What if The call from the prosecutor from Bozeman came not this day not this special day when Danny had finally made his move on Lindsay, What if they hadn't catch the guy ?
Rating : T
A/N: Spoilers for some Season 3
Hope you will love it , Short Chapters just to take a break from the long one that I wrote for my other fan fiction,
A/N2: the Chapters will get longer and longer if you review because Review always help my Muse !! so review please thanks to Kathy and snowbear96 for the beta
Congrats to Anna Belknap , Eric Siegel for their little baby Girl
Lindsay went through the door, tightly holding her baby girl: Kate Monroe- Messer, Danny just closed the door, behind them, and watched the mother of his baby in awe, Lindsay couldn't keep her eyes off her baby, she had brought her to life after long hours of labour.
Lindsay sat on the couch still watching her baby, rubbing Kate's back.
Danny sat next to her, and eased Lindsay back against his chest and watched her, tears were running down her cheeks.
"Hey, Lindsay, what's wrong?" he asked kissing her hair.
"I'm just so happy, look at us, I shouldn't have doubted having a baby, but now I'm so happy."
"So am I , Lindsay Monroe you really changed my life when you agreed to go out with me that day after we finished up that robbery's case. Exactly 2 years, and a month ago". Danny kissed her forehead, "We should go to bed, you're tired, come on." He said getting up off the couch and taking Kate in his arm, being careful "she is so beautiful and tiny, we did that " he said his voice shaking, the emotions getting to him."
"Danny can we take Kate with us, Can we put the cradle in our bedroom?"
"Sure, sweetheart, take her, I'll get her cradle."
Lindsay took her baby in her arms and kissed Danny , then she went to the bedroom and climbed on the bed, she lay on it with Kate on her chest she couldn't separate herself of from Kate she needed to have her against her skin, she needed to see her little hand and her little face move while she was sleeping.