"That was a little too much salt…" Lilly said, spitting it out. Oliver walked over to the couch.

"Need some ice on that eye, Oliver?" Lilly asked

"Yes please!" Oliver said laying his head back on the couch. Lilly rushed over to comfort him with a bag of ice.

"Thanks, Lilly."

"No prob." She said putting the ice bag on his eye for him. She began to blush at him.

"You know…you don't have to blush right in front of me…" Oliver said

"Wait a sec…why are you blushing…Lilly?"

"Uh no reason…" Lilly said, kind of saddened. She started to walk towards Miley's room.

'Guess he'll never know how I feel…' Lilly thought. She stopped in her tracks and turned around towards Oliver.

'No! I have to express my feelings to him! I 'm a girl you know!' She began towards the couch, when suddenly she stopped again.

'I can't tell him, how will he react?!' Lilly thought again, she began to sing "Chemicals React" By Aly and AJ.

"Lilly? You still there?" Oliver asked. Lilly eyes widened, while slowly walking towards Miley's room again.


"What?! You're in love with Oliver?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Miley said

"I'm sorry, but when it was the cheating and text messaging and FOR THE LAST TIME, I DIDN'T DO IT, MILEY! Blah, blah, blah….I just didn't want to intrude, you know." Lilly complained

"Well, I think you should go right for it…he's a great kisser, you know!" Miley said, smirking happily.

"Wait a sec, you didn't tell me while I was dating him?!

"Yeah…..sorry?" Lilly replied. Lilly's phone rang.

"It's alright." Miley replied. Lilly answered her phone.

"Ok mom. I'm coming." Lilly said with a sigh.

"Sorry Miles, I'll be back tomorrow at 11:30." Lilly said

"Okay." Miley replied

"Go comfort Oliver. But don't tell him anything, ok?" Lilly said.

"Ok, ok! Don't worry your mushy gushy little head!" Miley said applying lip gloss.

"Alright, alright. But remember, no a word to him, got that??" Lilly said

"Ok. It's not like he'd understand me." Miley said, barely being understandable.


"Cause I just applied glue, not lip gloss…" Miley said, setting down a glue stick.

"What?" Lilly asked, confused. Miley just gave her the shoo signal. Lilly left a couple seconds later and Miley went downstairs to comfort Oliver. She sat down beside him.

"You ok, Smokin' Oken?" Miley asked

"Yeah…I guess. But was that even necessary, Miley?" Oliver asked

"I'm sorry, I really am, but you know how I get when my valuable stuff is in DANGER!!!" Miley said

"I forgive you." Oliver replied

"Thanks. Now let's see that eye!" Miley said, encouraging him.

Oliver sighed deeply. "Alright…" He took the ice bag off of his eye.

"GOODNESS GRACIOUS BOY!" Miley shielded her eyes, while holding an arm out to poke at Oliver's eye. As her arm got closer, he scooted over slowly.

"Don't…touch…THE EYE!" Oliver said

"Oh…My bad, Oliver." Miley said

"Well Miley. Or Mrs. Professional wrestler, I'm going to get some pepto bismol for my stomach, Tylenol for my headache and a couple of bandages for my arm."

"Why are you leaving? Is it still me?"

"No, I forgive you."


"No." Oliver rushed towards the door, and left.

"Wait! Are we cool, Oliver?" Miley yelled to him.

"Ok, ok! We're cool!" Oliver replied. " If you don't kill me in the future!"

"Don't worry, I won't!"


The next morning, came by pretty fast…and Miley was the only one, besides her dad, who was ready. She was sitting down on the couch, playing her Nintendo DS. Miley heard the rev of an engine outside and a honk of a horn. Miley rushed out to the car. It seemed her dad was already ready. She thought he was still upstairs. She opened the doors to see Lilly and Oliver in the very back seat, there seatbelts on, greeting her.


Later, Miley was rubbing something in Oliver's face.

"We've got I-pods and you don't!" She said

"Ok, so what if I forgot mine. I'll bring it next time." Oliver replied

"Now if you don't mind, I'll be in Snoozeville…" Oliver replied. He then grabbed his traveling bag from under the seat, got out a pillow and blanket, and got cozy.


It had been a half an hour, and Oliver was snoring…like crazy!

"You see? What'd I tell you?! His snoring's in stereo for crying out loud!" Lilly complained

"I know, Lilly, I know…" Miley said, obviously ignoring Lilly, and gazing out the window.

"Oh no…" Lilly trailed off.

"What? Forgot your earplugs again? Just use your-"Miley began, suddenly stopped as she turned her head to Lilly, whom Oliver's head was on her shoulder, and his arms were around her waist.

"Ok, just stay calm Lilly, it's not like he's all over you!" Miley said, but only because Lilly scooted over a little. Oliver gripped onto Lilly tighter. And he fell back onto Miley's lap.

"My bad. I take it back." Miley replied

"Ew." Miley said. She lifted Oliver's head, stuffed the pillow under it, and moved up a seat.

"I'm just going to leave you two alone…" Miley said in a whisper.

"What?!" Lilly yelled in a whisper "You get back here, Missy!"

"Why? You're practically in bed together!" Miley whispered to her.

"Oh! You shut it!" Lilly replied

Oliver stopped snoring, and his snoring changed to soft breathing. Lilly calmed down and cuddled up with him.

"What're you doing?" Miley asked in a whisper.

"Put it this way Miley, I might not get another chance like this…" Lilly replied

"You probably will: and you'll be doing each other." Miley said

"Oh, I can't wait for that!" Lilly said

End of chapter 2! I'll update soon. REVIEW PLZ!