Alex left thinking Marissa didn't love her. Few years later they meet again, they have to work in the same place in LA. Marissa is now engaged to Ryan. Alex goes for the get some, get gone routine. Appearances from old friends and new ones.

Don't own anything.

Thoughts are in italic.

AN: this idea has been in my head for some time now, and really like to see it on paper, but I never found it, so decided to give it a go….. Hope you like it, please be kind, it's my first fanfic.

Starts off after the breakup.

Chapter 1 - Heartbroken

The night was chilly, really cold actually. The wind blew air all over Alex, making a mess out of her hair and clothes, but she couldn't make herself care.

There was sand grazing her knuckles, and water bathed her feet, but she felt no desire to leave.

She was hurting.

Alex didn't know how long she walked aimless though the beach, lost in her own memories. It didn't matter.

Marissa had just broken up with her. Without a second thought.

The girl had apparently also had not been affected enough to leave the party.

That damn bonfire.

Marissa continued celebrating with her friends whatever the school should be celebrating without a care in the world.

Without giving the slightly indication that what was shared between the two girls meant something to her.

Alex wouldn't cry.

God, not again.

The blonde wasn't the kind of girl who would lose everything over someone.

There was Jodie, who became a big part of her life. But there were others whenever her and Jodie took a break, but Alex never let her feeling get in the way.

She was never the type of girl to throw cation to the wind.

Alex would flirt, she would play, she would kiss. But her heart would be locked away, safe.

How did she let herself get so attached?

How could one girl turn her life inside out in so little time?

In a rite of passage, she screamed. She screamed to the top of her lungs, to whoever wanted to hear, but there was no one else around.

She kicked the sand, making it fly everywhere, as if it had any fault in her predicament.

She was alone. Again.

Free from her relationship. Free from her parents. Free from everyone.

Free, but ultimately, alone.

She felt no rush to return home.

Marissa's belongings would be there, scattered all over the floor, as the brunette girl had never learned how to pick up after herself.

And in that moment Alex realized maybe she didn't give the other girl enough time to adapt. She didn't show enough patience when teaching Marissa how to take care of a house.

Was there where it all went wrong? Could I have changed it? Could I have saved us?

Maybe I could have taught her how to fold laundry. Or even how to do laundry.

Would it have made a difference?

Was it my fault?

It was already morning when she realized time had passed, and she knew she should go back home. Yet she feared it.

Someday, probably soon, Marissa would go back for her things and the blonde would have to pretend that everything was fine, that her life wasn't a fucking mess. Or better yet, they would argue over what belonged to who. Was there even enough time in their relationship for that?

Or was their time so brief they would sort their stuff without ever having to question who was the owner of every sock, shirt or eyeliner in the house?

She walked back home slowly, postponing the inevitable.

She didn't have to rush.

She didn't have a care in the world.

Not even her job was important anymore.

As she approached the place she called home, Alex, in annoyance, became aware the lights were on.

Marissa never remembered to turn them off. She never even glanced at their electrical bill.

Alex became suspicious, however, when as she touched the doorknob, the door opened.

For a moment, Alex let herself hope.

Maybe she's back.

Marissa realized I'm the love of her life.

But it didn't take more than a minute for the blonde to resign herself it was wishful thinking.

Probably a thief.

Too bad we don't have anything worth stealing.

No, Alex. Too bad I don't have anything worth stealing. Remember that.

Hey, maybe it's a rapist. That would definitely make my day complete.

She thought grimly.

After a brief pause, Alex decided to walked in anyway.

She didn't have anything to lose anyway.

Maybe she would get a good fight out of it. Alex would get to throw in a few punches, vent a bit.

Let out some pent up anger towards Ryan, Marissa or maybe even herself.

And what would be the worse that could happen?

It is not like she had never been beaten up before.

A few cuts and bruises never killed anyone.

She walked in slowly, with her guard up.

The living room was a bigger mess than usual, glasses on the floor, clothes on the fan, the draws thrown about.

But it was empty. And there was no sound of anyone inside.

The kitchen was pretty much the same, as was the bathroom, but that didn't deter her from her search.

Yep, only one place to look now.

Alex walked with purpose and not so little anger towards her bedroom door.

Who dares to try to make this shitty day even worse?

Without a second doubt, she pushed the door open letting it hit the wall in a thundering bang.

There, previously sleeping, and after Alex's entrance, wide awake on the bed was the last person the blonde would think of to be within a hundred miles from her house.

A mixture of confusion, anger, sorrow, relief and happiness overtook the blonde.


The unwanted guest's eyes looked on the blonde's form, Alex watched a smirk appear on the face of the intruder.

"That's not a very nice way to greet a friend"

"I'm really not into the mood tonight, Jodie. So why don't you just tell me what was on your mind when you decided to break into my house, and throw every single thing I own into the floor? Make it simple so you can get the hell away from here as soon as possible."

"Well, I can't take much credit for it though, half of the things were already splashed around"

"Fuck, will you just-"

"Calm down, Alex. Gee, what's up your ass?" The blonde didn't say anything, but for a moment Jodie was glad looks couldn't kill. "You have something of mine."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."


"Look, as much I would really enjoy this little game, I wanna go to bed I not open my eyes again for a very long period of time, so if I had whatever it Is you are looking for, I would have already given it to you."

"Yeah, right. You are just a fucking hypocrite. Yelling how I couldn't keep what was yours. You took it, when you came over to my house, or the fact that you and your little girlfriend showed up the same day my heart necklace disappeared was just coincidence?" At these words, Alex's face showed the pain she was felling, just for a moment, before she could cover it up. "She is not your girlfriend." It wasn't a question.

"No. Not anymore."

"I didn't mean to-"

"Whatever. Anyway, I gave her the necklace. She took both of ours when we went to your house, She gave them to me, I told her to keep yours. Sorry."

"Sneaky bitch"

"Tell me about it. Look, you can have mine, if it's gonna make you leave faster. It is not worth it anymore."

"No, it's fine. So, how did you guys break up? I mean girls, how did you girls break up?"

Jodie wouldn't be the person Alex would pick to talk about right now, but beggars can't be choosers and she really needed to vent.

"Apparently, I was a phase. Something to piss her mom off."


"Yeah, whatever."

"And what happened?"

"AHHH! I just can't believe I fell for that. She was all, I wanna spend all my time with you until her mom decided she didn't care she was dating me. And then it was all Ryan this and Ryan that, and sleepovers together at a freaking tent. And bonfires! Who cares about those damn bonfires." Alex ranted as she paced from one side to the other of the bedroom.

"Marissa does, apparently. So, Ryan was her ex or something, right?"

"Or something. And then he is all, 'if you are working this hard, it's not working' or some bullshit like that. I mean, who sleeps alone in a tent with somebody's else girlfriend if they are not trying to steal that girlfriend?"

"No one, really"

"Exactly! And the he tries to pretend he is all noble and shit, just because he doesn't want to get in a fight. The worse part is, everyone falls for it. I hate him! I freaking HATE him! And I hate her too for good measure."

"I see, and when was this showdown you speak of?"

"Tonight. No, yesterday night, seeing it's morning and all."

"You mean, you two broke up less than 24 hours ago?"

"Something like that, yeah."

"Double ouch. And how are you felling?"

"I'm fine."

"Not even close, and I haven't seen you in a very long time. Please sit down here with me for a while" Jodie asked, and it was the first time Alex realized she hadn't stopped pacing ever since she started when she entered the room.

Without a moments hesitation, Alex complied with the request and let herself be held into the arms of the only person offering her solace in a very long time.

Jodie knew it was nowhere near the whole story, and in spite of the mess of the way it was told, she got the general gist of the facts.

"Fine, I feel like crap, is that what you want to hear?" Alex replied, slightly calmer.

"No, I just want the truth."

"I feel like I'm drowning. I know it is stupid, but I can't help it. It's too hard to breath, to talk, to walk, to open my eyes. I just wanna crawl into bed and never wake up again." The brunette just held tighter, offering whatever little comfort she could. "It was never like this. Not even with you." Alex continued, and Jodie understood the statement was not meant to hurt her. Alex was just letting out whatever came to her mind.

"I know. But it will be all right, I promise you." In that moment, Alex remembered before all the drama Jodie and her had gone through, they were goof friends. Best friends. And it felt good to finally re-encounter her childhood accomplice once more, the one she thought she had lost years ago. "But first, let's get to the good getting-over-someone part." Jodie said, trying to enhance the mood of the room.

"What's that?"

"Getting drunk, of course."

"Of course."

"And then getting laid." The new old friend said the last part quieter, not too sure how the blonde would react to the bold suggestion.

"Then lets get started, shall we?" Alex didn't know if the brunette was serious or not, but she really didn't mind either way.

The newcomer had been serious, and after they emptied all the bottles of beer in the house (not that there were many, seeing as most of them had already been drunk days ago), they watched TV, which consisted of them making fun of everything and everyone appearing on the screen and After boring themselves of the game, they made a run for the bedroom, clothes flying everywhere.

Alex, although she did enjoy it, had never felt so cold in her life.

Something was different, and even if she could not pinpoint what, she feared it would not go back to normal.

Both girls knew that nothing would come out of this, but they were glad that there was someone whom they could count on in times of need. And as they cuddled, caressing each others hair, Alex finally cried loud sobs and booming whimpers, because she knew her best friend wouldn't give up on her.



"Thank you."

"You are welcome, babygirl" In truth Alex had scared the shit out of Jodie, for there had been only one time the brunette had seen her friend so broken.

Hello, yes i'm back. i'm trying to finish this and all my stories. But first i'll try to edit it all again. bear with me please. ;)

And please review.