Songfic Three-shot:

Runaway Love

A Naruto Story

Taco-chan: Hello, friends, family, and readers of fan-fiction everywhere! This is a sad three-shot (one chapter per story and verse) to the song Runaway Love by Ludacris and Mary J. Blidge. I changed the names in the song to go with the story. Okay? Good. Also, it's kinda serious and I suck at serious stuff so don't be mad and flame me saying, "Oh, you suck at serious stuff!" if it sucks. Because I know. Don't rub it in.

Disclaimer: I don't own Runaway Love or Naruto.


Runaway love
Runaway love
Runaway love
Runaway love
Runaway love
Runaway love
Runaway love
Runaway love

A 9 year old Hyuga Hinata trudged down the street, being completely ignored by everyone. It was nothing unusual to her. She was used to being ignored. She always was. Everything she said, either in school or at home, was either not heard or disregarded. Most people would think that that's a horrible way to live. Well, duh. Of course it's a bad way to live. But, eventually, you get used to it. The being overlooked, the never knowing anything about your parents, the hiding in your room while your so called mom was getting high in the kitchen with some pimp she met on the street…all of it.

Now Hinata is only 9 years old
She's trying to figure out why the world is so cold
Why she's all alone and ain't neva met her family
Mama's always gone and she never met her daddy

The blue-haired girl stopped shuffling her feet against the dirt road when her beat up, 1 story house came into view. A scared look crossed her face when she heard glass break and a guy scream and cuss, the voice of her mother screaming right back. She paused, hesitated, then turned around and sprinted towards Konoha Park in the center of the village.

On her way to her new destination, she saw a bubblegum-haired 10-year-old girl sobbing over the cold-looking, unconscious form of another 10-year-old with light blond hair, which was slowly turning red from the pool of blood she was lying in. Hinata stared for about 3 minutes, unsure of what to do. The roaring of a siren snapped her out of her gaze and she ran away. It was late and she was out past her curfew.

At the park, she saw a girl, probably the age of eleven, crying on a park bench by the lake. The shy girl stopped in her tracks for a second, then cautiously tip-toed over to the girl with brown hair pulled into two buns on either side of her head.

"U-um…ano…excuse m-me…" Hinata stuttered. The girl jumped and stared at Hinata with big brown eyes. Her cheeks were tear stained, and, by the look of it, she had been crying for at least an hour. "A-are you l-lost?" Hinata tried again, swallowing the lump of nervousness that had formed in her throat.

The girl made no move to reply. She grabbed the pink backpack sitting beside her and slung it over her shoulder. The girl in Chinese clothes pushed the younger girl over as she ran away from her.

Hinata sighed at sat down on the wooden bench. Just like always. No one ever listened…

Part of her is missing and nobody will listen
Mama's on drugs getting high up in the kitchen
Bringing home men at different hours of the night
Startin' with some laughs -- usually ending in a fight

After about an hour of sitting on the icy bench in the chilling air doing nothing but staring at the sky, she glanced at her wrist. A shocked mask covered up her sad face as she double-checked to make sure she had read it right. She had – 12:49 A.M. She hopped off the bench as though it was made of liquid lava and sprinted out the park gate. When she made it back to her house, the light was on in the kitchen and two figures – one of a tall man, the other her mother – were arguing. Hinata flinched at the tone of their voices, took a step forward, then winced as she accidentally stepped on a shard of glass, left behind from a wrecked wineglass. Hobbling over to the front door, she silently opened and closed it, before going up the stairs and shutting her door.

Once safely inside, she locked her door and, with a strangled cry which wasn't audible over the sound of the two adults fighting just below her, she pulled out the shard of bloody wineglass from her foot. She should probably go to a doctor and get it checked out, but she was too tired to care. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the fighting downstairs. Suddenly, there was a crash and then complete stillness. Hinata opened her eyes and sat up on her bed. That was weird. Usually they would fight all night long. A rattling broke her train of thought. She turned with a horrified face towards her door to see the knob moving left and right. Someone was trying to get in.

Sneaking in her room while her mama's knocked out
Trying to have his way and Hinata says 'ouch'
She tries to resist but then all he does is beat her
Tries to tell her mom but her mama don't believe her

"Hello? Little girl? Do you want to play?"

Hinata's eyes widened as she sprung up from her bed, grabbed her backpack, stuffed a blanket in it, and opened her window. Lucky for her, her mom bought so many drugs they could only afford a 1 story house. Huh. Usually that's a bad thing. Shaking off any thoughts of hesitation, she jumped down, landing on the solid dirt below. The sound of a creaking door floated through her ears.

"Little girl? Little girl?" She heard him storm over to the window and ducked behind an overgrown bush. "Dammit…that little bitch got away…Oh well…maybe that Haruka-whore has so more X downstairs." The thudding of his footsteps got softer and softer until he was on the other side of the house. Hinata was frozen in shock for a minute, and then was flooded with the burning sensation of anger. How dare he call her mom such horrible things?! Sure, they were true, but that's still no reason to say them aloud!

She grabbed her backpack and ran off to the park where she found the bench she had been sitting on earlier. Sitting on it was a blond-haired boy about her age, who was snoring loudly. She didn't want to disturb him, so she found another bench and laid her head down, her backpack serving as her pillow as she fell asleep.


The next day, Hinata went home to find her mother awake and flipping pancakes. The blue-haired woman seemed…oddly sober, so Hinata tried her luck on actually having a conversation with her mother. It turned out horrible. Her mother may have been sober, but when she is she's really pissed off at the world. So, when Hinata tried to tell her about the incident last night, she completely ignored her. She acted like she didn't even hear her.

Hinata was crushed. Usually, her mom actually spoke to her. Sure they were things like "Shut it! I don't want to hear you," or, "I don't care," or, the most common, "You liar!" but, she did still talk to her. Now, she was being completely ignored.

Silently crying, she pushed her chair away from the table, stood up, and left the house without saying another word.

Hinata is stuck up in the world on her own
Forced to think that hell is a place called home
Nothing else to do but get some clothes and pack
She says she's 'bout to run away and never come back.

That night, Hinata ran away from her mother, her home, and her entire life. She was reported as missing by her teacher, and her mother had never even noticed she had left. When the police went to her house, she was dangerously high, and was taken to the hospital where she died from an overdose on X.

But, what happened to Hinata?

Hinata was never found. Some people say they've seen her wandering the streets in other villages, but they're just rumors. No one has ever really seen her after she ran away. Maybe she'll pop up one day in Konoha, sitting on her favorite park bench until midnight, like she used to? Probably not.

A grave was made for her, just in case she had died, which was what most likely happened to her.

Hyuga Hinata

Age: 9




Taco-chan: I decided that this will be split into 3 different chapters to make it less long. Plus I have to be in a dark mood to write this and my dark mood is slowly fading for today so I can't write any more.

There will be one chapter for each verse.

Comments are appretiated and suggestions on how to make my story better are welcome.

Just don't flame me, please.

Arigato! See you next chapter!