So I've been doing some thinking and going through some old files on my laptop, and I've realized that it was kind of unfair to leave everyone hanging on this story while I moved on to original fiction. So I figured it would probably be a good idea to leave you guys with a recap of the first few chapters and an outline of how the story was going to end. It might be a little confusing, but since I haven't touched this story in something like three years, I'm a little fuzzy on certain details. And who knows, I may actually come back and finish this one day; the writing wasn't as bad as I thought, and shows some promise as a good fanfiction piece.

Aside from this, I'm still writing, but most of it is original lesbian fiction in the genres of fantasy, suspense, and romance. If you're interested, the fairytale-themed stuff can be found here published under this pen name, and the rest of the fiction can be found on Fictionpress under Jessica Pryce.

It was great getting back to this, and thank you for even looking at this chapter.

The Plot:

Chapter One: Shored/Jaron/Tenri is sent to check out the "abandoned" city.

Chapter Two: The original inhabitants of the city come back. They left because of a plague. Jaron finds out that this city is part of a larger country far, far to the West. It extended from a ways beyond the Pelagirs nearly a thousand leagues to the Western Ocean.

Chapter Three: They meet the leaders of the democracy which is the country of Shonben.

Chapter Four: They have to figure out what's the deal with the new country and where they came from, and whether they're dangerous or not.
The main city is centered around Urtho's first Tower. One of the Mages, the Mage of Stone, had met up with them, and while he was more cowardly than Urtho, he had once worked with Urtho and liked him, so he helped to shelter and reunited Urtho's army, which eventually hunted down the remainder of Ma'ar's forces and eventually returned to the large settlement based around Urtho's Tower, and then did build so that the settlement became a city. Then they stayed like that, trading with the country farthest to the West of all, on the Western Ocean called Shonben, who were actively secular, and didn't believe in a god.
It eventually caught on with the Graveldi, and they stopped believing as well. Some of the younger generations of the Graveldi in the cities call themselves and the other people in the country the 'Eldi for short.
The country that they are in is Graveld, and it is a wide strip of land along Shonben's Eastern Border. The rest of the land between Graveld and the Eastern countries is uninhabited.
The main city is called Graveld City.

Chapter Five: Then Shored has to worry about them and then he thinks about Stefen, Tylendel, and Vanyel, and convinces himself that he, Jaron, and Tenri are the reincarnated versions of them. He immediately assigns himself as Vanyel, since Vanyel was undoubtedly the most famous of the three, then Tenri is Stefen, and Jaron is Tylendel. He meets Larel, who shows him around, and slowly, he starts to like her. "He wasn't just following her around to learn about the culture. He wanted to learn more about her." Larel is also a dancer and has an upcoming performance called "Silk Road." It involves many scarves, which cover her and she dances with more of them.
Jaron wonders what it would be like to remove those scarves. "And as he watched her whirl and tumble almost desperately across the stage, trailing fluttering scarves behind her, he wondered what it would be like to remove them one by one."

Chapter Six: Shored is having delusions about being Vanyel, and is trying desperately to do some cool stuff involving memories. He's getting nothing and is still gaining a false sense of self-importance. He refuses to call Jaron by his name, and instead calls him Tylendel. He's figured out that Stefen was Tylendel reincarnated, since Gaelan let something slip. He's calling Tenri Stefen, and Tenri is growing increasingly moody.
While Tenri broods and Shored is confused, Jaron falls in love with Larel.

Chapter Seven: Tenri melds back into Shored and Jaron, so now it's just Shored and Jaron in the body, and they both can Fetch now. They have to deal with losing a "brother" and gaining a part of themselves. Gaelan is in severe mourning, almost like dealing with losing his Herald.

Chapter Eight: More mysteries, more figuring out the history of the city, more focusing on Larel and Jaron.

Chapter Nine: Later, Jaron finds out that he is really Stefen-Tylendel reincarnated, and that Larel is Vanyel. Jaron connects with her more than Shored does, and the whole Stefen/Tylendel thing is just the memories and stuff. There's no real Tenri-is-Stefen-and-Jaron-is-Tylendel thing, though Jaron does have more of Tylendel's memories.

Chapter Ten: In the end, Jaron finds out that he really is Tylendel-Stefan reincarnated (soulwise), and gets together with Larel. Shored makes the decision to merge with Jaron, giving all of Tylendel's memories that he has. Story ends on a bittersweet note, since Vanyel and Stefen-Tylendel are back, and Tenri and Shored are gone, but Jaron is now (finally) a whole person, and he becomes the diplomat to Graveld. Meanwhile, Gaelan is in mourning, possibly leaving an opening for a third book.