Wow, I completely forgot about this fic for like.. ever. Then I saw the first two chapters in my documents, and I was in an updating mood, so I decided to finish it. Enjoy!

Distant Voice: XD, I have to say, I personally don't, but I don't like het pairings either, which could be the reason. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, though. I know, the plot is going a bit fast, and it's going to move way fast in this next chapter, but like I said, I'm not a fan of the pairing and I only did it because a friend of mine requested it. There will be a romantic moment, and nothing will go way overboard, I don't think they even kiss, but.. well, you'll see what I mean. Thanks for reviewing!

RoseOfSharon28: I never thought of it either until someone asked me to write it.. XD, thanks for reviewing!

DarogaDaae: Nya! Sorry for taking so long with this! My poor puppy's been mistreated x-x, I'm a bad master. Thanks for reviewing!

Lady Nefrodiel: XDD, I enjoyed writing that part, it was very much fun. O.o.. I think the site cut off your review, because that's all I got x-x.. but thanks for reviewing!

L'Arc: XX I'm not going to have them rape her, that would totally throw the fic off... but I won't do a lemon, either, because that would also throw it off. And if you hate the pairing, don't read it? Thanks for reviewing, though.

"That was great, Kousuke," Hiyono admitted, walking hand in hand with her date down the street leading from the concert hall. They had stayed after to talk with Eyes, so the streets were long empty by now and the couple were the only ones left to pass under the street lights.

"See?" the redhead boasted, grinning to show just how confident he was, "Told you I'd show you a good time."

"You sure showed me," the blonde snickered, amazed at how Kousuke was like Ayumu's contrast. While the brunette she adored had such low self-esteem, the redhead that was beginning to grow on her was his opposite in every way. He was loud, cocky, a little stupid in the common sense area. The two couldn't be more different than night and day.

"So..." Kousuke hooked his arm around Hiyono's shoulders as they continued toward, to Hiyono, an unknown destination, "What do you think? I'm not so bad, right?"

"Hm..." She put her finger to her chin in thought and looked up at the night sky, "I suppose not."

Emerald eyes blinked-- he hadn't actually expected to give a good response, "So, then how about we make this a... long term thing?"

Hiyono tilted her head, "Are you asking to be my boyfriend?"

A tinge of scarlet spread across the redhead's face, "Well... yeah."

The brown-eyed girl laughed slightly, a sweet, enchanting sound, "Let's see how the rest of the night goes."

It was better than he had been hoping for. The two walked in silence for a while, the warm summer air blowing through their hair gently and the stars twinkling in the night sky above. "Guess I'm a sucker for romantic things, after all."

Hiyono glanced to her side at the boy, who was oblivious to her silent attention, "I never thought a Blade Child could be like this," she confessed to herself, "It's... more calm and relaxed than I thought it could be." Hiyono knew Kousuke had to be a killer, and she thought the entire time she'd be tense. Actually, though, Kousuke served to do the exact opposite, and Hiyono felt just like she did with Ayumu. Butterflies flitted through her stomach and her heart thumped a little harder every time their hands brushed or his grip on her shoulder tightened just slightly. There was one other thing, though, that Kousuke did that not even Ayumu could (or at the very least would). Kousuke made her feel beautiful-- special.

Hiyono had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice that they had stopped walking. "Look," he murmured, stirring her from her thoughts. Hazel eyes blinked as she looked to where he motioned and gasped lightly.

"Kousuke..." Before her was their fair city of Osaka. Kousuke had led her to a cliff overlooking the city and below them was laid out like an ocean of lights. The twinkling lights below weren't the most amazing sight, however. It was the sea of stars above.

"This is the only place I've ever seen where the stars shine as brightly as the city lights," he informed her, softly, coming up behind her and hooking his arms around her slim waist.

"It's...beautiful." Just as he had said, the stars above twinkled with all the glory of a cloudless night while the city below hummed with the glow of nightlife. Usually, the glaring street lamps and neon signs washed out the sky and the stars were hardly definable, but here... here it felt as if she were standing on the brink of two worlds, able to see and reach both just as easily.

Kousuke, in a moment of bravery, leaned forward and placed a kiss on her rosy cheek. She blinked and turned her hazel eyes to him as a faint blush covered her face. "'s the rest of the night going so far?" he wondered, tilting his head with a self-assured look in his eyes.

Hiyono smirked faintly, "Always so nosy," she commented, turning away from the breathtaking sight to wrap her arms around his neck, "Well, it's not over yet, is it?"

The redhead chuckled and shook his head, tightening his hold on her waist slightly, "Not quite yet," he agreed.

Sighing contently, Hiyono laid her head on the available shoulder and closed her eyes as a kiss was placed on her temple, "I don't think...that I could ever feel like this with Ayumu." While it was true she was quite taken with the brunette, he just wasn't the romantic type while Hiyono was very much the kind that wished to be given gifts and taken out to fancy restaurants.

"I wonder what she's thinking about... it better not be that Little Narumi," he thought, looking back over the city. Regardless, even if she was thinking about Ayumu, she was with him.


"It's weird... I haven't heard from Hiyono since yesterday," Ayumu thought, looking out his bedroom window.

"You look like a girl who just got dumped," a voice remarked, full of sarcasm and humor.

The messy-haired boy sent a shocked look to the man in his doorway, "Kiyo...taka?"

"It's all one word, but yes, that's the gist of it," said brother commented, chuckling.

The brunette pouted, standing up and walking over to his sibling, "I haven't seen you for over two years and you're just as mean as ever." He sighed as his hair was ruffled and let a small smile slip over his lips. For the moment, Hiyono was forgotten about. "You have a lot of explaining to do,"

"And so do you." When he was given a confused look, Kiyotaka rolled his eyes, "Why are you looking like you just got your heart broken?"

In his own weird way, Ayumu thought that perhaps his brother came back differently. He seemed more concerned than before, more easy to get close to, more like a brother. On the other hand, he did just bring up the thoughts Ayumu was trying to suppress.

"I'm not looking like I just got my heart broken, I'm thinking."

"Girls think when they get their heart broken," Kiyotaka retorted, his expression almost a grin instead of a smirk. He was certainly a bit more... playful.

"I'm not in love, so I can't have my heart broken, right?" Ayumu shook his head, "I was just thinking about Hiyono."

"So it is a girl."

Chocolate eyes rolled, "Yes, she's a girl. My friend, and a girl."

"So a girlfriend? That dumped you?" Well, didn't he just have a fun way of twisting words around.

Ayumu groaned and buried his face in his hands, "No," he said firmly, out of frustration (he'd forgotten how hard it was to talk to this man), "Just a friend."

"A love interest?" He also seemed to have a knack for being right.

"...maybe," he sighed.

"And she's... not interested?"

The brunette moved his shoulders in an attempt at a shrug, "She's out on a date with..." Ayumu hesitated-- was it safe to tell him that?

Kiyotaka raised an eyebrow, "With...?"

"Uh... just a boy." He'd never get away with it.

"Uh huh." If the elder sibling could have ever sounded more unconvinced, Ayumu had never heard it.

"Alright," he sighed, "With a Blade Child."

"You realize how dangerous that is," the golden-eyed boy warned. Indeed, his eyes were quite golden, almost an olive color, but the glimmer was too light for green; perhaps a gold-green?

"I know," Ayumu confessed, glad that he wasn't getting chewed out for it. Then again, what had he expected from Kiyotaka? He'd never heard his brother yell at anyone and when he was angry, he only got that scary silent, certainly not an enraged anger. Perhaps he'd been around Madoka too long and just expect everyone to blow up at the slightest thing.

"But you won't do anything about it." It wasn't a question, but a statement.

The messy-haired boy sighed again-- his brother knew him too well. "No," he shook his head, "I trust that Hiyono can..." Can what? Take care of herself? Ayumu wasn't sure she could.

"That she can..what?" His brother just had a bunch of nasty habits, apparently including mind-reading.

"Choose the right choices."

Kiyotaka studied his younger brother for a moment before pulling him into a hug, "I disagree."

That worried Ayumu-- Kiyotaka was never wrong, at least not that he had seen. "Why?"

"If she wanted the right choice, she'd have stayed with you. There's no way some mutated science experiment could best my little brother."

Ayumu blinked, not sure if he had been complimented or not, "Uh...thanks?"

Kiyotaka chuckled and ruffled his hair once more, "I'm taking a shower," he said before leaving the brunette to stare after him, more confused than ever.


The next morning, Ayumu's phone rang. He rolled over in his bed, groaning and reaching for it, "Mm... hello?"

"Ayumu," Hiyono's way-too-cheery-for-that-early voice greeted him.

"Yeah?" he yawned, sitting up in his bed, "Is everything okay? He didn't do anything did he?"

"Not at all," she assured him. He could almost hear the smile in her voice.

Ayumu's heart sank just a little, "So I take it the date went well?"

"Yeah, and actually..."

An eyebrow quirked, "Actually what?"

"Well... it's nothing," she decided, "I'll see you at school, alright?"

"Right... I still have school today." Kiyotaka coming home the previous night had made everything surreal and the teen had fallen asleep in a daze.

"Okay, well.. see you then!" Before Ayumu could protest any further, the line clicked and went dead.


Kousuke glanced at his new-found girlfriend, "Didn't tell him?"

"I couldn't," she confessed.

"You realize he'll have to sooner or later, he'll notice when you've gone missing."

"I know, but... what if I upset him or something?"

"Well, come on, you can always call him from the plane," the redhead suggested. Hiyono nodded and climbed into the waiting limo as Kousuke followed suit and the vehicle drove off.


"Hello?" Hiyono yawned. A quick glance at her clock told her it was just a little past one in the morning. Who would be calling her at a time like this?

"Yo." Kousuke, of course. No one else would be idiotic or bold enough to call someone in the middle of the night.

"Kousuke? What do you want? It's late and I have to be up for school in a few-"

"Maybe not," he cut her off.

"What do you mean?" Had something happened at the school?

"There's Hunters here, everywhere," the Blade Child said now speaking in a slightly hushed voice, "We're all leaving tomorrow and... I want you to come with us."

"We...? You mean the Blade Children?"

"Yeah," he confirmed, "I know this is moving really fast, but I think if you don't come with me, I might never see you again." There was a strange tone in his voice, and he sounded saddened by the mere thought of it.

"But...where would we go?"

"Eyes has family in England that no one knows about."

"Eyes... Eyes Rutherford?" she asked, almost excitedly, "He's a Blade Child?"

"Yeah, yeah," Kousuke sighed, rolling his eyes. All the girls always loved Eyes to death.

"I don't know, though.. what about school? I can't just quit..."

"You can go to school there," he offered.

"And Ayumu?" The voice on the other end gave no response at first.

"What about him? I know he's important to you, but..." Kousuke sighed, he hadn't wanted to do this, "You'll have to choose."

"Choose?" she asked, shocked, "Between you and Ayumu?"


"..." Hazel eyes closed as a tear ran down her cheek. Her mind was having a battle of which to pick, but she knew her heart already had, "When are we leaving?"

End Flashback

"Ayumu," Hiyono thought, looking out the window, "I hope this isn't the end for us." She might have chosen Kousuke, hell, she might even be falling for him. Ayumu, though, would always be the first she felt those feelings for, and that person (above all) was the one you never forgot.


A ruffled Narumi emerged from his room ten minutes later, tugging his school uniform on.

Kiyotaka glanced up from his breakfast, Madoka quietly eating on the other side of the table. Though, Ayumu could see a hint of a smile as she shoved the eggs he had prepared for her into her mouth. "I'm off to school," he commented idly, not really wanting to see a happy couple right now. He knew he'd see Hiyono at school, but something in her voice told him differently. And it wasn't a good, you'll-see-her-on-the-way-there different, either.

"Something wrong?" Kiyotaka's voice pierced through his thoughts like an arrow.

"No... just thinking."

"About Hiyono again?" This made Ayumu's hand, which was on its way to the doorknob, freeze.

"Hiyono?" Madoka asked, swallowing the last bite of food and looking up to Ayumu, then to her husband, "Who's that?"

"Hm... just a girl," the married man smirked, glancing at his brother.

The younger boy sighed and turned back to him, "She just called me and she sounded... I don't know... I'm just worried about her."

"You think it has something to do with that Blade Child?" Kiyotaka asked, looking back down to his food, only mildly interested in the conversation.

"Blade Child?" Madoka spoke up again, still looking between the two brothers.

This time she was ignored as Ayumu shook his head, "No...she said their date went really well."

Kiyotaka thought on it for a moment before standing and walking over to his brother, slipping his jacket off. Before he could say anything, the older sibling spoke, "If you think she's in good with the Blade Children, nothing can be that urgent. You'll talk to her later, stay home for today."


"Oh, come on," the dark-haired woman said, "It's not like you'll pay attention in class anyway."

"..." Ayumu sighed and hung his head-- she had a point. "Alright," he finally conceded.

Kiyotaka chuckled and ruffled his younger brother's hair, "Good, now go eat, you look like a stick."

"Stop messing up my hair," the younger sibling complained, batting the hand away.

"It can't get any messier," Madoka informed him, standing up from her seat at the table. "And regardless of you staying home, I still have to get to work." With that she walked over to her husband and leaned into him, kissing him briefly, which he returned with little enthusiasm, and joined in the ruffling of the youngest one's hair.

"Stop messing with my hair!" Ayumu groaned, covering his head with his arms. Kiyotaka chuckled and Madoka just snickered, waving to the two brothers as she left the apartment. Ayumu took her place at the table and Kiyotaka set a fresh plate of food down in front of him, after discarding the old one. "It's weird being served food instead of being the one serving it," he commented as he started to dig in.

"She still as picky as she was before I left?" the golden-eyed boy wondered, sitting back down and leaning back in his chair.

Ayumu nodded silently, "Yeah... why the hell did you marry her?"

An eyebrow quirked and Kiyotaka chuckled, "So, when are you going to call Hiyono?"

The brunette just rolled his eyes-- he could take a hint. "Well, regardless," he said, glancing up at his newly-returned sibling, "I'm glad you're home."

I just threw the whole Kiyotaka thing in there so that Ayumu wouldn't completely get a crappy ending. XD, and I made Kiyotaka a lot differently than I usually do.. he isn't a cold, stoic, asshole now, he's more brotherly and nearly caring, which is weird to write him as, but.. .interesting nonetheless. And I know, Hiyono probably wouldn't leave Ayumu for Kousuke in the series, but this is a KousukeHiyono fic, so she did here. Hm.. what else? I think that's about it... as it stands, this fic is complete, so I hope you enjoyed!