Spoilers: Beer Bad of course :) and anything up till then as well just to CMA
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me, they belong to Joss Whedon and Co., WB, UPN and whoever else can lay claims. Only the story is mine. First posted fic. Lemme know if you love it or hate it.

/ denote thought


The bright blast of sunlight coming in from the crack between the curtains illuminates a head of tangled blond hair. As the minutes progress the band of light slowly moves across the face until it falls upon the closed eyes of one Buffy Anne Summers. Buffy, groans in both agony and despair as the sunlight pounds into her mind like a Mac truck. After a few seconds of excruciating pain she rolls her head over to get her face out of the band of sunlight and then proceeds to snuggle closer to the body beneath her.

/Mmmm, mussley./ thought Buffy with a warm happy feeling, as she snuggles into the man's chest beneath her. /Mussley? Huh? Wait a sec.../ With a jerk Buffy sits upright in bed... and instantly regrets it as her head seems to explode into little isty, bitsy, pieces. Then the pieces all turn around and beat her in the stomach as she resists the urge to to experience what she had for dinner last night all over again.

/What in the world happened to me last night? Was I attacked?/ Buffy tries to remember the events leading up to her being in bed with an as of yet unknown man, since she is pretty sure that opening her eyes would allow them to fall out and run away, she hasn't managed to open them yet.

With her eyes still closed, Buffy proceeds to run her fingers through her hair looking for bumps, gashes etc. that may help explain her headache and nausea. And then she remembers the beer. 'Black Frost' beer to be exact, and she groans. /So THIS is a hangover/ she muses. / Ok, this in NOT something I will EVER be repeating./

With great deliberation and forethought she comes to the conclusion that she'd better find out who she just spent the night with... naked. /Awww, crap./ Her left eyelid slowly creaks open as she stares down at herself and realizes /Yup, nekkid as the day is long./ with a small sigh she looks up at her bed mate. Tousled brown hair and a calm asleep face strike her to the very soul.


AleXander LaVelle Harris' eyes snap open and his head jerks up in terror. His body tries to follow but Buffy's fist is suddenly in front of his face. /This close it looks rather large./ was his only thought as he stares death in the eyes.

"How could you do that to me?" Buffy shrieks at him. "I thought you were my friend?" she breaks down and sobs on the side of the bed.

"Umm, Buffy." Xander stops speaking at the glare the short blond gave him. The short blond that could take him apart and beat him to death with his own arm. "Um, " Xander continues "Could you untie me?"

Buffy just blinks at him in surprise for a second before looking at the headboard of the bed. Seeing Xanders hands tied to the bedposts she turns around and looks at the foot of the bed and sees his feet again bound to the posts.

"Why are you tied to the bed?" she asks in a rather small voice.

Xander just blushes and says "Umm, Buff. Your buff. As in in the."

Buffy realizes he is correct and jerks the bed sheet up to cover her torso, in doing so she uncovers Xander. "HEY! No fair I need some too."

Buffy just blushes redder as she stares at Xander /Wow, didn't know they made them that big./ With a small smirk on her face, that was currently trying to cause Fire trucks to turn green with envy at the shade of red it was she tucks the corner of the bed sheet under Xanders far hip. /Parker and Angel weren't... Focus Buffy. Why are we naked and why is he tied to the bed? Don't think about... Wow./

"I repeat. Why are you tied to the bed?"

With a sigh Xander flops his head back on the pillow and says with a sigh and a grimace "You wouldn't take no as an answer."

"What?" replies a very shocked Slayer.

"At about 3 this morning you came knocking on my door. You said I smelled nice and then proceeded to take off all your cloths." A small smile comes to Xander's face. "Don't get me wrong, that's been a fantasy of mine for 3 years. But, well, you were drunk and all CaveBuffy, so I tried to get you to put your cloths back on. When that didn't work I tried getting you to sleep on the bed; alone, and I would have taken the couch. You just whimpered at me and started to cry."

Buffy just stares at Xander in shock as he relays what happened earlier this morning to her. As he is talking her memory starts to come back to her and she blushes four shades deeper red, if that was humanly possible, at what memories Xander is about to relay.

"When I tried to get you to stop crying, you grabbed me and tied me to the bed using my socks and our belts" Xander looks over his head at his hands tied to the headboard with his socks. "And then ripped my cloths of and... well, *uhem* madelovetomeallnightlong." he finishes in a rush.

Xander then closes his eyes and waits for the inevitable fall out. He was sure that this was his fault some how and is ready to let Buffy beat him to death if she feels that is what he deserved. /I really screwed up this time. Now she'll never talk to me again. Either I'll be dead, or she'll avoid me like a pariah. Damnit I should have been stronger. I should have resisted more./ These thoughts come to a sudden and screeching thought as he hears a sound that he would never had expected to hear in this situation. Buffy giggling. One eye peaking open he sees Buffy covering her mouth in mirth as she stares at Xander, tied to the bed. /Okay, not the reaction I was expecting. This is good though, I am not in pain./

As Buffy continues to giggle like a hyena Xander gets more and more confused. "Okay, I am glad you found this funny. Could you please unite me now?" he looks at Buffy with pleading eyes.

"Sure, Xand." says Buffy as she stands up besides the bed and turns towards his feet. In so standing she pulls the covers off Xander again.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"What?" says Buffy as she turns back around.

Catching sight of Xander in the nude again, Buffy just stops and stares. /Know what? Last night wasn't that bad. Except for the beer part./ was all that was running through her mind as she stares at Xander. /Wow./ was the other thought prevalent in her mind as well.

Coming to a sudden decision Buffy drops the bed sheet to the ground and smiles at Xander.

"I think that we'll leave things just the way they are for the time being." says the very naked Slayer as she crawls on top of a very surprised Xander

From outside the house a stray dog looks up as it hears a shriek of "BUFFY!" coming from the basement. It was a good thing that the Harris's weren't home till next Wednesday...