Summery: L is a prince-- A very bored prince. After a very unplanned suicide attempt -quite literally- lands him in the arms of his prince charming, he gets the excitement he's been craving. However, with this new found pasttime, L and Raito are faced with endless fairytales adventures. Will our couple be able to endure a life like a story book, or will the magical misshaps prove to be too much?
L looked out the window of his castle and sighed.
Life was, in short, boring.
Deathly boring.
So boring, in fact, falling out of this window would be the most exciting thing to happen in years.
Not that falling out of windows was boring in any situation.
L just couldn't stand it. His intelligence was wasted on these people. It was wasted in the stone walls of this insufferable castle. It was wasted on the maids who insisted to cut back on his sweets, even though he needed every grain of sugar he asks for. It was wasted on his idiot father and his idiot servants, and it was most definitely wasted when all they allowed him to do was sit in this cramped room.
He hated when intelligence was wasted.
There was a knock on the door. The door that was absolutely wasting his very large intelligence.
"Come in." He called. Why did he even bother? It was going to be a waste of time.
Oh look, another thing these greedy pigs wasted. His valuable time. So now it was his smarts and his life? How wasteful.
Matsuda opened the door tentatively.
"Your majesty?" He asked, wasting L's precious air.
Really. These people should just die. They wasted way too much of everything.
"What?" L asked, annoyed that he too must waste the air. He gave his silent apologies to the oxygen. It didn't deserved to be used on such senseless humans.
"Your father wanted me to talk to you about possible marriage plans, sir."
L scoffed. His father did this at least once a week. Didn't he get it that he was not going to marry some idiot just because his father wanted him to? L had a mind of his own, which was more than he could say for anyone else in this castle. He needed someone with intelligence to rival his own, not just some bimbo that was after his money.
"What is there to talk about?" L asked, glaring at Matsuda under a mess of ebony locks.
"W-well..." Matsuda started, looking decidedly uncomfortable under L's eyes. The prince had a way of making even the smartest man feel like a complete and total idiot. Really, it was a waste that the king kept his son locked up like this. He could really change the world.
"The king has agreed to listen to your expectations of a bride, and will seek out a lady to fit those needs."
"That is an ugly, wasteful sentence, Matsuda-san."
"Wha--?" Matsuda asked, staring at L like he was an alien creature. "Why do you say that, mi'lord?"
"Easy." L replied, yawning and looking out his window. "The king will not hear me out. You will listen to me about my ideal mate and then tell him, then he will send soldiers to scour the countryside in search of this person. He will not personally do any of it."
Matsuda looked at him with wide eyes. "Yes sir, I suppose that is true, but--"
"I refuse to comply until you tell me the truth."
Matsuda stumbled over his words, hopelessly trying to make sense of the situation, L blatantly ignoring him like he had never existed.
"Okay your majesty, your father sent me to get details of the girl you would like to wed, so that I in turn can tell him everything you told me, and then he will order an army to ravage the earth until this dream girl is found."
L nodded, accepting his presence once again.
"Well, first off, I'm starting to think that I would rather a prince than a princess."
Matsuda's eyes bulged. "A p-prince?!" He gasped.
"Why yes." L replied, chewing on his thumb. "Princesses these days are much to stupid. It's a waste of intelligence, and I hate it when people waste intelligence."
Matsuda stuttered, but L stopped him before he could form and speak a complete thought.
"Unfortunately, princes are getting stupider, too. All they do is run around, save princesses and getting turned into frogs. It's despicable, I say. Who would want to save a ditz just to end up getting eaten by a dragon? That is the most blatant waste of intelligence I've ever witnessed."
Matsuda, finally in control of his tongue and using his select bit of unwasted intelligence to form a thought smart enough to leave his mouth, spoke. "Well, okay sir, but what would you want in this prince/princess? Just tell me the features of the one you fantasize about and let us attempt to find them!"
L looked up at the ceiling, biting his thumb thoughtfully.
"I want someone male. Handsome. How about lighter hair? But not blonde. I don't want anymore blondes after all those stereotypical girls father brought for me to court. I want him to be smart. Like me. I want him to have the same intelligence and views I have." He looked at Matsuda, daring the man to defy him. "Go on, find him for me."
Matsuda left the room at once. L turned back to the window.
"Now, about that whole falling idea. What are the chances I would die...?"
A day later, L watched as his fathers selection of knights set out on their pampered horses and went to "ravage" the countryside in search of his dream man. L chuckled to himself. He could only imagine the look on his father's face when Matsuda told him his dream "bride" was to was to be male. He would have loved to be there when his father relayed this message to the knights. The look on their faces when they were told to find the prince a prince would be priceless.
A few days after that, they returned with a hooded figure holding onto a knight as they rode into the courtyard. L was surprised-- had they really found him his prince charming? Excited, he jumped in front of his mirror, checking to make sure he didn't have any dirt on his face. He momentarily regretted the black and purple bags under his eyes, showing the world that he was an insomniac. At first he'd told Matsuda to find him a man to scare everybody and to have a good laugh when he turned down the unsuspecting prince. But now he couldn't help but feel of sliver of hope; what if they had found him a lover? The man he described was sounding better by the second.
Oh-- how he wished he'd tried to get more sleep. The black circles had a kid of undead effect against his pale skin. Whoever this person is will think he's a zombie or a vampire!
Ah well, that would just earn him a much more interesting reputation. If this turned out to be a bust, he vowed that he wouldn't let his ghastly appearance go to waste.
He heard footsteps running up the stone steps to his room. He stepped away from the mirror and sat down on his bed, his knees to his chest in a kind of mockery of the fetal position.
His door opened.
"Son!" His father exclaimed. "Look who I've found for you!"
"Who the knights found for me. Stop wasting you time trying to make yourself look better."
His father ignored his sons rantings and pushed the hooded person into the room.
"Here you go, L! Let your love light the way."
L got to his feet and crept closer to the hooded man. Chewing on his thumb, he attempted to inspect the hooded strangers face, but they bowed their head enough to enshroud their features in shadows. Diligently at first, he grabbed their hood, fingering the soft fabric before ripping it off.
The dark clothe flew back to reveal a short blonde girl with a radiant smile. At first she looked just as repulsed by L as he was by her, but then must have remembered something important and decided to throw her arms around him instead.
Attempt to throw her around him.
For L would have none of that. He stopped the girl and pushed her back.
"Father, she is not what I asked for."
"I'm sorry Son, but you will marry her."
"Look, Misa is a suitable princess! Just take her as you bride!"
"Look," L hissed, glaring daggers at his father. "I don't want to marry Misa. I'd rather die than be forced into marriage!"
"Fine!" His father roared. "Then do it! Die!"
So that's exactly was L did.
L turned and dove out the open window.
Every gasped. He heard his father scream, "L! No!"
And as L tumbled out of the window, he started to think that maybe this wasn't a good idea. The ground was closer than he expected. What if he didn't die, but just injured himself?
"Ah, hell--" He swore, the ground looming up to meet and crush, but not kill, him.
He clenched his eyes shut, preparing for the worst.
Instead he heard some yelling and a pair of strong arms catch him.
He opened his eyes, the world around him rolling and tossing as the horse reared, threatening to throw him and his savior off. Whoever had caught him pulled him closer, holding him to their chest with one hand and holding onto the horse with the other.
L tried to curl up into a ball, clutching at the stranger. The horse calmed, and he looked up to see just who had saved him from crippling injury.
He looked up and into the most stunning amber-brown eyes ever.
The face those eyes belonged to smiled. Oh what a heavenly smile! What a heavenly face, framed by heavenly honey-brown hair! What a heavenly handsome man.
L stared up at this breathtaking man, cursing all the people that wasted the air that he was so suddenly in desperate need of.
"Well my, my," this heavenly man hummed, "It would appear angels are falling from the sky these days."
I had the oddest urge to write a Romeo and Juliet type fic, but then it blossomed into a normal fairytale. The characters will most likely be a little bit (if not a lot...) OOC, but I think that that's slightly acceptable, considering the situation I've decided to put these love birds in.
There's not much to say, accept that I hope you enjoy, and if you did find this amusing in the least bit, it will have very irregular update patterns, considering I have another fanfic that takes up most of my time (Despite that fact it takes me forever to update.)
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