Disclaimer I do not own Inuyasha. The world of Inuyasha was created by Rumiko Takahashi. Neither do I own the plot/storyline of Jane Eyre, which was written by Charlotte Bronte, and is the plot I am using as the alternate universe for Inuyasha. The way I write it, and the liberties I take, are my own, as are any OC's that grace the pages. THANK YOU!

Author's Note

I am so sorry!!! I had a horrible time getting out this chapter! Writer's block, all the way, and I feel like this chapter is a little disjunct. Hopefully it's still good though. I expect the next chapter to come soon and easier. Sorry again! Please enjoy!

Chapter 8

Kagome had been so angry at Inuyasha for his rude comment that she soaked for an hour in the hot springs. The steamy baths had become a refuge of relaxation since she had arrived. But this time, relaxation was not on her mind. She washed and scrubbed, and even added some rose petal oil to her skin, which she had never used before. She was determined to prove him wrong to the point that he would never again say she smelled! But afterward, another thought not only shocked her, but frustrated her further. Why did she even care? He was rude and arrogant and she shouldn't care about his opinion!

Once back in her room, a horrifying realization hit her so hard she had to sit down on the edge of her bed. If he could tell a difference in how she smelled, he would know that his words had an affect on her. Why couldn't she ever think when she was angry!? And now he would, and he'd be all smug, and she'd feel like an idiot! It's not like she could just make herself dirty again…

Kagome fell backward onto the bed; arms spread out to her side, she closed her eyes. Her bare skin was chilled by the air, but she breathed and calmed her nerves. It shouldn't have been something to get so upset over. She dove into her mind, into her memories, just as Miroku had taught her to do, and asked why. Her heart clenched and her eyes burned as the answers flooded over her, drowning her with horrible visions of memories from which she could not escape.

"I could smell your stench from across the house…"

"A human child…such a dirty, filthy thing…"

"Can you not keep her clean?! My nose is almost burning from the smell of her!"

"Scrub her harder…the smell of her blood is better than the smell of her skin."

A hard hand gripped her face, and red eyes glared eerily down at her. "Your stench is so disgusting…you definitely deserve every beating you get." A clawed hand rose above her head.

Kagome's eyes flew open and tears escaped. The room was filled with her aura and someone was pounding on her door. She sat up, clutching her yukata to her chest, just as the lock on her door snapped. The door flew open, and in burst Inuyasha.

The moment Inuyasha had felt the surge of spiritual power a chill ran down his spine. His stomach grew sick and he ran upstairs…but stopped as he was about to go the third floor.

It wasn't coming from the third floor. His heart raced and he froze at the staircase leading to the uppermost east wing. Had she somehow….

No…this is different…the power is defensive… Inuyasha ran down the hall, turned right, and stopped at the second room…the room of the priestess. The spiritual energy was strong, and he could practically taste the fear that was radiating from behind the door. He pounded the door, frantically. He tested the handle…it was locked.

"Open the door, Dammit!" he breathed. He pounded again, and the energy suddenly disappeared. No… Inuyasha put force down on the doorknob and snapped the iron lock, charging into the room. What he saw was certainly not what he expected.

The priestess was sitting on her bed, holding a rumpled yukata against her, barely covering her naked body. He would have noted the shock on her face, and felt the danger, had not the strong smell of salty tears reached his nostrils. Tears were streaked down her face, almost to the point of running down her neck…or maybe it was water from her wet hair… The unexpected scream almost deafened him.

"Dammit, wench, be quiet!" he shouted, flattening his ears against his head and covering them with his hands. His gaze swept over her until he finally looked into her eyes.

"What are you doing in my room!? Get out!!" she screamed again. Sensing no danger, except from the occupant, Inuyasha bolted from the room, slamming the door behind him.


Kagome jumped up and ran to the door, but it was no use. The lock had been snapped in two, and she could no longer bolt it. She threw on her yukata and tied it tight, before falling to her knees and trembling. What was he thinking!? Why did he just charge in like that!?

He…he saw me… her mind told her. She couldn't do anything to reverse it. And dinner was supposed to be soon. She could always just refuse, she thought. But still, Rin by herself with him would not be acceptable. Kagome stood and caught how she looked in the mirror.

Her eyes were red rimmed from tears, and tendrils of hair were stuck to her neck, sending little streams of water down her shoulders. Her skin was red and flushed, and her face seemed puffy. She looked like some kind of bloated ghost in her own eyes. Sighing, she turned back to her clothing, and began to dress. There wasn't anything she could do about it now.

Inuyasha sat quietly at the table, completely oblivious to the strong odors of fish, jasmine rice, vegetables and pork roast. His mind was racing with thoughts and ideas, visions both stolen and memorized. It wasn't until after he had left her room that he realized just what he had seen. The scent of her tears disturbed him, but when the scent melted away, it was the memory of a beautiful, dripping wet, naked woman sitting on a bed.

He shook his head. He couldn't possibly think in this way! She'd probably be furious with him but it wasn't like he meant to do it. It was her own fault for letting her power get out of control like that for no damned reason! He nodded his head to himself. She was the one to blame if anything was ever said about it. His ear twitched. The priestess and the child were coming. He had half expected her to refuse, and then he would have had to go and force her down, which would have been her fault too. But she came, which made him both curious and nervous.

"Keh," he scoffed under his breath. She may have some sort of brain after all. He stood as they entered, and decided it would be best to focus on Rin. The child ran to him, throwing her arms around him.

"Ok, kid; down you go," he said, feigning annoyance as he pried the girl's arms from his waist.

"Master Inuyasha," her voice stated politely. Inuyasha turned to the priestess as she bowed. When she raised her head, he willed her to look at him, but she turned away, finding a place at the table. Inuyasha smirked to himself as he patted Rin on the head. So be it, he thought, It never happened. He led Rin toward the table and sat her down, sitting next to her, across from the priestess.

Her eyes remained lowered, and he could sense her trepidation. It was then that it hit him like a boulder. She…she smelled sweet, fresh, clean and… Inuyasha almost had to close his eyes at the sheer understated beauty of it. Had it been because…because he had said….

His attention was drawn away by the entrance of the servants bringing and serving trays of food. He pushed the thought and the smell of her away. The rest of the dinner was pretty quiet, with Rin asking questions, answering questions, and chattering a lot. Inuyasha did note the gentle reprimand Kagome gave to her about settling down. He had to admit, Rin certainly held the priestess in high respect, as shown by the way the child responded quickly and without whining.

As much as he tried not to, Inuyasha kept turning his eyes to the priestess. And he couldn't help but notice that her priestess garb gave no hint of her delicate frame... Not that he thought about it or anything! But the rest of the dinner, not once did she speak to him, and he did not speak to her.

Kagome sat quietly in the small sitting room adjoining the dining room. Rin also sat as still as a mouse, given strict instructions by Inuyasha to behave herself, as she opened and played with the presents he brought home for her. Rin's hands ran over a beautifully carved jade doll, as well as a very well made silver comb. Kagome wondered at such presents being given to a child, but she had to admit that Rin was being amazingly careful, and evidently knew the value of such treasures.

Inuyasha now sat in a large white chair next to the fire. Kagome had been ordered to a second white chair at his side. He didn't look at her, but stared at the fire, deep in thought. It was now that Kagome dared to look at him and study him. His long white hair was well brushed and groomed. The two pointed ears on top of his head were also trimmed in what seemed like white fur, and they twitched side to side every so often.

But now, Kagome could study his face without feeling awkward, rude, or embarrassed. She had to admit to herself that he was a very beautiful man…demon…hanyou… whatever he was. His brow was furrowed into a line, and his features were hard and stern. His eyes, which she had seen laughing with warmth and bright with anger, were now as cold as the metal they matched in color. The firelight dancing in them contrasted so much that Kagome seemed mesmerized.

Of course it would be at this moment that his eyes would dart to her, catching her scrutinizing gaze. Kagome turned away quickly, but couldn't stop the blush from rising to her cheeks. After a moment or two of quiet, she ventured to peer up at him again, only to meet his eyes once more staring at her, with that laughing warmth she had described to herself earlier. She turned to the fire, angry at herself for being caught looking at him. She could have sworn under her breath, had not Rin been in the room, and had not the person next to her had sharp hearing. Why does he have to look so smug?

"Do you like what you see, Priestess? Or are you simply taking note of what you don't like about me?" Kagome turned back to him to see a smirk on his face. Oh, he knew very well what he looked like, and if he thought she was going to boost his ego he could forget it.

"What I don't like of course," she answered, before realizing that she worked for this man…hanyou…what was he!? His ears twitched toward her and his eyes brightened.

"Oh really?" he asked. "And do please, tell me what you don't like!"

"Sir, I really don't think that-"

"Or I could just tell you what it is I don't like about your appearance?" Her eyes widened and through the smirk she saw that he was serious! She straightened her shoulders and answered.

"For one, your nose is a little crooked," lie… "And your fangs give your mouth a very strange look," another lie… He was beginning to look displeased, which only encouraged her. "Your hair is much too long and the color…white? Just how old are you?"

"Enough!" he stood abruptly, growling the word through his teeth. In an instant he was expertly perched atop the back of the chair. Kagome turned back to the fire and was silent. She had gone too far…she knew she was going to.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I should not have taken the liberty." She closed her eyes as the silence progressed.

"A demon does not count years as a human does," he said with a sneer in his voice. "I've never judged my time on this earth in years. But my hair color," he said softly, his voice suddenly right next to her ear making her eyes pop open, "is certainly, and naturally white."

Kagome didn't want to make any sudden movements, but Inuyasha was not moving his face from hers. She heard him sniff, and felt a small tuft of air on her cheek. He moved around to face her.

"You still smell like tears," he said staring at her, leaning in closely. This was getting uncomfortable.

"I...I'm sorry," she said, looking down to get away from his eyes. A shame filled her that she had not felt since childhood. "I thought I had washed my face enough, but…I'm sorry." A strong claw lifted her chin.

"Why are you scared right now?" he asked studying her. He laughed. "Do you expect a beating from the smell of tears?"

Inuyasha could not understand her reaction to his simple statement. He wanted to find out why she had been crying, and also, why it led to such a surge of her power, but fear? A strong fear of him was not something he had expected…or wanted. He tried to make light of it.

"Why are you scared right now?" he asked studying her. He laughed. "Do you expect a beating from the smell of tears?" Her eyes looked up at him in shock and her bottom lip started quivering. All at once her aura flared, just enough to warn him back further, and he released her face instantly. The skin of his finger burned, and he held it to his mouth as he moved slowly away from her. He looked over to Rin, who had fallen asleep next to her presents on a small sofa. She was safe.

When he looked back to Kagome, she was standing up, her aura having faded now, and was about to pass him and head for the door. He would have stopped her physically, had not the fear of being purified stopped him. His voice and authority would have to do.

"Where are you going!?" he asked firmly. She stopped. "I don't remember saying you could leave." He didn't look at her as she stood next to him now.

"I…I believe I should," she answered, unsteadily.

"Why is that?" he said softly now, turning his head to see her face.

"I should be able to control myself better," she said. "I am sorry for any displeasure I may have caused you." She bowed slightly. Now he turned to her fully.

"Any displeasure? What displeasure could you possibly have caused me!?" He honestly wanted to know. She swallowed.

"I know I insulted you, and how you looked," she said. Oh, that…

"Well, I guess that was partly my fault. I told you to didn't I?" She nodded.

"And also," she continued, "You've twice now mentioned my smell. I apologize and will try not to offend you further with it." Inuyasha was speechless…well, not quite.

"Stupid wench!" he yelled. "You think I was mad at you because of how you smelled?" A light began to flicker in her eyes and she now finally looked at him.

"I do believe," she spoke evenly, "the words were, 'you're starting to smell.'"

"Well you were!" he answered, trying not to blush at the fact that all this talk of scent made hers even more pronounced and powerful in his senses. "But you took a bath and now you're fine!" he shouted.

"No I'm not!" she shouted back. "Just now you said you could still smell my tears!"

"And for some reason you thought I was going to beat you!" he yelled into her face. She calmed, her jaw setting rigidly, and her eyes burning cold.

"I've lived with demons before," she said, her voice chilled. "It wouldn't be the first time." Inuyasha took a small step back, before turning around and sitting down again in his chair.

"Come sit down," he said. He had to think a moment. He never expected this kind of situation. How was he supposed to know what her background was!? Why the hell had she lived with demons before!? She wasn't a demon! His ears twitched as she moved and sat beside him again.

He was a hanyou. He knew the cruelty of demons towards others better than anyone he knew. He was told daily as a child, by his older brother, how horrible his scent was because he was a half-breed. The fact that the priestess…Kagome…had been beaten for something she didn't even have control over. He could now understand many things that had happened, as well as her reaction, her tears, and her defensive power.

"You don't smell," Inuyasha finally said, quietly. He looked up to see the priestess looking at him with unyielding, unbelieving eyes. "You don't," he said again. Her brow furrowed in confusion. "You don't believe me because of what I said earlier."

She shook her head. "No, I don't."

"Keh," he sighed. "I am a half-demon, you know. As much as I don't like saying it, I'm half human. Why would I not like the scent of something that is half of me?" He saw her eyes shift slightly, and her mood was changing. "Believe me, Kaede smells much worse than you do!"

"What!?" she said, shocked. "How could you say such-"

"And you don't see and bruises on her for that," he interrupted. "Do you?" The priestess was quiet for a moment, then shook her head. "Of course you don't. I'm not gonna beat anybody, let alone you." She looked at him a moment, before he realized what he just said. He had to be away from her…now!

"It's late. Take Rin to bed. She fell asleep sometime ago," he stared into the fire and waited as the priestess gathered the child in her arms and headed for the door. He felt her pause beside his chair, hesitate, move forward then hesitate again. "What do you want?" he asked in annoyance.

"I...I just don't understand why you would keep a human child with you. I wanted to ask you why." Well, the priestess certainly got her curiosity back quickly enough. Without looking at her he answered.

"I will tell you tomorrow. Take her to bed now." She left, leaving behind her the faint scent of roses and sweetness. Oh, she would know his secrets. Not all of them, but this one certainly. But he would make sure he knew all of hers.


Guess what!? I have a Beta reader now! It's nindeoronra and she's sweet and wonderful and a great help. Check out her story "Turning the Tables" on Sexy, protective demon Inuyasha….yummy.

Well, I hope you liked it! Please comment and let me know! I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner… and again, sorry for the delay. Please leave a comment/review whatever, and I'll see you next chapter!
