Part 6

Mamoru could see how shocked Setsuna was the moment she answeredher apartment door; and he wondered if he had the same expression on his face when she unexpectedly dropped by.

"Hi, I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"Hello…No…How did you get my address?" Mamoru followed Setsuna through the foyer and into a simple but completely furnished living room. Her place was certainly more commodious than his.

"It's my friend….He sort of followed you on your way home."

"Ah." There was a smile on Setsuna's face as she gestured forhim to sit down. "Heath, isn't it? He doesn't have a thing for me now, does he?"

"Well you can be exotic-looking."

Setsuna laughed and asked for the formality of serving him tea.

"He's not that kind of person, you know that." Mamoru said as she set tea and sweets on the coffee table. "It took less than a month for us to become friends. But you – I'm no so sure...How many years has it been since we first met?"

Setsuna regarded him coolly from the divan across him. "What are you uncertain of exactly?"

"You're Usagi's friend so I didn't expect you to be the type to play games."

Mamoru wouldn't know from her placid demeanor but the remark irked her. "Did you ask why he left his home? Mamoru-san I did him favor. He has always suspected that he was making his brother sick."

"Setsuna-san what is going on? What are you not telling me?"

"Before I answer that it is pertinent that I know where you stand. Between the people of Earth and Usagi, whom would you choose to protect?"

"Both." Mamoru answered with much conviction.

"This time you can't have both ways, Prince Endymion."

"I wasn't aware that I even have to choose." Mamoru said edgily to which Setsuna snapped, "Well now you know!"

sorry if it takes me so long for an update. I've got work now so I don't have much time in my hands. And when I write I need time, a LOT. - I'm open to suggestions and criticisms. Please review...I know this is one short entry. Gome.