Never Right

Summary: Three normal girls aren't normal anymore. They are thrown into the world of beyblade because of some strange prophecies but in the end they do find something that touches their hearts.

Pairings: Read and find out

Chapter 1: Beginning of the end

"Don't tell me, she is not ready yet," Kim said, walking inside the kitchen.

"Fine I won't tell then," Berry said, sipping her tea

"She is going to be ready, don't worry. Have some tea, Kim," Mrs. Kazama said, putting a cup of tea in front of Kim

"Thanks, Mrs. Kazama. I must say I had a wonderful night but I hope we won't get late for school again," Kim said, taking a sip from her cup. She had stayed the night.

"I am sure that you won't be late this time," said Mrs. Kazama as she again disappeared into the kitchen.

"So Berry, What are you doing?" Kim asked as she sat on the stool.

Berry looked at Kim with a black eye.

"What do you think I am doing?" Berry asked

"Umm… drinking tea?" Kim said, thoughtfully

"Yes, genius," Berry said, rolling her eyes.


A shout from upstairs alerted the two girls. They both looked at the stairs only to see a light brown haired girl falling down the stairs and landing head first on the carpet.

Berry sighed and Kim ran to see what was left of her friend.

"Jun, are you alright?" Kim asked, leaning down at her

There was a minute silence.

"NEVER BEEN BETTER!" shouted Jun, making Kim startled. Jun was up.

"Hey Berry! What are you doing?" Jun asked the black haired girl.

Berry got up and swung her back pack around her shoulder. She then walked out of the front door without even answering Jun's stupid question.

Jun and Kim ran to keep up with Berry.

"I hate school, there is nothing to do there," Jun said to Kim

"That's the point! Anyway today might be an 'exciting day'" Kim said

"Why? I mean what's happening today?" Jun asked

"It was a taunt, Jun." Berry said, rolling her eyes

"We have physics, English, Math, Latin and my most favorite subject, HISTORY!" Kim said

They both groaned.

"Not to forget Chet," Kim said in a boring voice

"And Tom," said Jun in a please-save-me-I-don't-want-him-around voice.

They entered the school and went to take their books from their locker. Berry opened her locker and took out her books, ignoring Kim's and Jun's gaze.

"Berry, can we ask you something?" they both said in unison.


"Do you have a crush on somebody?" Jun asked

"No," Berry said.

"Why not?" asked Kim, surprised

"They are not worth it." Berry said, banging her locker shut

"Yeah, you are right, they are not even cute let alone special," said Kim

The bell rang loudly and the girls hurried to class.

As the physics teacher started the lecture, Jun dozed off.

"Oh god, this is going to be a long day!" Jun thought

"Five more minutes, mom," Jun muttered.

"For god's sakes, I am not your MOM, its time to go home!!!" a shrill voice woke Jun up.

"Where the hell is I?" she asked sleepily, looking around the empty classroom.

"School, you dozed off in Physics and didn't even get up for lunch. Now its home time," Kim said, shaking and hitting Jun.

"Wow, I missed history," chuckled Jun

"Actually we missed History," said Berry, unenthusiastically

"Don't tell you were asleep as well!!!" shouted Jun, surprised

Berry sighed hopelessly.

"No! The teacher was ABSENT!!!" Kim replied rather sounding like Jun's mom now.

"Wow, now what do we do?" asked Jun, getting up and folding her Physics book which she had used as a pillow.

Berry sighed again ad walked out of the classroom.

"Hey, Berry! Wait up!" shouted Kim, running after her and out of the classroom

"Can't you wait for me a bit," said Jun, annoyed. She zipped her bag shut and was about to go out of the classroom when her eyes wandered out of the window to a staring black haired teenage boy .He looked about 17 to 18 years old and was wearing a black long coat and pant. He was staring at Jun and looked rather suspicious.

As soon Jun and the boy made eye contact, Jun felt rather weak as though all her energy was about to suck out and she was about to collapse into darkness and she almost did when…

"Jun we have been waiting for you for like hours, don't tell me you are day dreaming!" Kim shouted from the door of the classroom.

Jun collected the little energy that was left in her and broke her gaze and looked at Kim for a second. Jun's face was as pale as a sheet and she looked rather weak.

"Something wrong, Jun?" you look rather pale," Kim said, worriedly

"I am fine," said Jun and gave her head a jerk. "Let's go," she added

They began to walk down the corridor and out of the school. Berry was standing in the parking area and was staring at something across the street.

"Hey wassup, Berry?" asked Kim

Berry pointed at something across the street but did not break her gaze.

Jun and Kim looked and saw a black limo, parked neatly at the side.

"That limo has been tracking us from the morning," said Berry

There was a minute silence.

"That is something really strange," said Kim. Berry broke her gaze and looked at her friends.

"What happened to you, Jun?" asked Berry in a concerned tone.

"I feel weak," said Jun

Berry raised her eyebrows.

"And the reason?" she asked. She was very good in getting her own way and she understood a lot of things more than anyone else.

Jun began to tell them… everything.

"… And then when we made eye contact, I felt all my life and happiness draining and I felt that I was falling into eternal darkness from where I could never get out of… it was horrible," Jun said, miserably

"Ok then, let's go to my place, my parents are out of station and there's some spaghetti that may cheer you up!" Kim said, cheerfully

Jun smiled and muttered thanks.

They walked to Kim's place which was not very far away.

Hey guys... this is my favourite fic and its going to be your favourite too becasue I KNOW IT!!! its full of drama and romance and also adeventure...

it may not sound like beyblade at first but at the upcoming chapters it will... i promise..

Berry, Kim and Jun are OC

soooooooo please tell me that did you like it? and do i continue?