"Want an ice-cream?" Demyx asked as he rummaged through the fridge. Demyx had a towel around his neck to stop the water dripping from his hair onto his wet (and very see through) shirt. Zexion was attempting to towel dry his hair as his sat on the kitchen counter.

"Ice-cream?" Zexion asked confusedly as he stopped drying his hair, and started to wipe his face. "It's cold and raining… And you want to eat ice-cream?"

"Yeah, why not?" Demyx asked as he closed the fridge, and dove into the freezer looking for a mint chocolate ice-cream. He found the tub, but when he opened it, it was empty. Demyx pouted but decided to look for an ice-lolly instead.

"Um… It's just too cold" Zexion replied. "I don't usually eat ice-cream anyway." Demyx looked almost hurt when the other said this.

"Well, well have to change that" He said in a seductive way. He picked up the last ice-lolly in the box and shut the freezer door. "There was only one left" Demyx said with an evil grin. "And no, I'm not eating by myself" He said knowing the Zexion would let him have it all to himself. The blue haired boy sighed as Demyx approached him with a stick that had orange ice on it. Seems so tasty He thought sarcastically. Demyx bent over Zexion on the counter and captured his lips, he moaned at the unexpected but definitely not unwanted contact. Zexion brought his hands up to wrap them around the others neck, while Demyx was attempting to take off Zex's shirt without breaking the kiss. Didn't work So Demyx broke the kiss, swiftly removed his t-shirt, then began attack his neck with kisses and bites.

"Ah, it's cold!" Zexion screeched as Demyx sneakily unwrapped the ice-lolly and pressed it on his nipple. The blonde giggled, and then bent down slightly to lick up the remaining liquid on his chest. Zexion moaned and lent back on his arms, pressing more of his chest to Demyx. He pressed the lolli once again back onto Zexion, but this time he started to draw swirls heading down to his waist band. Zexion bite his lip as he started to whimper. Demyx, starting at his nipple, began to lick up the path the lolli had made. He took extra time toying with his belly button, before finally ending up at the hem of his shorts. Demyx nuzzled the clothing and placed the lolli on his shorts. Zexion moaned uncomfortably as the cold liquid started to sweep through into his boxers. The blonde giggled again and removed the lolli. He then started to lick up the mess he had made on his shorts. He moved his arms around Zexion to grab onto the back on his shorts. He rose slightly to Demyx could slide them off. Zexion gasped at the cold air and leant forward to place his hands on Dem's shoulders. The blonde nestled his nose in his hair and breathed in his sent. Demyx chuckled to himself when the thought that it would be smelling of orange by the end of this.