A/N: Something I wrote in math class about a power cut in the castle, everyone is a bit out of character but its fun, please R&R!!!!!!!!!!!! Xx Tessa xX

One moment Columbia was running down the landed to Riff, Magenta and Frank and the next moment the lights went out. She collided with them and they all fell to the floor. There was a moments silence before Riff uttered,

"Whose foot is this?"

"MINE" said Columbia pulling her foot away and kicking Riff in the process.

"OWW, that hurt" said Riff

"Well you shouldn't have been near my foot in the first place!" replied Columbia, now very annoyed.

"Ladies, please" hissed Magenta, Riff gave Magenta a glare she wouldn't be able to see.

"Riff, is this your head?" asked Frank.

"Um, dunno, tap it" replied Riff. Frank tapped and Magenta jumped so suddenly Columbia screamed.

"Who touched my arse?" said Magenta quickly.

"Me" said Frank "Sorry"

"You thought my sister's bum was my head?" said Riff "My head isn't that big"

"You bastard" seethed Magenta through the darkness.

"Aren't power cuts so exciting" squeaked Columbia.

"Oh, terribly exciting" said Frank sarcastically.

"Oh my darling sister, my arm has gone numb" moaned Riff.

"Oh no, Riff, what have you done to it?"

"Your sitting on it!!!!!"

"Opps, sorry!" said Magenta and she moved.

A/N: I MIGHT carry on IF I get reviews if I DON'T get reviews I eat ALL the cookies!!!!!!!!!(and simon MIGHT get one).