Dear Dom

Dear Dom

What do you mean you only bet a week!! I'll have you know I've been here a fortnight and the Lioness is in complete awe of me, she tells me everyday that I'm better looking, better at swordplay and far more charming then you! My only small gripe is that she seems determined for me to treat every cold in the entire of Tortall!! I swear if she hears so much as a suggestion of s sniffle it's off to play….

I need all the gift I can get, my body has turned from its normal peachy hue to various mottled shades of black and blue, the patterns emerging over my body are gruesome. It's like I'm a piece of meat that offended her.

Now I need you to tell me seriously, is Kel alright with me having the Lioness as my Knight-Mistress? She doesn't seem wildly disappointed, upset or depressed? I need you to tell me if she does.

What in Mithros' name did you let her get a griffon for?! I distinctly remember telling you to look out for her and then you go and do something as careless, as stupid and as dangerous as let her adopt a griffon! Do you have any idea what its parents will do to her if they find her with their baby? And what do you mean it enjoys eating her more then its food? Dom I demand you do something? Flirt with the wildmage get her to take it away, Kel doesn't need the pressure of this. Urgh I could ring your neck!

Don't you dare encourage her, going to climb a tree indeed! Dom is it possible that you have fallen for our lady squire? May I remind you that she is 6 years your junior and NOT someone to be trifled with! If you want to flirt go find a court lady.

I met Baron George for the first time the other day, I believe I may learn as much from him as from the lioness. The things you can do with a simple piece of wire….Suffice to say that none of your belongings will ever be safe from me again. As well as lessons in healing and swordplay from the Lioness he is going to teach me stealth. It's embarrassing when I say that the twins are far better at this game of stealth then me. Aly managed to steal my purse, dagger and sword at breakfast the other morning without me noticing. (Don't you dare gloat, she'd have had the clothes off your back!!)

Well I have to go plot my revenge….

Your ever dashing and amazing cousin
