Summary: " You belong to me now no one else." He doesn't understand how much it hurts me when he presses it against my skin. How after he makes his mark it burns my flesh in more ways than one. He sees it as a way to let them know I belong to him. And they do know...
Disclaimer: I do not own kingdom hearts in anyway but I do own this rather 'disturbing' plot... Anyways have fun!!!!
Warnings: violence, dark themes, and cutting
He doesn't understand how much it hurts me when he presses it against my skin.
How after he makes his mark it burns my flesh in more ways than one.
He sees it as a way to let them know I belong to him.
And they do know because they don't come around me anymore.
I understand why they would be afraid too because he yells threats and throws punches every which way.
" You belong to me now no one else."
He even makes sure his words get imprinted in my brain. So I won't ever forget.
"Never forget."
And I don't. But how could I when his name is carved in my skin...
" So they'll all know."
And when he's done he looks down at me admiring his handy work, soft fingertips wiping the blood away to get a better view.
" So beautiful."
And beautiful I am... or was depending on how you look at it. He told me that before my eyes were bright and lively but now they're a dull blue so void of emotion.
My skin is pale... so pale that sometimes you can even see the blue of veins.
"Just perfect... so beautiful. Do you know that Sora? Do you?"
My lips the ones that use to kiss him back with such fervor and passion are now blue and cold but does he see this? Does he know? His lips still stir something inside of me, still sends shivers down my broken spine.
" I'll keep you here forever inside my heart."
But I look at him confused.
Since when did he have a heart?
He understands my questioning eyes and suddenly smiles.
"I have yours remember?"
And he does right in the palm of his hand. So that when he squeezes it hurts and when he kisses it I feel his love.
"No one understands us..."
But how could they? Even if they wanted to understand this fucked up thing that even I don't get.
"You'll figure it out one day."
Would I though? Would I know why he thought it so necessary to take away my light?
"With every cut I can see it shining through... we have to get it all out don't we? You need to be cleansed just like me."
Him? Cleansed? Since when was he pure?
I guess being in darkness for so long has taken its toll on him.
"Let the darkness fill your heart Sora. Can you feel it in your veins?"
I do feel something but I can't compare it to anything. It's like something crawling beneath my skin, something that makes my heart race.
"Just embrace it."
I can see them reaching out towards me the light clearly on their fingertips, reaching to take me back where I belong.
But am I not to far gone? Before I can make up my mind though he gets rid of them like always.
"You don't need them anymore not when you have me."
And he carves the words deeper into my skin. Deep so I can never forget.
"I love you."
My minds hazy.
Always hazy.
Can't think straight anymore...
"No need to think straight anymore."
Might as well except it.
"Might as well."
I'm too far down now
"I love you too Riku."
Wow that was Interesting. You know the weird thing. I always write angst and horror fics but I am the most energetic and goofy person in the world...I wonder what that means...Oh well R&R please it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.