Ok This Is My First Story So Please Be Nice!
Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket or any of it's characters.
It was a cold and rainy day and Tohru was sitting in her room on her bed, looking out her window. Shigure had gone to the main house to talk with Ayame, Kyo had decided about a week ago that he wanted to go train some more with Kazuma, and Yuki was at a student council meeting, leaving Tohru alone.
Tohru sighed as she looked back out the window at the softly falling rain. Lately she had begun to notice that she liked Yuki much more than a friend. She sighed again and thought to herself, 'You really need to stop thinking about that! He will never feel the same way and if you tell him then it will ruin our friendship!'
She began to softly tremble as tears began to slide down her cheeks. She then brought one trembling hand up to her hair and touched the soft fabric of the ribbon that Yuki had given her that she wore in her hair. She began to remember that day as tears now freely poured from her eyes.
"Honda-san?" Yuki said and Tohru immediately turned her head towards him and snapped out of her thoughts.
"Oh, Sohma-kun! You startled me, what are you doing here though? I thought the meeting would end in an hour?" Tohru replied while staring at him.
Yuki closed the door to her room and started to walk over to her bed and replied, "Yes but we finished our work early today, and besides I rushed home because I was worried about you staying home alone today." He then sat down next to her.
Tohru stared at him a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. She then shook her head and replied, "Oh, well you shouldn't have been worried about me I'm fine, but you're probably hungry now so I'll go start cooking dinner." She then began to stand up but Yuki grabbed her arm and sat her back down right next to him.
Tohru looked up at him confused with a slight blush. He then brought a hand up to her cheek and brushed off some of her tears. "You've been crying… Why?" He asked concern visible in his tone.
She gasped and rubbed the rest of her tears off her face and replied, "Oh it was nothing really." She then stood and began to walk away again but this time Yuki got in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Please tell me." He said as they locked eyes.
Tohru felt entranced by his deep violet eyes but then managed to reply, "I was just thinking… A-About my mother." She lied. She just couldn't tell him. She then looked down. When she looked back up Yuki looked troubled and a few more tears fell from her eyes.
His eyes held a sad yet longing look in them as he replied, "I'm so sorry… I shouldn't have pried. It's your business after all." Tohru opened her mouth to say something but he quickly hugged her and sighed while tightening his hold on her expecting to hear an all too familiar 'POOF' but it never came. He stood there shocked then backed away and stared at an also confused Tohru.
"H-Honda-san?" Yuki stuttered with confusion. All of a sudden something clicked in Tohru's head as her eyes widened and she grasped the necklace she was wearing.
The necklace was a pure sterling silver chain with a sapphire heart charm in the center and then around it was all small silver charms of all the zodiac animals and the cat except the cat was gold.
"I-It really works." Tohru said just above a whisper.
Yuki stood there dumbfounded and then Tohru nodded and muttered, "That's right you don't know yet do you?"
Tohru took a deep breath and then replied, "Yesterday while I was cleaning I got a call from Hatori-san to come to the main house after school today, and I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want you to worry and I knew I would be alone here after school anyway. So I did as I was told and met him there. When I did he gave me this necklace. He told me that Akito-san found it and wanted to give it to me because who ever wears it can get hugged by zodiac members and they won't transform. He also added that this was so I didn't blow the secret in public if I ever accidentally embraced one of you being the klutz that I am." She finished and caught her breath while sitting back on her bed.
Yuki looked shocked, 'I…I can hug her now? And Akito did this? Is he planning something? Well then we'll have to be careful. But still I can't believe it! I can actually hug her!' He thought as his gaze fell on Tohru who was staring at him while fiddling with the necklace.
He then sat down and embraced her tightly, wrapping one arm securely around her waist and the other around her back.
"Sohma-kun?" Tohru replied with a confused tone.
"I'm sorry, Honda-san." He said while letting her go then added, "It just feels good to finally be able to hug you."
Tohru just smiled and replied, "Its okay. I didn't mind. I was just surprised is all." She then got up and said, "Well I better get dinner ready. Shigure-san should be home soon.
Yuki nodded and they both headed downstairs. Tohru got dinner started and Yuki watched and chatted with her about random things.
Meanwhile at the Sohma main house Hatori was visiting with Akito.
"So she got the necklace right?" Akito asked while staring out his window with his white bird perked on his finger.
"Yes. She also said to thank you for it." Hatori replied from where he sat at the other side of the room.
Akito smiled evilly and nodded. 'This is going just as I thought it would.' He thought to himself.
"You may go now." Akito said to Hatori and he nodded, bowed, and left.
"I'm home! Is my flower done cooking dinner yet?" Shigure yelled as he walked into the house.
"Ah, welcome home Shigure-san!" Came Tohru's usual happy voice as she began to set the table.
Shigure sat down at the table and glanced over at Yuki who was deep in thought and had a sad look on his face. "What's the matter Yuki? Girl trouble?" He asked in his usual joking tone.
Yuki glared at him. "It's none of your business you hentai inu." He replied back angrily.
Tohru finished setting out the food and they began eating.
About ten minutes later Shigure remembered something and replied, "Ah, yes. Kazuma called this morning while you two were in school and said that because of recent events Kyo will be coming back in two days."
Yuki stopped eating at this and sighed with frustration. "As if things weren't busy enough right now and now I have to deal with that baka neko?"
Tohru was listening when all of a sudden she replied, "Well if that's so then we should do something fun! I heard that there's a fair that's coming so we should go when Kyo-kun gets back and invite everyone!"
"That's a good idea Honda-san. I would love to go and I'm sure everyone else would love to too." Yuki replied with that princely smile of his, causing Tohru to blush slightly while again she began to fiddle with her necklace.
Shigure noticed this and got a playful look in his eyes while he replied, "That's a pretty necklace Tohru-kun! Did your boyfriend give it to you?"
Yuki shot him a death glare and Tohru blushed and then told him the whole story.
After she finished Shigure took on a dramatic pose and replied, "Ah! Finally I can hold my beautiful flower!" All the while imagining things he shouldn't be.
Tohru sat with her usual confused expression and Yuki's face turned icy cold. "If you touch her I swear I'll kill you." Yuki said in a dark evil voice.
"Ah! Tohru-kun, Yuki-kun is scaring me!" He said and hid behind Tohru but then poked his head out and added, "But then again I know how easy it is to be jealous of me, Yuki-kun."
Yuki's eyes shot open at this and in two seconds later Shigure was on the ground out cold and badly injured.
Later that night Tohru found it hard to sleep so she stood on her balcony and stared at the stars. She again began to think about Yuki and her feelings for him and began to softly cry again.
'Why do these thoughts haunt me? Why can't I just accept the fact that Yuki will only ever like me as a friend?' She thought as she cupped her tear stained face in her hands.
Then as if on cue someone put a hand on Tohru's shoulder and she looked up to see none other then Yuki.
She remained silent for a moment and he tipped her chin with his hand and rubbed some of her tears off with his thumb.
"You're crying again. What's really bothering you?" He asked his voice full of concern. He then placed his other hand on her shoulder waiting for an answer.
"It's nothing really." She replied as a few more tears slid down her cheeks, Yuki immediately wiping them off with his thumb.
"If it was nothing then it wouldn't make you cry so please tell me. I could try helping you with what ever it is, and even if I can't it sometimes helps to just admit to whatever it is." He said sternly.
After hearing this Tohru began to cry more. "I wish I could tell you. I want to more than anything. It's just… I can't… I…"
Yuki quickly put a finger to her lips to silence her seeing how hard it was for her. He then whispered, "It's alright... You don't have to tell me… But I'll always be here if you need anything…" His voice was calm but Tohru could see the disappointment in his voice which made Tohru cry more.
Yuki's eyes widened at this and he pulled her into a soft embrace as she cried on his shoulder. "Ssh. I said it was okay didn't I?" He asked with a soft but confused voice.
"Yeah but… I just…" Tohru sighed and turned away from him and the embrace not noticing the hurt look she got from Yuki afterward. "I guess I should be getting to bed now." She muttered and began to walk over to her bed but one of her feet twisted the wrong way when she stepped and she yelped in pain and closed her eyes expecting to hit the ground. Instead she felt someone quickly hurry to her side and quickly wrap their two strong arms around her waist and catch her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a worried Yuki hovering over her.
"Are you alright Honda-san?" He asked and tried to help her up.
"Yes, thank you Sohma-kun. I'm… Ow!" She cried as she began to stand up but she fell right back into Yuki's arms.
"Ah, I'm sorry. I think I might have twisted my ankle." She replied and blushed.
"It's alright, here." He said as he slid one arm under her knees and one around her back and picked her up bridal style, walked over, and sat her on her bed only causing her to blush more.
"Wait right here." He said and walked out of the room. He then returned with some medic wrap and carefully began to wrap up her ankle. It wasn't the best wrapping but it would have to do.
"There you go." He said and stood up.
"Thank you so much, Sohma-kun." She replied while smiling her usual cheery smile.
He also smiled and then replied, "Well time for you to get some sleep." While walking over to her door.
"Okay then. Goodnight Sohma-kun." She replied while slipping under the covers.
"Goodnight Honda-san." He replied while smiling again. He then closed the door and walked over to his own room.
Yuki POV
I sighed as I walked into m y room and plopped down on my bed.
'The baka neko will be back in two days, meaning tomorrow will be my last day with Tohru. Should I tell her?' I thought while looking up at the ceiling. 'But if she doesn't return the feeling what will happen? Will our friendship end as well? I can't let that happen but it felt so good to hold her and I can't keep this feeling bottled up forever!'
I sighed and turned on my side when a thought hit me. 'She was crying… And she didn't want to tell me why… Could it be that she figured it out and she was crying because she didn't want to hurt my feelings? I hope not! I hate it when she cries especially if I'm the one causing it!' These thoughts whirled through my head for awhile until finally sleep took overtook me though in me sleep he dreamt of what would happen if she had returned the feeling and had terrible nightmares of what would happen if she rejected me.
"Tohru… I love you…" I muttered in his sleep as images of her flashed through my head.
So what do you think? I would like at least 3 reviews before I update… Just to know if my story is any good.