Okinata: Well, it's my first fanfiction published here, or at any other international site... I don't think its' perfect, but still, I quite enjoyed it myself!

Ren: anxious Um... Okinata, what actually is it going to be about?

Okinata: Well, I think you have already guessed it'll be connected with you (otherwise, you wouldn't tremble in horror as you are now!). It's quite obvious, isn't it?

Ren: a deep, mournful sigh Well, that's exactly what I was afraid of...

Okinata: Okay, so if everything is set, then let's begin! First Ren and Nichrome fanfiction on this site!

Horohoro: KAMBAI!!! cheerfully, but still giving Okinata a hatred-filled look

Everyone: KAMBAI!!! Omedeto gozaimasu!

Ichi. One night of thoughts, words, and silence...

Ren shifted uncomfortably in his bed a few times. But it still was no good, so he kept fidging all over the cool, white sheets under him until his body finally started calming down, resting on his back.

He was completely awake, and he knew the exact reason of it.

He has been watched.

But despite that, he decided to lay down a bit longer. After all, if someone wanted to kill him, he would have done it by now. And so, Re let his thoughts wander. He was thinking about the dream - or rather nightmare - he had.


Almost ten days have passed since their (meaning Ren, Horohoro and Chocorotto's) fight with the Team Diredo, and the Chinese's first talk with Nichrome. This relation haunted him ever since then.

For a really long time he was obsessed with the remembrance of himself killing a Priest named Chrome during the Shaman Tournament's eliminations, visions of his sinful act tormenting him even in his dreams, making sleep unpleasant and distressing.

But recently it has changed. Now it was Chrome's younger brother, Nichrome, who kept sneaking into his thoughts, into his nightmares. And that made him even more anxious about then before.

That shaman family was annoying without a doubt.

Ren opened his eyes slowly, his glare shifting immediately from the room's ceiling to the window. The shine of Sanctuary filled it with it's light, making the lingering in it silhouette perfectly visible.

It was a boy with tousled, brown hair, tied into a weird, long plait. He wore the Priest's robe, obviously being one of them since he did so. His lips were curved into a small, soft smile, but his grey eyes were filled with an odd, cold expression, making it hard to define his actual feelings.

"Nichrome... What the Hell are doing here?" Ren asked, although he didn't actually seem interested at all. He didn't even care enough to get up from bed, sill lying comfortably under warm covers.

"Oh, nothing really. Just watching over you." The brunette answered with his never-fading smirk.

And this reply was what finally made the Chinese sit in his bed. "W- what? What for?" he managed to split out.

"So that you wouldn't make any mistakes, Ren. I won't let you become a sinner anymore." A shadow of a long hidden pain flint through Nichrome's face, his smile vanishing and eyes giving a sparkle of fury and hatred. It lingered there for the briefest moment before he regained his usual facial expression, but hasn't been unnoticed by the other boy.

"A sinner...?" Ren stare bluntly at the young Priest with his golden orbs wide open.

The brunette turned around in the window. "Do not forget, Tao Ren. I'm watching over you. Always." With those words said, he jumped outside.

The Chinese glared at the place Nichrome was crouching in just a second ago. He heard a hollow sound and knew, that he landed safely on one of the lower roofs of the Patch Village. He stayed like this for a long moment, until he tilted his head, letting his eyelids fall half-close. A soft whisper escaped his lips.

"A sinner..."

Okinata: Well, that was the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it was so short, tough... I'll try to put the next one as soon as I write it, and I'll write it as soon as I'll be able to, so... no precise term. o,-

Ren: Hey! Okinata! What is this fanfiction going to be about after all? Because I still don't get it!

Okinata: with a mischievous grin, chuckling evilly You'll see, Ren. You'll see...