Summary: Naruto and his friends all get invitations to a party at the Hyuga's. But what happens when Gaara wins a cruise vacation and takes everyone with him? Things take a turn for the worst when they get stranded. Kerplunk? The Akatsuki? Includes lots of music, too. Pairings: ShikaXTema, NaruXHina, HinaXKiba, NejiXTen, SasukeXSakura (mostly one-sided).

Chapter 1: The Invitation

Konoha was safe. The Chunin exams came to a halt a while back, Gaara and his siblings had returned to their own village, Tsunade was currently the Fifth Hokage, and all seemed well. The only thing that seemed to pass the time was doing missions for the Hokage; which many promising young shinobi seemed to be quite interested in. Nothing big had arisen in quite some time, and everyone liked it that way; a simple life where they had time for the little things. Well, not entirely. Lately, there had been many new missions and most shinobi had barely any time of their own. But that was all beginning to subside, missions were easily completed and most ninja were thinking of taking a vacation. One problem, where do you go? There aren't many places that are interesting around; no opportunities were presenting themselves. That is, until one simple, regular day in Konoha.

Overcast skies made Konoha seem like it was a lot darker than usual, it had not rained in quite a while so it was about time clouds came their way. The air smelt of precipitation, it was cool but not cold; breaths were visible during such times. Deep grey storm clouds hung low over Konoha; some of which seemed to have a slight blue-purple hue to them.

In a small building lay a boy with a silly nightcap sprawled across his bed, snoring like a hog. He grumbled something as he rolled lazily onto his right side. His sleep was peaceful, a smile hung on his face as he dreamed. But, like every morning something always had to disturb him. He shot his eyes open as his ears rang with pain.

"Uhh…" He grunted, looking at the time; 11:00. He flung his hand drowsily onto the 'snooze' button to cease the booming noise.

There was a small tingle around the edge of his jaw, forcing it open he yawned rather loudly. Sitting up, he stretched his back; hearing a small cracking sound as he did. He crawled over to the window beside the bed.

"GOOD MORNING, KONOHA!" He yelled grinning with his eyes clamped shut. He ducked his head back in, humming.

"Mommy, that ugly boy yelled at me!" A young girl cried.

"Hey now, that's not very nice to say; that ugly boy yelled at me too." Her mother said as they walked quickly away from the residence.

Inside, the boy leapt from his bed grinning; obviously not hearing what the girl or her mother said. He made sure that the alarm was off, smiling like a fool. He walked backwards, sliding his feet on the floor and moving his shoulders in a circular pattern as he did. Some may call it dancing, some may call it torture.

"Tch!" he grunted, flinging his nightcap off of his head, throwing it onto the bed and revealing blonde spiky hair. He began snapping to some unheard rhythm. "She was more like a beauty queen, from a movie scene, I said don't mind but what do you mean I am the one?" He sang with his voice as high pitched as it would go, as he strode over to his closet, "Who will dance on the floor in the round. She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round." He continued as he snatched a set of clothes from his closet.

"She told me her name was Billy Jean, as she caused a scene." He slammed the closet door shut with his hip, "Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one. Who will dance on the floor in the round?" He bounded into the air, skidding to a stop in front of his mirror.

He continued singing into his hairbrush as he slipped off his pajamas and got dressed in his everyday clothes. He grinned and winked at himself. He stepped to an imaginary beat as he entered his kitchen to make some cereal. He grabbed a spoon, some cereal, a glass, a bowl, and some milk and plopped them on the table. He spun the bowl around with his thumb and index finger as he was pouring the milk into it. He poured some into the glass, raising it up higher as he did, then he closed the milk up and placed it on his right. He picked up the spoon and flipped it in the air; almost dropping it.

"Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl who claims that I am the one, but the kid is not my son. She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son!" He sang as loud as he could, with his voice as high as it would go. He took a scoop of cereal and plopped it into his mouth. He looked down at the spoon, hoping to see his reflection.

But instead, he saw the face of someone very annoyed over his shoulder in the reflection.

"Sas..!" He began to choke with surprise. He hit himself in the chest with a clenched fist to try and stop the choking. The boy standing behind him kept a very uncaring expression. Finally, he was able to stop himself from dying. He spun around in his chair and glared at the boy behind him. "How long have you been here, Sasuke?" He asked weakly.

"Long enough." Sasuke replied smirking. He was leaning against a wall near the front door with his arms crossed. "Sakura and I have been waiting for you, Naruto."

"Yeah, Yeah, keep your pants on I'll be there." Naruto waved, turning his head away from Sasuke to continue eating breakfast.

"I'm not waiting here for you; we'll meet at the training grounds in half an hour." Sasuke said as the left Naruto's house.

When Naruto finally finished his breakfast and was feeling exhilarated, he knew it must be time. Time to check the mail. Normally, people don't make such big deals about mail but Naruto was different. He loved reading what people have to say to him; even if their asking money or they'll repossess his house.

"What do I have in the mail today?!" Naruto cheered as he opened his door and went to his small mailbox.

He opened it and found four envelopes. He grinned and reached in, taking them out and staring at them with joy. "Oh boy!" He said, excited. He went back inside and sat at his table. "Let's see, Bill, Bill, Junk, Huh? What is this?" Naruto asked himself as he looked at the last envelope. It was lightly tinted grey, sort of a slate colour. On the front it said 'Hyuga Party'. "An invitation to a Hyuga party!?" Naruto squealed with joy.

Hyuga parties: the best parties in all of Konoha. They were very rare occurrences, but going to one is like a miracle. Only a few close friends of a Hyuga may be invited to a Hyuga Party, but they were guaranteed to have the time of their lives.

"I can't believe this!" He screamed jumping up and down. He opened it and read further.

'Uzumaki Naruto,

You have been invited to attend Hyuga Hinata's Party. This party is for no apparent reason and formal-wear will not be required; this is a casual party. The party will commence at 8:00pm on Saturday. You should receive this on said day. Behave yourself, please.

-Hyuga Hinata'

"Saturday, that's tomorrow!" Naruto double checked the calendar stuck on his fridge. "I mean today!" Naruto exclaimed with excitement causing his voice to shake. "This is awesome! I got to tell Sasuke!" Naruto yelled, racing out of his house as fast as he could in the direction of the training ground.

"Sasuke, Sakura!" Naruto yelled waving both arms in the air as he ran towards them. It was still dark out because of the storm clouds and rain fell fiercely upon them.

"This is terrible! We can't train in this weather!" Sakura pouted, not hearing Naruto through the loud sounds of rain splashing onto the ground.

"Sakura, Sasuke!" Naruto yelled again, yet still to no avail.

"Hush." Sasuke replied to Sakura, his annoyance clearly not being hidden.

"Sasuke! Saku-" Naruto was cut off by a sharp burning pain in his back as a bolt of lightning struck him. He flew forward and smashed into the dirt with his face. He rolled towards Sasuke and Sakura, smoking a deep grey colour. He hit Sakura in the leg lightly as he stopped rolling.

"That was close, it could have hit someone." Sakura said, worried. "Ew, Naruto's touching me." Sakura said moving her leg away from him.

"Loser." Sasuke said glaring down at Naruto's twitching form.

"I… I got… An invitation… To… To a Hyu-Hyuga Party..." Naruto stuttered out, holding the invitation at Sasuke.

"So did we." Sasuke said emotionlessly.

"...No…NOOOOOOOOOO!" shouted Naruto suddenly finding the strength to throw his arms into the air and shake his fists at the sky. "DAMN YOU GOD! WHY?"

"I wouldn't curse God if I were-" Sasuke was interrupted by another sudden lightning bolt hitting something, or someone right in front of them.
It hit Naruto, the exact same place the first one did. Naruto's face hit the ground harder than the first time, possibly chipping a tooth. His back was smoking again.

"I tried to warn you, loser." Sasuke said frowning.

"You're so cool Sasuke!" squealed Sakura grabbing his arm and rubbing her face on his shoulder.

"Ew! Get this, this, THNG off of me!" exclaimed Sasuke shaking off the annoying girl.

"Ouch, that hurt Sasuke-kun. But don't worry, I still LOVE YOU!" she shouted grabbing tighter.

"Damn…" mumbled Sasuke, not the slightest bit amused.

Naruto sprang up from the ground; his back was not smoking anymore, for the rain had cooled it down. "Let's go get some ramen!"

"How did you…find the strength to do that?" asked Sasuke, trying to hide his amazement.

"I used some from that fox inside me!" said Naruto happily. "Now, I'm going to go get some ramen, are you two coming?"

"Well, it's not like we could really train in this weather…" said Sasuke. "Although, it's unlike God to allow me to get struck by lightning. Right, God?" Sasuke looked to the sky and smiled. The clouds parted in a single part of the sky, allowing a beam of light to land directly on Sasuke's face.

"What? How is this?" exclaimed Naruto gesturing to Sasuke, looking at no one in particular.

"Oh, right. Me and God are like this." Sasuke said crossing his fingers together.

Naruto put his face in front of Sasuke's, which made the clouds gap immediately close.

"My Sasuke's a saint!" said Sakura smiling at an unhappy Sasuke.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going with Naruto to get some ramen."

"Well if you're going, so am I!" Sakura giggled excited to spend any time with Sasuke, even if Naruto was there to.

"Alrighty, then let's go!" Shouted Naruto, pointing in the direction of the ramen place to add some drama.

Sasuke and Sakura just looked at him, not amused.

"Loser…" mumbled Sasuke.

Somewhere across Konoha, in a small building there sat three friends on pillows. One was resting his head on a pillow and had his eyes closed, the second guy was crushing a pillow with his immense weight, and a girl laid stomach-down on two pillows.

"Shikamaru!" The girl with bright blonde hair and a purple ensemble yelled, excited for some reason.

"Uh… What is it you want, Ino?" Shikamaru replied lazily, not even raising his head off of his pillow.

"Did you hear? Hinata Hyuga is having a party!" Ino squealed.

"Does this concern me?" Shikamaru replied, bored.

"Yeah it does! That is, if you even got invited…" Ino mocked, resting her head on both of her arms, which were crossed on the floor.

"Of course I got invited." Shikamaru replied without enthusiasm.

"Are you going to go?" Ino asked, she didn't seem to care, but conversation is better than silence to her. But, with Chouji on their team, even in the deepest silence you could hear him munching on snacks.

"I don't know… It could be troublesome." He said shrugging and frowning.

"Why isn't anyone talking to me?" Chouji asked; his mouth full of chips. Sometimes his mouth is so full no one can understand what he is saying, but somehow his team always knows.

"Because you're stuffing your face with chips and it's unpleasant to talk to you." Ino said, irritation coating her words.

"Fine." Chouji said angrily.

"Well, I'm going to go. I really don't care if you're going." Ino said smugly, looking at her nails.

"Kay…" said Shikamaru. He just wanted to go to sleep; he liked this weather because it meant he didn't have to train. He smiled.

It was quiet, except for the sounds of food crunching and bags of snacks rustling. Shikamaru's house was usually this quiet, unless his father was home; and that's not as often as some would think. Ino drummed her fingers on the wooden floor, bored out of her mind. She sighed loudly, hoping to get the boys attention. Neither of them even looked in her direction.

"So… What do you guys want to do?" She asked, raising her head to look at them.

"Mm." They both shrugged, still not looking at her.

"You guys are so boring; I bet I'd have a better time with Billboard Brow…" Ino complained. Usually, she called Sakura by her first name unless it was said in the presence of her, but she was pretty upset. She only used the nickname 'Billboard Brow' when it would make an effect on someone, but that was not happening here.

"Can we at least listen to the radio or something?" Ino asked drowsily.

"Sure, I guess." Shikamaru said, not really caring.

Ino waited, and waited, but Shikamaru didn't even make a move to turn it on.

"Shikamaru, can you turn it on?" She asked; knowing the radio was far closer to him than it was to her.

"Hmm…" He raised his head and opened his eyes, looking over to the radio. It wasn't more than 3 or 4 feet away, "But it's far," He whined tiredly, "It's all the way over there." His eyebrows h low; making him look very lazy.

"You have GOT to be kidding me." Ino snorted.

She pushed herself up with her elbows and slowly walked over to the radio and flicked it on. Instantly, she recognized the song; coincidentally it had just begun a few seconds before she turned the radio on. She started to sing with it.

"She's into superstitions black cats and voodoo dolls. I feel a premonition that girl's gonna make me fall. She's into new sensations new kicks in the candle light. She's got a new addiction for every day and night!" She sang.

"Oh dear lord." Shikamaru rolled over and covered his ears with the pillow. Ino truly was a terrible singer. She was so bad, Shikamaru started to see things. "Uh… I'm hallucinating again, cut it out…" Shikamaru said closing his eyes.

"No way! Upside, inside out she's living la vida loca, she'll push and pull you down, living la vida loca. Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha, she will wear you out living la vida loca, Come On!" She sang louder.

But eventually, the song did come to an end. Both Chouji and Shikamaru sighed in relief and their minds cleared up again. But curse their luck, another song that Ino knew lyrics to came on directly afterwards.

"Know that I can't get over you, cause everything I see is you, and I don't want no substitute, baby, I swear it's Déjà Vu!" She sang as loud as she could.

"Oh my god…" Shikamaru threw a kunai at the radio, blowing it up instantly.

"SHIKAMARU! I love that song!" Ino whined, stomping her foot.

"Whatever." Shikamaru shrugged.

"Fine, now what are we going to do?" Ino asked angrily.

"Uh… How about we play a card game." Chouji suggested.

"Well, that sounds good I guess." Ino agreed. Shikamaru shrugged.

"I got Uno." Shikamaru said gesturing to a small cupboard beneath a desk.

"That'll do." Ino said walking over to the cupboard and opening it. There was a game of Uno just resting there, she picked it up and blew off some dust that covered the top of the box. She strode over to her friends and placed the box in the middle.

"You know how to play?" Chouji asked Ino.

"Sure do!" She replied smiling as she unpacked the contents.

Once they were all set up, everyone took a look at their hands. Ino was lucky, she got one of the best hands you can get, 2 'colour changers' and two red 'lose turns' included. Shikamaru had a terrible hand, all reds except one blue card. Chouji got average, nothing special cards.

"Let's get ready to rock." Ino said enthusiastically.

"Sure." Chouji said, annoyed.

"Whatever." Shikamaru didn't like this game so much.

"Chouji, you go first." Ino said to him.

"Okay." Chouji put down a card; a red two.

"My turn." Shikamaru said laying down a red six.

"Me!" Ino yelled, placing a 'lose turn'.

"I guess that's me again." Shikamaru placed a red eight down.

"Sorry, Chouji." Ino placed her second 'lose turn' card. Chouji grunted.

They all knew this would happen, Ino would get too competitive, Shikamaru would forfeit, and Chouji would get the cards all sticky and greasy. This was the way it usually was. But right now, with Ino screaming and yelling, Shikamaru really couldn't wait to get to the Hyuga party, he'd stay by himself and enjoy the company of all his friends. But right now, his main concern was staying awake until the party. It was going to be a long afternoon…

"Come on students! It's only a little rain!" a tall man in spandex yelled at three young shinobi. "Good work, Lee!" He gave Lee a thumbs-up and a wink for finishing another lap around Konoha. Running laps was especially difficult for Lee after his incident when he fought Gaara. He was left with his left arm and leg practically useless, but he still tried his hardest to train and impress his sensei.

"Thank you Gai-sensei!" Lee replied, returning the thumbs-up as he ran by, increasing his pace to impress his sensei.

"A little rain?" said a voice from another one of Gai's students. Gai turned his gaze in the direction of the voice. "Easy for you to say." He commented on the fact that his sensei was wearing a rain jacket and had a large umbrella over his head.

"Neji, it's not my fault I came prepared." Gai said, focusing his eyes into the darkness to see his student more clearly.

"That's my umbrella, uh," He grunted as he blocked an attack from his opponent, "that you're holding." Neji finished.

"So it is," Gai said looking at the handle where is said 'Hyuga' on it, "So it is."

Neji was planning on finishing his training early to help his cousin Hinata with her party, so he had to fight a bit harder. He and his partner were clashing weapons, they held a firm stance like frozen sculptures; their kunai shaking as they kept pushing against their opponent's. Neji pushed harder, his opponent grunted as he pushed her backwards gently. Neji noticed a tree directly behind her and used it to his advantage. He pushed her enough so her back was pressed hard against the bark then he broke the clash of weapons and drove his kunai into the left shoulder and right stomach areas of his opponent's clothing; not hitting any flesh. He grabbed her wrists and held them against the tree to make sure his opponent could not escape.

"Well, Tenten, it would appear that our match has reached its end." He said as he loosened his grip on her wrists.

"Heh, I guess you're right." She admitted, not struggling in his grip; for it was futile, no matter what she did. "You almost cut my bun clear off when you moved to pin my shoulder." She said smiling.

"I didn't though, right?" He asked, glancing at her hair; he had always liked it for some reason, somehow the buns intrigued him.

"Nope." She said simply

Neji released his grip on her wrists completely and moved his hands to the kunai pinning her up. He pulled them from the tree and placed them back in their proper pockets. He turned away and began to walk off, but then he remembered something. Hinata had told him to invite his team to the party as well. He sighed and turned back to Tenten.

"Tenten, Hinata told me to tell you that you are officially invited to a Hyuga party, tonight, 8:00. I have to go help her with getting ready for it." He nodded his head, she nodded back.

Just then, they heard loud footsteps coming this way. They knew who it was. Rock Lee. He came into view immediately after that and waved to his team. Gai was the only one of them to wave back, though.

"LEE!" He cried as he dropped the umbrella and waved with both hands.

"GAI-SENSEI!" Lee cried in return, almost tripping on his crutch as he did.

"LEE!" Gai called again, opening his arms to Lee.

"GAI-SEN-" Lee was cut off by a sharp pain in his good leg, causing him to fall face-flat on the ground. He glanced up and saw Neji glaring at him.

"LEE!" Gai called, kneeling beside Lee. "Neji, how could you hit Lee in the leg with a stone?"

"Simple, I picked up a stone, and threw it." Neji muttered, crossing his arms. Tenten giggled.

"Neji you're cruel." Gai stated.

"I know." Neji replied a little annoyed.

"I am…alright Gai-sensei!" said Lee smiling as he struggled to his feet. Lee gave Gai the thumbs up sign and smiled a tooth-shining smile.

"I knew you would be!" said Gai returning the gesture.

"Idiots!" spat Neji.

"NEJI, I heard Hyuga party was to be held, are Gai-sensei and I invited as well?" asked Lee with a hopeful expression on his face.

"Unfortunately…" Neji muttered.

"YES!" exclaimed Lee throwing his fist in the air.

"Yeah, is your uncle Iroh going to be there, Neji? That man owes me $14.99 from that poker game…" asked Gai squinting at the thought.

"Yeah, all us Hyuga's are going to be there." Neji said turning on his heal. "Just be there at 8:00 tonight." he shouted over his shoulder as he walked towards the Hyuga compound.

It was not a long walk; it only took a couple of minutes. Although today it felt extra long because of the endless freezing rain and completely black sky. The rain was soaking through Neji's clothes and his long hair was almost standing on end.

"Damn…I hope I get home soon….I'm freezing my ass off out here." Neji mumbled under his breath. Finally, he saw the large Hyuga manor in front of him. "Oh, thank God I made it here before I dropped dead."

Neji through the door open into the branch family's living room, just as a bolt of lightning blasted into the forest about a mile off. The light shadowed Neji to make it seem like he was much taller and a little like a psycho killer, his Byakugan the only thing you could see.

There was a shrill high pitch scream that came from inside the house. Neji flipped on the light to see Hinata.

"N-N-Neji?" Hinata stammered.

"Are you okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah… I-I'm sorry, you s-s-startled me…" She stuttered quietly.

"Are you ready for the party tonight?" Neji asked, closing the door he had just entered through.

"Almost, I-I need to put o-out a few snacks f-for the guests." Hinata replied, still startled by how afraid she had been.

"I'll do it." Neji said simply, he glanced at the clock, it was 7:00.