Disclaimer:Do not own the Power Rangers!
A/N: Here is a story with my fave pairings, Sky/Z and also Jack/Syd and Bridge may well end up with someone, who knows...Read and Enjoy!
Chapter 1
"No way Syd. I am not going to go through this with you. I mean, come off it. The three of them won't like that and I don't want to do that" said Z and shook her head wildly.
"Oh please Z, we have to it. It will help all of us get along better and trust me we do need that to work better as a team"
"No, no, and NO"
"Please, please and please" whined Syd when Captain Kruger walked in.
"What will be good for the team?" asked Kruger "right now anything should be tried out because this can't go on forever. Tell me Syd, what do you have in mind?"
Syd looked at Z and smiled one of her super smiles when she knew she was going to get away with something.
Z groaned and looked at Syd with a piercing look which did not succeed; but instead encouraged Syd even more.
"Well Syd, I don't have all day" said Kruger.
"I am not going to listen to this; it is a crazy idea Captain. You should not pay attention to anything Syd says" said Z and walked out of the room shaking her head.
Syd explained her plan to Captain Kruger in detail.
"Well Syd, I think this could work. Right now anything is worth trying; the whole team is falling to pieces as a result of not getting along well. I will give this one last thought and if I do accept his we shall start all this on Monday" said Captain Kruger and dismissed Syd.
"This might work" thought the Captain and left the room to talk it through with Kat.
"Oh please Sky. Come on just let me listen to my music for a little while" moaned Bridge.
"Bridge, I am trying to concentrate right now and with that noise I can't do it"
"Yeah right" mumbled Bridge and left the room.
"Finally some peace and quiet"
Sky sat on the couch and read through the new design of a weapon. He studied it carefully to see if it had any faults.
Then Jack walked into the room and sat on the other couch and turned on the TV.
"Would you mind?" said Sky looking from his papers.
"Turn the volume down or go and watch TV somewhere else"
"Hey, what happened to your manners and this is a free room, why don't YOU go and read somewhere else, this is a fun room"
"I got here first"
Just then walked in Z, "Amazing, Kruger is even going to think it through"
"Oh great, more people means more noise" mumbled Sky
"Going to think through what?" asked Jack
"Syd's idea"
"Syd had an idea?" said Sky surprised
"Yes Sky, Syd had and idea and don't give me the surprised look"
Sky just smirked and went back to reading his designs and once again Syd burst into the room full of joy and big smiled.
"He accepted it Z, we are going to go through with it"
"What? No way, oh no this is going to be hell. I swear suicide will be my next step" moaned Z.
"Don't be so negative, it might be fun"
"It might or might not"
"What the hell are you talking about? Anyone mind explaining?" asked Jack
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind knowing about it because it sounds like we are all included in it" said Sky
"Yeah me too" said Bridge who had been standing there unnoticed eating toasted bread for the last five minutes.
"Well…"said Syd but didn't finish because she was interrupted by Captain Kruger and Kat who walked into the room.
"Well Rangers, there is something I must tell you. As you and I know this team does not get at all well and it is time we do something about it",
All of them looked at each other except Z who was trying to disappear and Syd who was trying to keep calm.
"I have talked this through with Kat and we both think of it as a good idea. Starting on Monday each of you will be paired up to go on a mission. The mission will be unknown to any of you until the last minute. This will help you relate and get to know your team-mate a lot more and hopefully teach you how to work as a team"
The three boys looked at each other and didn't know what to say.
"Sir, how long will the missions last?" asked Sky
"Ten days"
"But Sir, if Grumm attacks how will well defend the city if we are all in separate missions?" asked Bridge
Everyone looked at him that was the smartest question he had ever asked in his entire life.
"Well, if the situation arises you will be transported to the scene and be able to show if you have learnt to work as a team and then be transported back to the place of your mission until the ten days have been completed".
Captain looked around and said "there seem to be no questions, you are all dismissed to start preparations and tomorrow morning the pairing will take place".
"But Sir, tomorrow is Sunday" said Bridge
"Well we normally sleep all morning on Sundays"
"Well not tomorrow, I want you all in my office at eight am and you are dismissed"
"I don't believe this, I mean when the city needs us the most we go on missions to help us get along better" said Sky
"I know, and it was Syd's idea by the way" cried Jack
"I'm going to kill you Syd" yelled Z and ran after her blonde friend.
Syd and Z were in their room trying to pack clothes for their mission.
"Syd, I don't know what to pack. I mean we don't even no where we are going"
"I know, that wasn't quite the idea I had in mind but I think we should pack a bit of everything. Some warm and light clothes"
"Yeah, I think that is what I will do"
"I wonder who we'll be paired up with"
"Yeah, I just hope it is not Sky. I can't stand him, I mean he think he knows everything and this superior manner he has over everyone! Ugh I just can't stand him" said Z
"Well Z, don't count your coins too soon because you never know"
In Sky's and Bridge's room, both boys were also arguing on what to take.
"Please Bridge, why on earth would you need your Cd-player?"
"You never know, it's better to go well prepared than unprepared"
Sky just shook his head and packed in boots and all type of SPD clothing.
"Sky, shouldn't you pack things like jeans and t-shirts?"
"No Bridge, this is a SPD mission not a vacational trip"
"Well we never know" mumbled Bridge
In Jack's private red-ranger room he was having his fare trouble of trying to fin the right clothes to pack.
"How on earth am I supposed to know what to pack if I don't even know where I'm going" said Jack to himself.
After a couple of hours of packing all five of them were exhausted and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a day full of surprises…
A/N: I hope you guys like it, and hopefully I will be updating daily. Don't forget to Review because I really want to know what you guys think…