Shades of Grey

I'm not really sure where this came from but I thought i'd post it anyway. I miss this forum, it feels nice being able to right here again. As always please review.


not mine.

Time...the opportune moment and making the right move at the right time...

Captain Jack Sparrow like all creatures that graced this earth lived within the constraints of time. The very thing Jack claimed to love was controlled by time...the sea. Jack lived his life by the sea. He went wherever it took him, he wasn't one to settle. There was nothing Jack liked more than seeing new places...meeting new people, even if he wasn't particularly popular with some of the people he met.

Although he lived by time it was never something he considered, at least not consciously... must wait for the opportune moment...

It was a simple yet terrifying revelation to Jack when he realised he could not continue to cheat time. He was at long last forced to accept time was not a beast that could be ignored. Jack Sparrow was not immortal against time and its effects...time had got its claws into him like it had with everyone else on this earth.

It was this realisation playing over and over in his mind that caused him to return to the Pearl while various other parts of him screamed at him to keep rowing and escape while he could.

No...he returned. Why? As he stood before 'said terrible beastie' he asked him self that very question. Deep down Jack knew the answer to his unvoiced question.

His life was with the Pearl. It was the only life he could imagine living, any other form of life seemed beyond him now. Perhaps if he still held the somewhat warped belief he was 'immortal' and not being bit on the heels by time he could allow himself to believe he could start a new life without the Black Pearl.

Of course grim reality hindered this ideology. Jack Sparrow was a slave to time like every other living creature... trapped in the sands of time.

His life was the Pearl why bother attempting to go on while the very essence of him was crushed and killed with the Pearl while he waited for the sands of time to finally rise high enough to smother what fraction of him remained.

What was it that brought all this into sharp relief for Captain Jack Sparrow? The answer is very simple...a simple grey hair...

"I'm not sorry..." he vaguely remembered Elizabeth whispering to him as she chained him to his fate sealing it with a kiss.

"No...nor am I," he thought to himself. The thought of living in a world where he was controlled by a mightier force terrified him. The only word that escaped his lips was, "pirate." In a way it was rather apt though it was not what he planned to say, it was afterall his fate. He had the last laugh with the demon of time. He chose when he left this world, he did not leave it until the sands of time finally decided to smother him.

Captain Jack Sparrow would not allow himself to be defeated by an unseen force that rather ironically left visible signs of its presence, like a single grey hair...