Chapter 6: Is This the End?
A/N: sorry about the long update… I've had a lot going on… so do we know who it is yet? aww.. come on you must have AN idea. I mean, I've dropped you enough clue's already! Like always… review please!
Disclaimer: sigh…. only in my greatest fantasies.
The group followed Riff to the observatory. Hanson slowly opened the door, as the door flung open:
'Spencer?' asked Edward
'I-I-I SAID STOP RIGHT THERE!' came Spencer's voice echoing with fear around the large circular room.
'Spencer, buddy, just stay calm, and put the gun down.' Hanson replied soothingly as he inched his way into the doorframe.
'D-d-don't make me sh-shoot you Hanson.' Spencer replied coldly with fear dripping from his every word.
'Hanson what are we going to do? We don't want another murder on our hands!' Ichabod replied
'Let me handle it.' George said. 'Hey uh Spencer, I've got a kea of coke in my van, how's about we trade the gun for it, eh?' He said keeping his cool.
'No, I don't want your drugs.' Spencer said calming down a little
'Spencer I need you to put down the gun.' Hanson replied coldly
'And I said no!' Spencer yelled
Hanson quickly pulled his gun from the holster and pointed it at Spencer
'Don't make me shoot you.' he said
'You wouldn't dare…' Spencer said mocking the cop
'In the name of the law, I ask you to please put down your gun.' Hanson said cocking his
'Hey mate! If you get to pull your gun out then mine comes out too!' Jack said as he attempted to find his gun. 'Where is it?' Jack said looking towards Spencer. 'Hey! that's my gun!' He screamed pointing at Spencer
'No way, I just found this thing lying around!'
'I knew it, that Boddy fellow stole my rum and my gun!' Jack shouted
'So that gives you a motive for killing him, right? He stole your rum and your gun, and you became angry and killed him!' Ichabod said
'I did no such thing!' Jack replied
'SPENCER NO!' Hanson yelled as Spencer pointed his gun at himself. 'You don't need to do that, just hand over the gun and—'
'No way Hanson, this has become far too complicated. He said it would be over quick, and I would just leave, but it has been forever, and it's not going quickly and and—'
'Are you talking to yourself again?' Mort said in his southern accent glaring fiercely at Spencer. 'He's been known to be a little crazy'
'Spencer, you don't need to commit suicide, I know some great physiatrists that can help you… just please put down the gun.' Hanson coaxed
'No way! They couldn't help me when my wife tried to electrocute me … and they can't help me now!'
'Spencer, just listen to me—'
'Shut up and don't move or I'll shoot!' Spencer said
'Jack, we all know you did it… just confess already!' Ichabod said
'No I didn't! I did no such thing!'
'Umm, what is Willy doing?' Edward asked kindly
'I have no idea! He's such a freak!' Riff said not paying attention
'I think… he is dancing.' Replied Don Juan motioning to Willy who was dancing rather oddly
'It doesn't matter what he's doing.' Cry Baby said irritated
'Back to the more important issue at hand, Mr. Sparrow, why didn't you recognize your own gun, when you first saw Spencer?' Ichabod questioned
'I wasn't paying attention, I mean, why should I care about some freak savvy?'
'Sure, or you're just covering for yourself because you wanted to frame Spencer!' Don Juan said.
'I already told you… I didn't murder the Boddy guy, mate!' Jack replied quickly
Suddenly Willy decided to dance over by Spencer
'DON'T MOVE!' Spence cried at Willy who was dancing his way into the room
'I'm just dancing with my oompa loompa's!' Willy replied with a cheerful grin
'I-I-I said stop!' Spencer shrieked 'That's it!'
'SPENCER DO—' Hanson began to say
BANG … BANG! Two gunshots were heard, one right after the other.
'SPENCER!' cried Mort with anger
'WILLY!' cried Edward sympathetically.
'HANSON!' cried Ichabod with shock on his face
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Ending note: sorry about this one being so short… but (hence the title) I wanted a cliffhanger again! Anyway questions to ponder…. did someone die? Was it Spencer? Hanson? Willy? And who is the real murderer? Jack? Willy? Riff? Hanson? and remember to REVIEW PLEASE!