DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own any of the characters from The Last Chance Detectives. They belong to Focus on the Family.

A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this story. This takes place within "The Day Ambrosia Stood Still".

"Warrior to the End"

I sat there, holding her hand and praying that she would be okay. She was the only person I had left besides my mother. My grandmother was my favorite person in the whole world. She told the best stories and made the best pies. But the most important thing about her was that she was always there. I could always count on her.

My grandmother had been there for me through many hard times in my life. The day my Dad abandoned us after throwing away our entire lifesavings at a casino. The time my kitten, Milkyway died and the time I had to speak in front of a crowd for a school assignment. During all those hard times, my grandmother was there, comforting me and assuring me that everything was going to be okay.

Now, it was my turn to be there for her.

The moment I saw her collapse, my heart seemed to skip a beat. I knew she needed help, but what I wasn't aware of was just what it would lead to.

Now, as I sat there, praying that she would be okay, I suddenly was hit with the realization that I could lose her. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew it was true.

As these thoughts swirled around in my head, my mind floated back to the brief conversation I had had with the doctor who had taken such good care of my grandmother.

"What's her full name?" He had asked me as he laid her onto a stretcher and prepared to take her in the ambulance.

"Manama WhiteFeather." I replied, trying to keep her calm as well as myself.

The doctor gazed at me strangely.

"Manama?" He repeated, a little uncertainly.

"Uh-huh. In Navajo it means warrior to the end."

As my mind floated back to the present, I swallowed back the lump in my throat and tried to concentrate on being there for my grandmother. She needed me now.

"Please, Father," I pleaded, my voice cracking with unshed tears. "Please help us. Please protect Grandma and let her be okay." Then to my grandmother, I said, "You're gonna be okay, Grandma. I promise. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. You can fight this. You can fight this and you can win. You're as strong as your name states. I know you are." My voice caught in my throat as I said the next three words. "I love you." Wit that, I let the tears fall as I sat there, not knowing what the next twenty four hours would bring. But if there was one thing I did know, it was that God was there for us and He would see us through this. No matter what happened, He would be there for us and I trusted him one hundred percent. I knew we were safe in His hands and more importantly, I had a feeling my grandmother was going to be okay. After all, she was a warrior to the end.