peeked her head in.

"Something the matter Molly?" Then she noticed the pale faces and Ginny's wet spot. "Oh."

Twenty hectic minutes later they were all in the lobby of Mungo's. Another twenty and they were both laying in beds in the maternity ward. In the same room, which Molly was highly amused about. Both husbands came rushing in. Hermione's face was red, as her contractions started to get more intense.

"Finally here are you? Asshole, took you long enough." George approached his wife apprehensively. His father warned that she might turn mean once the labor began.

"Sorry love, I got the call and then I had to look for Harry-"

"I don't care get over here now!! How could you do this to me?" George looked bewildered.

"Do what? I didn't do anything!" Hermione clutched his hand and pulled him down towards her face.

"You are the one that got me pregnant!" George bit his lip, wanting nothing more than to point out to her that it took both of them for that to happen. She suddenly yelled again and clutched his hand tighter. The healer lifted the sheet draped over Hermione's leg. She suddenly called out.

"We have a crown showing!" Thirty long minutes later Hermione and George were holding their children. Hermione looked down at the baby in a pink bundle in her arms and softly kissed the dark brown hair dusting the top of her head. She looked back up at George who was holding their son she could see a small tuft of red hair sticking up. It was already clear that the little girl was going to look like Hermione and the boy like George. A healer came over holding a clipboard.

"We need to finish the birth certificates. Do you have names picked out yet?" Hermione smiled softly.

"I think we do. This little girl's name is Tawny Elizabeth Weasley. And that little one is Jedrek Brian Weasley."

Ginny looked over from her bed where she was holding both of her children in her arms while Harry went to tell the rest of the family that they could come in. She called over.

"Just a warning that you might want to hug your children now, the rest of the Weasleys are about to descend upon you and once that happens you are not going to get to hold them for about an hour."

George chuckled. "But we have four to pass around instead of just one. I think that we will get them back in less than hour." Ginny just smirked.

"We'll see about that." As she said that Harry walked in with Ron, the rest of the family was still coming down the hall. Ron came over to Hermione's bed first. George offered him Jedrek, but he looked scared and tried to refuse.

"What if I break him?" Hermione just chuckled.

"He's a Weasley, I doubt you can." Ron took him apprehensively but a smile crept across his face as his nephew moved softly in his sleep. Molly came in and immediately relieved Hermione of Tawny. She started to coo over her granddaughter. George sat down on the bed next to Hermione. He put his arm around her shoulder as the rest of the family poured into the room.

He looked down at her and kissed the top of her head. "I love you."

She looked back up at him and kissed him. "I love you too." They both sat back and watched as their babies were passed among the busy room. They sat in quiet comfort until Draco walked in. He carried two large presents, one wrapped in pink and the other in blue. George stiffened momentarily but immediately relaxed. Hermione sat up straighter.

"Draco. What are you doing here?" He set the presents down on a table and came over to the bed.

"I heard the news. Congratulations to the two of you." Hermione eyed him. He looked much happier than he was a year ago. Molly came over with Tawny. She handed her to Hermione and went off to take another one of her grandchildren. Hermione wordlessly put Tawny into Draco's arm. He stared down at the small bundle and then glanced back up at Hermione.

"Maybe you can have one of those for yourself Draco." He looked back up at Hermione and smirked.

"I'm not sure if the world is ready for another Malfoy." George laughed.

"Maybe not, but I don't think it's ready for more Weasley's either, but it's just going to have to deal with it."

Draco looked down at the sleeping baby. "I can already tell, she is going to be just like her mother."

Hermione smiled smugly, "I hope so for her sake, because I can already tell that her brother is going to be like George."

Draco groaned. "Great, hopefully I'll be done teaching at Hogwarts when it's time for them to come." He was referring to the fact that he had just accepted the Potions position at Hogwarts.

"Oh that's so far from now, I wouldn't even worry about it."

Eleven Years later:

"Stop it Jedrek! Get that away from me!" Tawny squealed loudly and ran from her brother who was holding a frog up. Their cousin Sirius Potter snickered and gave him a high five. Lily Potter came over and slapped both of them upside their heads.

"You guys are jerks, you know that Tawny hates frogs. Stop being mean or I'm going to tell Mum and Aunt Hermione." Both of them stopped laughing immediately. Jedrek handed the frog back to Sirius who tucked into a pocket of his sweater. A moment later the rest of their family came over.

It was the two pairs of twins first year at Hogwarts, it was the first time they would be riding the Hogwarts Express. James was already going into his third year at Hogwarts. He had followed after his parents and was not only in Gryffindor but also a vital part of the house Quidditch team. Jackie was a fifth year and a prefect of Ravenclaw. Her little brother Henri was a second year in Gryffindor. It was hard to believe how much time had flown by.

Harry and Ginny stopped having children after having another set of twins. They figured that five children were enough. Hermione and George were another story.

Two years after the twins were born, Alaynna Marie came along, then a year later was Brenden Charles, and when they decided two years later they only wanted one more, Vivian Christine, Helena JoAnne, and Charles Alexander came along. Seven children and they found themselves with their own personal Quidditch children. Life couldn't be any better for Hermione or George.

Now it was time to put their oldest children on a train. Hermione hugged her daughter tightly and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She just patted her son on the back since he was in the stage where he didn't like to be coddled by his mother. She had to hold back tears when she saw them waving to her from the departing train several minutes later.

She leaned back into George who held her.

"I can't believe that they are leaving for Hogwarts, it seems just like yesterday I was on that train with Harry and Ron." George kissed her head.

"It's been almost fifteen years since you've left Hogwarts you old woman." She turned around and smacked his arm. He grinned and kissed her quickly. "I love you Hermione Weasley."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I love you too George Weasley."

The End

A/N: That's a wrap!!! I'm done! Look for my next story: I'm Yours. Starring Hermione and…………..Charlie! Thanks for all of you who have read this story and please, please R&R one last time!!!!!!!!