When Darkness Turns to Light


My first Zelda fanfic. Please enjoy! If you can...

Contains spoilers, so if you haven't finished the game, I wouldn't read this.

Zelda doesn't belong to me, yada yada...


Three months, six days. That's the last time Link saw Midna. But who's counting?

Link was miserable. He admitted it. The only thing he was thinking about lately, was Midna. That day, three months, six days ago, the worst day of his life. The day he was going to tell Midna his true feelings.

Then, she was gone. He could never see her again. No matter how many little pieces of shattered glass he had picked up, he still couldn't see his Midna again.

He would after go back to the desert. Just to sit there, collect a few pieces of glass, and stare at the rim of the once portal to the Twili city. He often would stare at the stars, and drift off into a dream, a dream that he could see Midna again.

But it was this day, exactly three months, six days after Midna's departure, that Link was going to stop dreaming. Rusl always said Link liked to take action. But Rusl didn't know the pain every heartbeat endured inside the young adult's body.

No one did. He didn't like to talk about his feelings, as most boys that age didn't. He'd talk to Epona, even though she couldn't reply. But he knew she was listening, and for now, that was as close as he was going to get to talking about his feelings.

Right now, Link wasn't sure of what his feelings were. He loved Midna, he knew it, but he couldn't help to wonder if she ever felt the same back.



...See you later."

What was she going to say? I love you? This very same question haunted him every waking moment.

But this was the final straw. He needed to see her. Soon. Or he was literally going to throw himself off the Eldin bridge. Yet again, he still couldn't see her. The mirror was broken, and there was no other way into the Twilight Realm.

Or was there?



Link slowly opened his eyes. Again, he slept in. Again, he was awakened by a beautiful dream. He rubbed his eyes and looked out his window. He saw Ilia, jumping up and down, waving to him. He sighed.

Her again. At one point in his life, he liked her, perhaps loved her. But now, it just seemed, wrong. They both grew up together. They did EVERYTHING together. But maybe, they spent too much time together. Instead of falling in love with the perfect girl, he fell in love with an outsider. A girl that broke the rules.


"Link! I know you're awake! Get down here! My father isn't pleased that your late for the ceremony!"

The ceremony? Shit. He had completely forgotten. The ceremony that was taking place today was in his honor, and the mayor had put it all together. Link was fine with it, until he found out who was invited.


All of Hyrule was coming to celebrate their freedom. And everyone was giving thanks to Link. He wasn't sure if he was up to this. Publicity? He had always been a silent hero, and he had liked that.

Now that he was known, he was sure his life would change. And not for the better.

"Coming!" Link shouted while rummaging through his clothes. Since he wasn't prepared for the celebration, he hadn't really picked out decent clothes. He threw on what he knew he should wear. His hero green clothes. If people were to recognize him, they minus well do it in his proper uniform.

Link slide down his ladder and walked with Ilia to where the ceremony was to be held. When they arrived, it was packed with people from all over Hyrule. Link saw some new faces, some, familiar. Instead of walking through the crowd, he walked around it, and headed up to wear the mayor was beckoning him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Zoras and Gorons! Let's welcome our hero, Link!"

The audience cheered. The blood from LInk's face drained, and he was frozen. So many people. All cheering for him? He had saved a city, and a princess, and a few lives along the way, but this was too much.

But what hurt him the most, was that he didn't do it alone. He had someone there, always on his back, literally. He had help saving the kingdom, and he didn't think he could have done it alone.

The crowd became silent, and everyone stared right at Link, as in expecting him to say something. He swallowed hard, and nervously said, "Uh, hi, everyone."

They were still staring.

"Uh, Ilia, was I suppose to say something?" Link whispered to Ilia.

Ilia rolled her eyes, "The speech! Remember the speech!"

"Oh yeah, right." Link cleared his throat, and started on his speech. "Good citizens of Hyrule. I am very grateful to see all of your happy faces here today in my honor. I would like to say..." He couldn't do it. He couldn't go on with this pointless speech. "I have to go." Link ran.

He ran until he heard nothing but his own footsteps. Link collapsed, lying on the ground, catching his breath. He looked back; no one was chasing him anymore. It was then that Link could not live like this anymore. A lie. Trying so hard to please others, when he couldn't even smile on his own.

"Link," Link jumped.

"Princess!" Link brushed off his tunic and bowed.

Zelda shook her head, "Please, Link, don't. If anyone should be bowing, it should be me."

"Yes Ma'am."

"My name is Zelda."

"Yes Princess."

"Anyways." Zelda sighed, "What happened to you, Link? You aren't the brave warrior I once knew."

Link was hurt, "You say that as if I was brave before all this."

"And you were. I could never do what you have done, even for my own kingdom." Zelda stepped closer to Link, and moved his chin up, "You are brave."

"You mean I was. I'm not anymore. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to my peasant life."

"Link," Zelda said sternly, "Don't. Please. You are in pain. I can sense it. And...I know why."

"How could you know what I'm feeling?"

"I never said I could feel. I just know. It's her Link, isn't it? You love her. You miss her. And you'd give anything to have her in your arms again."

Damn. A tear trickled slowly down Link's cheek. He whipped it away fast. Hero's didn't cry. "How...how did you know?"

"Please. After Midna disappeared into her world and broke the mirror, you stayed. And tried to pick up every single piece of broken glass, cutting yourself in the process." Zelda smiled, "I can't tell if you're crazy, or just really dedicated. Or, in love."

Link nodded, "I, I do miss her. A lot. And I would risk my life just to see her again." Link kept staring at the ground. He couldn't look at Zelda. He almost felt, ashamed. Ashamed of loving someone that he shouldn't. Ashamed of running away from his fears, back at home.

"Do you recall, that my heart once was fused with Midna's?"


"That means I knew how she felt. About everyone. She hated Zant, the rage within such a small body. The guilt that built up in her for leaving her people. The love..."

Link's eyes widened.

"...the love she felt for you." Now Link really thought his heart was going to stop. Everything was in slow motion. She loved him? Then why did she leave?

"Then why did she leave?"

"She had to. You and I both know that. She was like a sister to me; I didn't like to see her leave either. But I understand. She has a kingdom to run. Her people need her."

"I need her more."

"I know." Zelda held out her hand, "Let me show you something."


If Midna had to pick a day to die, she would have picked today. She felt horrible. Her stomach was turning, her heart was heavy. She missed him. And she couldn't deny it anymore.

For months she would dream of him. She would often wish he could hold her in his big arms again. A tear ran down her cheek.

"Princess?" her adviser called out to her. Midna couldn't remember his name now. What was it...Juivo? She cursed silently, and whipped the tear away.

"Princess. The head master of the court wish to speak with you."

"Thank you...Juivo. Send them in."

Juivo opened the huge doors and ran quietly out of the thrown room.

"Princess Midna of the Twili. I wish to speak with you about an important matter that has been brought to my attention by the great gods and goddesses."

"You may speak." Midna studied the head master. He was an older Twili, his blue/black skin was fading, and his eyes looked old. He cleared his throat.

"You are only the princess of this fine world. In order to become the true, head ruler, you need to marry a nobel Twili. You need to become queen eventually, Midna. And me and the other members of the council are sick of waiting. We have some fine suitors..."

She stopped listening. To marry? No, no she couldn't. She loved her people, but there was defiantly one person she loved more.


"With all due respect Head Master, I can't accept your offer. I would love to be queen, but, I just, can't. Right now."

The master's face wrinkled, "You don't dare defy the gods, do you Princess?"

"No, Master. But my heart, it's still healing. May I please have a little more time?"

"You've had three months! That should have been plenty of time. I'm giving you seven more days. No more, no less. That is all." He then stormed out of the palace.

Juivo ran back into the room, seeing Midna on her thrown, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Princess!" The boy ran to her and hugged her. He was no more that 15 years old in the Twilight Realm. As Midna's adviser, he would help her with boring tasks, and help her through emotional struggles. Time for work, he thought to himself.

"Midna, please stop crying. Do you want me to get you anything? Anything at all?"

Midna looked up at the boy, with tears in her amber eyes, "No, Juivo. The thing I want the most, he, it..." She paused and swallowed, "you can't get it."

"I can get anything Midna! I can find things real well, I can help..."

"You don't understand," she sniffed and sat up straight. "you really can't. But that you for you assistance."

"No problem, your majesty." Juivo was about to leave, when Midna grabbed his shoulder.

"Actually, you could do me one favor."


"I need a horse."

"A horse?"

Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin indeed. But certain things the Light had were scarce in the Shadow realm, and visa versa. Animals in the Shadow world, were one of the items. Plants as well. But, there still was such thing as a horse. And Midna knew how to ride one, she often did with Link when she was bored of his shadow.

"A horse. Speak with the guard named Mok, he'll know what I'm talking about."

"Yes Ma'am."

This was it. She couldn't let some Head Master tell her what to do. It was time to get the god's opinion herself.


So, was it ok? Did I do good? Please, I love reviews!

Oh, and I'm ultra busy with school, so I'll try to update frequently...