Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, none, whatsoever

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, none, whatsoever. Damn. 0o

Warning: More Kuro/Fai action

Chapter 7: No name

Kurogane strode out into the streets with Ginryuu in hand. His eyes glinted in the sun, the excitement obvious on his tense face. Fai followed close behind him.

"Kurogane?" Fai asked lightly. "What do you intend to do here?"

Kurogane simply smiled. Fai growled. His annoyance levels rising rapidly, he grabbed Kurogane's shoulder. The look in Fai's eyes caught Kurogane by surprise. He took a step back only to be caught in Fai's firm grip. He struggled and growled.

"Let me go, Fai, I know what I am doing!" Kurogane grasped at Fai's hand and tugged.

Fai simply looked at Kurogane. He kept staring. Then his eye traveled down to the gash on his chest, still lightly bleeding due to recent activity. His eye was glazed with tears, faintly glowing yellow from the sight of the blood. Kurogane could read the emotions in his eye so easily. Fear, foremost and concern, as well as anger.

Kurogane gritted his teeth. He leaned forward and patted Fai's head. "Its fine, Fai, I know what I am doing here. Please, let me go…" Kurogane gave a bitter smile and rubbed Fai's neck in comfort, the way he would with a child. Fai leaned his head back and closed his eye. Please, he thought, don't leave.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kurogane's in a deep kiss. Kurogane backed out of it briefly only to be pulled back in, a tongue slipping through his teeth and lips this time. Kurogane shifted and attempted to pull away from Fai again. Finally he gave in, giving himself over to the kiss. After some time, Fai finally let up, looking down in embarrassment. He whipped his lips and glanced back at Kurogane.

"I know," he whispered. "I know. I just have this terrible feeling. I want you, and I want you to live. If you die, so do I." A tear flowed from his eye. Kurogane rolled his eyes.

"I will be fine," he growled again, reiterating the point as firmly as he could. "Now you go and find the kid. I can handle this." Before Fai could say anything to the contrary, Kurogane had leapt onto the ledge above, his sword trailing epically behind him. Fai reached out briefly only to clench his hand into a fist and hug it to himself.

"Damn it, you bastard. You better live." And with that he turned around and headed to HQ.

"Leon," he asked as he walked in to the small room. The man turned around slowly. "Can you locate our other companion?"

Leon shook his head. On the giant screen behind him was a massive pixilated form of Syaoran and another man running through a myriad of corridors. Fai gasped.

"How can I get in there?" he asked. Leon nodded to Sora.

"Sora, how can I get there, will you take me?" Sora sat up and nodded.

"I can, but I don't have my keyblade, how will we…" He began.

Fai psshed and flipped his hand. "We'll be fine. Come on, okay?"

Sora ran to the door. "Alright, but we have to be fast." He peeked out. The heartless were sitting quietly, watching one point in the sky, where a red light flashed on and off, changing in brightness and density as it went. Sora and Fai snuck off, stalking through the corridors unnoticed. It took awhile to reach the computer terminal, but once they did, Sora sighed in relief. He touched the terminal, accessing the computer data base. He turned to Fai.

"Keep calm, alright Fai-san? This will be a bit… weird at first. It'll feel like your being dunked under water for a moment. But once we're through, Tron will help us," Sora patted Fai's shoulder.

A light shone and engulfed the two, tearing them into pixilated bits. Fai felt so disconcerted. The feeling of being dunked under a pool of warm water engulfed him. When they emerged on the other side, Fai's clothing was form fitting and glowing on a neon background. Sora called out for Tron, but no one answered.

Sora scratched his head and began to mumble about how unusual that was. Fai's senses began to tingle uncomfortably. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. His eye glanced nervously around.

"Sora," he whispered lowly. Sora stopped talking and glanced warily at Fai. He had no blade to defend himself. He hopped Fai could fight them off by himself, but Fai winced. There was something wrong.

"Fai," he whispered back just as lowly. "What is it?"

"I cannot fight this many," he whispered back, though he took a fighting stance, hands at the ready, eye glowing a bright blue against the neon background. Sora envied him, the way he could be so feminine and awkward and yet so masculine at the same time. Sora took up a similar stance and still he knew how awkward and unbalanced he looked. Still, he prepared himself for the pointless hand to hand combat against the current invincible heartless.

Around the corner came a single heartless. Fai breathed a small sigh of relief but his senses kept on tingling. Something else was coming. He grabbed Sora by the hand and ran lithely, Sora trailing behind him.

"Why are we running, Fai?" Sora called in between gasps.

"I cannot fight this many," he repeated. "And I need to gather my strength. Come on Sora don't make me drag you! Please. I just need to find the kid and we need to go."

Sora blinked but began to run faster and faster. The two maneuvered their way through the pulsing hallways until they heard the heavy footsteps of humans and not the light concentrated steps of heartless.

"Kid," Fai called out. He didn't feel comfortable calling him Syaoran. Not yet anyway. Even if he was the original, the true Syaoran, he was not the happy, carefree boy that the clone had been. Even if it had been false.

The footsteps faulted briefly, then stopped. "Fai?" he called out. A hushing noise came from someone else.

"Tron?" Sora called out, just for good measure. Tron responded with a quick hello and the two joined Sora and Fai. Tron was introduced and vice versa. Once everyone was acquainted, Tron settled against the wall, hands folded over his chest in a very human way.

"How did you two get in?" he mused. "I haven't been able to get this one out at all. The gates have been closed."

Sora cocked his head. "Really? Well, Fai and I were able to get in more than just fine…" he paused. Simultaneously, everyone looked at Fai. Fai smiled, his eye closed.

"Yes?" he asked playfully.

"You opened the doorway?" Sora asked dully.

Fai shrugged. "It was closed and you told me it was the only way in, so why not?"

Syaoran glared. "Why? I'm not that important."

Fai smile broadly. He shrugged. "Even still, lets go. Kurogane needs help."

Syaoran's eyes opened widely. A small smile twitched at his lips. He was beginning to feel somewhat part of the group now.

Fai grabbed the boy by the hand and then grabbed Sora's. "Lets go now, ne?"

Syaoran nodded happily. Sora looked back at Tron. "We'll be back to help once we figure this out, alright?"

Tron gave a wave goodbye. Fai grabbed both the boys more firmly and transported them out of the terminal. They stood at the computer and Fai panted slightly. That took more out of him then he had though it would. Sora grabbed his waist to hold him steady.


"I'm fine," Fai said, gasping. Syaoran reached out awkwardly, then retracted his hand. No matter how into the group he felt, he didn't know how Fai would feel having Syaoran touch him yet. Not after that, even though it had been so long.

Sora supported Fai out of the room, leaving behind a very dismal Sora.

End Chapter 7.

I love reviews, so any you could give me would be fantastic. As always, SK