Little Angelina Warner

Chapter one:

Special delivery

It was a normal morning at warner brothers studio. Dr. Scratchinsniff was doing some paperwork while having his morning coffee. Hello nurse was busy typing away at her computer. And Mr. Plotz, was checking his desk to make sure that the Warners weren't hiding inside.

He carefully checked each drawer one by one. And when he had finally reached the last one, out popped a life sized inflatable Yakko doll!

Plotz let out a startled yelp and fell over backwards in his chair. He then clamored back to his feet and strangled the Yakko doll till it popped.

Now while all that was going on, something strange was happening over by the entrance to the studio.

Unbeknownst to Ralph the guard, who had recently lost a fight with the sand man thanks to missing his morning coffee. A loopy looking stork carrying a tiny bundle with it's beak had just landed in front of his guard station. It clumsily stumbled it's way past the gate, then stopped and looked up at the water tower.

"This must be the spot!" The stork said in a dizzy tone. The bird was clearly stinking drunk.

"Sure is a good thing they labeled this one. Left in such a hurry I forgot to ask for the address." The stork said. He then paused and checked his watch.

"Look at the time!" The stork said. "They're probably wondering why I'm not back yet! Better hurry up and make this delivery right away!"

With that, he flew to the top of the water tower and slammed into the door, the sound waking the youngest Warner sibling. She climbed out of bed and went to investigate.

Being careful not to wake her brothers, Dot sleepily descended the stairs and walked to the tower door in her pink nightgown and hair curlers.

Once there, she grabbed a jacket off the coat rack next to the door and put it on. Then she opened the door and found the stork laying there unconscious. She nudged him a bit with her foot to see if he was still alive. Then he suddenly sprang back to life, causing her to instinctively jump back and shut the door. A few seconds later, she heard a knock.

"Pardon me miss." The stork said through the door. "Didn't mean ta give ya such a fright there. Just making a delivery." He said. Dot slowly reopened the door a bit.

"What is it?" Dot asked cautiously.

"Why it's a girl of course!" The stork said.

"A girl? You mean there's a baby wrapped up in there?! Are you nuts?! She could smother like that! Give her here!" Dot said, extending her hands demandingly.

"Ok, here's your baby ma'am. Have a nice day." The stork said as he handed Dot the baby. Then he tipped his hat and flew away.

"Creepy little bird." Dot muttered to herself. Then she turned and shut the door.

Dot walked into the kitchen and gently sat the baby on the table. Then freed the infant's head from the blanket she was wrapped in, and suddenly found herself face to face with the cutest little Warner baby she had ever seen. And, incidentally, the first.

"Am I dreaming here?" Dot asked, pinching her cheek to make sure she was truly awake.

She stood there blinking for a moment after that. Then unwrapped the rest of the baby's blanket to further study the young Warner's features.

Aside from a lack of gloves and her toon rabbit style feet, the baby had all the classic Warner traits. But what really caught Dot's eye was the WB shield symbol on the back of the baby's right hand. She looked at her own hand for a moment, then slipped off her glove, revealing an identical mark. A mark that she and her brothers had all shared since the day they were born.

"What's going on here?" Dot asked, looking back to the baby in a deep state of confusion. Then she was suddenly startled out of her temporary daze by the sound of one of her brothers falling out of bed. A dire realization regarding the baby instantly struck her at that moment. She was the only existing female Warner aside from the child in front of her, and there was really only one thing that someone entering the room at that time would most likely think.

"Oh no, they'll be down here any minute now!" Dot squeaked. "Do you realize what kind of situation this looks like!" She whispered to the baby. Then she franticly scanned the kitchen for a place to hide her. Each potential hiding place seemed more inhumane than the last unfortunatly, and there was really nowhere else to go that didn't require crossing paths with her brothers, who she could already hear moving around up stairs.

Seemingly out of options, Dot was starting to panic. Then an idea suddenly hit her. She tucked the baby into her jacket and zipped it up, seconds before the door opened.

Yakko and Wakko entered the kitchen wearing groggy expressions. Without a word, Wakko walked to the refrigerator and curled up on the floor near it's coils before dozing off again. Yakko, who was a bit more awake, couldn't help but notice his sister's sudden weight gain.

"Ok Dot, what's in the jacket?" He asked.

" chicken." She fibbed. Yakko eyed her wearing a skeptical and somewhat bewildered expression.

"Wow." Yakko said. "If that's the cover story, I don't even wanna know what's really going on." He said. Then he turned and opened the refrigerator.

At that, Dot decided to make a break for it. But just before she reached the door, the baby started cooing.

"Did I just hear a baby?" Yakko asked, looking up from the refrigerator.

" That was...uh, that was a... That was me! Yeah! See, I was just trying to think of new ways to be cute! And I decided that if I made baby sounds, I might be able to achieve a whole new level of cuteness!" Dot said. Yakko gave her a look that said, 'I'm not buying it.' Then she let out a sigh of defeat.

"Fine, I'll tell you everything. But you're not gonna believe it." Dot said. "Ya see, about ten minutes ago, I heard something crash into the tower. So I went to go see what it was. And when I opened the door, a stork handed me this baby and said, 'here's your baby ma'am, have a nice day.' Then he just flew away." She said.

"Oh… is that all?" Yakko asked. "Why didn't you just tell me that in the first place?" He asked.

"Well, I was afraid you wouldn't believe me and think she was mine." Dot said.

"Why would I think something like that?" Yakko asked. "I mean you're too young, and far too thin to have just had a baby. And besides, if you were really gonna have a baby, I think I would've noticed something funny was going on over the past nine months." He said as he took some bread out of the cabinet.

"I guess so." Dot agreed.

"Oh, and by the way. You'd better get that kid outta there before the title of this story changes to Warners sing the prison blues." Yakko said as he reopened the refrigerator and stuck his head in.

Dot started to take the baby out of her jacket, just as Wakko happened to be waking up again. And you can pretty much guess what his interpretation of events was.

"Faboo! I'm an uncle!" Wakko said enthusiastically as he hopped to his feet and ran over to see the baby.

Yakko raised up from the fridge, and was about to correct his brother. But then he saw the tiny infant in his sister's arms for the first time. His eyes filled with shock, the jar of Mayo he was holding fell from his hand and shattered.

"That...that's a Warner baby." He choked out before sinking to the floor. "How could I have let something like this slip past me for nine whole months? Why didn't you tell me about this Dot? Didn't you trust me to understand?" He asked in an anguished tone.

"What?! But it's not like that Yakko! I don't know anymore about this baby than you do! You gotta believe me!" Dot said. After a few painful moments, Yakko replied.

"So a stork brought her, huh?" Yakko said. "Well, I guess that if Wakko can pop off his head and juggle it, then a stork can bring a baby."

"So you believe me then?" Dot asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I only said that other stuff cause it was in the script." Yakko said. "Though that does leave me wondering where that baby came from. It's not like we have any aunts, uncles, or cousins to speak of. After all, we're the only Warners there are." Yakko said.′

"Maybe she just looks like a Warner." Wakko suggested.

"You just might have something there Wakko." Yakko said. "There are a few toons out there who look vaguely similar to us. She could be one of their kids. Maybe she just happens to be a lot better looking than her parents are."

"Or maybe, Mr. Borax decided to make us a fourth sibling or something." Dot said.

"Nope, he doesn't exist in this story." Yakko said.

"He doesn't exist? But that doesn't make any sense! How did we get here if that's the case! We don't have any parents!" Dot exclaimed.

"Hay, don't ask me. I'm not the one writing this thing. You can always take it up with the author if you don't like it. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to you." Yakko said, though he clearly didn't mean it.

"Uh... like I was just saying, that makes perfect sense!" Dot said with a false smile. "But even if Mr. Borax isn't responsible for her, I still think she's a warner." She added.

"And why is that?" Yakko asked.

"Just look at the mark on the back of her hand, she has to be a Warner!" Dot said as she showed Yakko the baby's hand.

"That is pretty strong evidence. But if she really is a Warner, then who are her parents?" Yakko asked rhetorically.

"Well, I don't know. But I do know how we can find out." Dot said. "The studio recently had a new state of the art genetics lab put in for the sake of this story. And there's this machine that's supposed to be able to find anyone's relatives by comparing they're DNA to genetic profiles stored in a government database." She said.

"Right… we could do that." Yakko said.

(A.N) Isn't it great how the tower's layout can change to suit a writer's needs if necessary? My design includes a closed off kitchen. A living room, a laundry room. Two bedrooms upstairs. One for Yakko and Wakko, one for Dot. A bathroom of course. And just above all that, an attic.

On a separate note, this story was inspired by Village Of The Tooned, a fanfic from another site, written by Troy Klinger. An excellent author.

Disclaimer-I don't own Animaniacs. I don't pretend to own Animaniacs. And I'm not making any money off this story.