"Um...Nice hair"

Stormy smiled. "Thanks. I shampoo it everyday!"

"What shampoo did you buy? It's making your hair grow worser!"

"B-b-but I thought you said it was nice"

I placed my hand on the shoulder. "There's a thing I need you to know. It's called 'lie'. That's what people do when their trying to be nice or covering something up. That's excactly what I did. I lied. Now do you understand what a lie is?"

Stormy brushed my hand away. "Do I look like I'm five to you?" she said standing up. She looked at me in disgust and went to her room.

I got bored and started singing...

Life is a nightmare and I can't ignore it,

I'm living in despair like I did before it,

Nothings gonna change,

It feels so strange,

But then I-

I looked on top of the table and saw a leaflet. It said "Come to the park to get fresh air and warmth'. Warmth. That's when I had a brilliant idea.

The next day...

"Icy! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" I called out standing infront of the bathroom door.

"Where are you two going?" asked Stormy curiously.

"I'm taking Icy to the park"

Icy came out of the bathroom with her bad-girl-look. "What are you looking at, dope?"

That's when I knew it. Park equals Warmth+Angry Icy equals Icy+Me equals Me laughing.

The park...

We sat on a bench and enjoyed the warmth -- well, I was. Icy was pacing up and down angrily trying to cool herself down. Get it? If you didn't know, I made a joke but whatever!

I saw a little boy eating chocolate ice-cream. He was waiting for his mommy to come back. I looked at Icy and grinned. I called the little boy here and knocked the ice-cream off his hand. He started crying. I immediately said "I get the fact that your heart is as cold as ice but to do this? You're sick, you know that? Sick!"

"W-w-what?" Icy panicked.

The little boy's mommy came back and asked what happened. "I'm so sorry, maam. My friend, Icy, knocked his ice-cream off"

"That's not true!"

The little boy's mommy gave Icy a dirty look and went away.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Lisa?"