A/N: Hey, I know it's been awhile, sorry about that! And, I realized I did a big fanfiction no-no...I didn't yet give credit to the makers of InuYasha and I'm sorry for that so here it is: I, romance-junkie2006, do not own the adorable characters of InuYasha (sad face), nor, when I think about it, do I own the mischievous Eros (sadder face). I'm just borrowing them for a bit for my own little fun, lol.


Boy Troubles

Ignoring his question, Kagome simply continued smiling at him while warmth spread throughout her heart. It was moments like these – when it was just her and InuYasha – that she held in her most precious memories.

As a teenage girl who was able to time travel and try to save Feudal Japan with just a quiver of arrows and an old bow, Kagome really should have been used to strange things happening to her. She was constantly kidnapped by demons intent on having the shards around her neck and had to be rescued by InuYasha more times than she could count. But meeting Eros definitely took the trophy in the Weird-Events-in-Kagome-Higurashi's-Life Contest.

Standing outside of Kaede's hut, leaning against the rough wood and kicking at a loose pebble with her loafer, Kagome could hardly believe that she was just here yesterday, greeting Kaede before heading off with InuYasha and Shippo to find another jewel shard. Kagome honestly couldn't remember what was going through her mind while she was being pulled into the vortex. All she could remember was Eros. When she had first seen him in the empty darkness, he had looked exactly like the Christian angels that were painted lovingly in the Catholic churches in her era.

Shaking her head, the confused schoolgirl searched around the surrounding houses for a familiar flash of red and silver. But, just as she had anticipated, InuYasha was nowhere to be found. Jerk, Kagome sighed, ever since Eros joined us he hasn't even looked at me.

Beside her, Shippo shifted restlessly before turning to her. "Why do we have to wait outside?" he asked with the exasperation of a bored child.

"Kaede has to take care of Eros's broken wing," Kagome explained, bending down so she was eyelevel with the frowning kitsune. "And she has to hear about where he's from so we can help him go home."

Turning his head away, pointy little nose in the air, Shippo huffed, "Well, I don't like him. He's weird-looking and stares at you way too much. I don't think InuYasha likes him much, either."

Placing a hand in front of her mouth, Kagome tried to hide her grin. Guess Shippo is getting the possessive streak from a certain annoying hanyou that I know, Kagome thought affectionately. Deciding to give the poor boy a break, Kagome reached into her bag and handed Shippo a chocolate bar. To which she received a rather feminine squeal that nearly caused her eardrums to bleed.

Good thing Shippo's a demon, Kagome thought while watching Shippo scarf down the sweet, unaware of the chocolate smudges he was leaving behind on his cheeks. Otherwise he'd be the size of a house by now.

Shippo was nearly done with his treat when Kaede hobbled out of the hut, shielding her eye from the harsh sun. Although aged, the priestess Kaede definitely had a strong presence in her miko robes and the patch over her eye. Looking back now, Kagome felt bad about the pirate jokes that were running through her head when she first met Kaede.

"Kaede, you're finally finished!" Shippo exclaimed happily, running over to embrace her and Kaede grimaced as his sullied hands left chocolate smears on her pristine clothes.

Standing up straighter, Kagome tried to hide her anticipation. It had been awhile since something this exciting happened. "So," Kagome ventured as a silence stretched between the trio. "Do you know how to help him?"

"I think it best if ye get InuYasha first," Kaede said gravely and Kagome's heart sank. That can't be good.

"I'll get him!" Shippo offered excitedly and rushed off toward the forest, leaving Kaede and Kagome grinning from his antics.

Turning to her sort-of-mentor, Kagome asked the question that had been plaguing her mind since Kaede had sent her away earlier. "Do you think he'll…um…be OK?" Kaede smiled at her warmly.

"Aye, child, the one you brought to me will be fine. Why don't you see for yourself?" Kaede offered, pulling aside the mat that served as her door.

Stepping into the small house, Kagome was greeted by sights that she had become familiar with over the past two years that she had been traveling with InuYasha and their friends in Feudal Japan. In the corner were the clay pots holding medicinal herbs that Kaede taught her about. Propped against the wall was a bow that was crafted with sturdy, laminated wood and next to it, as if giving it company, was a quiver of arrows. In the middle of the room was a square carved into the ground that allowed Kaede light a fire for warmth and cooking.

But the half-naked boy – no god – that was lounging near that square was quite unfamiliar.

"Gahh," Kagome gasped, producing possibly the least sexy noise in the history of womanhood when she beheld his nakedness.

His back towards her, Kagome was given a view of his broad shoulders that tapered into his waist. His white robe was pooled around his lap and his strong legs were stretched before him. He seemed in deep thought, one of his arms propping him up while the other ran through his golden curls. Long, avian wings sprouted from his shoulder blades and were folded across his back. Seeing the splint made of large sticks that Kaede must have made to encase the demented left wing reminded Kagome that the man before her was injured and she made her way towards him.

Hearing her footsteps, Eros whipped around and smiled when he saw that it was only Kagome, which flustered the miko-in-training even more. "H-hi," Kagome said uncertainly, squatting down to sit across from him. "Are you feeling better?"

Deciding to sit across from him was definitely a huge mistake; Kagome averted her eyes from his sculpted chest and cleared her throat.

"I'm feeling much better," Eros's deep voice reached her and she braved a glance in his direction. Only to have her gaze trapped with his and have a heavy silence stretch between them. The sunlight from the window filtered in the room, catching the gold of his hair and making it shimmer. Eros was definitely not an ugly man. His gaze which crackled with intelligence was so blue that they seemed surreal and his chin had a slight cleft that gave his face an edge that didn't make him appear too boyish.

Too late Kagome realized that she had been staring at him quite rudely. "I'm sorry," she blurted out, wanting desperately to break the silence. Once she spoke, though, she wanted to slam her palm on her forehead for her stupidity.

One fair eyebrow hitched and Eros's lips tilted upward as he regarded her as if she was the most fascinating creature he has ever seen. "Sorry? What have you done that condones such an apology?"

"Well, you know, getting you trapped here and all that. I mean, if you weren't trying to help me out, then you wouldn't have been dragged here with me and would have been safe at home. You probably hate it here." Kagome continued in a rush, her cheeks reddening as she realized that she was jabbering.

Mouth, this is Brain speaking here: Please, stop. I'm begging you.

But Eros didn't seem to mind. In fact, he laughed richly before grasping the fine material of his robe and – thank the gods – began dressing himself while grinning widely. "I don't mind that much," Eros confessed. "In fact, I am finding that I enjoy being here."

The statement seemed innocent enough, but Eros began looking at her with a glint in his eye and if Kagome didn't know any better she could have sworn that he was flirting with her! For a second, Kagome wondered if a young, healthy girl of seventeen was able to die of a heart attack. But she soon calmed down once she was able to actually think and realize that she was speaking about a god, here. Not only was he a god, but he was a god of love and lust, no less. He was probably flocked by women infinitely more beautiful than Kagome.

And Kagome was just fine with that because she already had enough boy trouble with a certain no-good, pig-headed, insensitive hanyou. Kagome was still silently fuming when said hanyou charged into the hut in a blur of colorful motion, followed by an excited Shippo and a panting Kaede. "What be the rush, InuYasha?" The elder miko demanded. "Get him, InuYasha!" Shippo cheered. The visibly irritated half-demon ignored both of them.

His raging golden gaze flickered around the room before settling on the schoolgirl and deity. Without uttering a sound, InuYasha promptly sat between the two of them, much to the annoyance of Kagome. "InuYasha," she complained, pushing at his shoulder angrily.

"I ain't moving so you can quit trying," he said stiffly, his golden eyes fixed ahead.

The urge to grab onto the stray, silver locks that were within her reach and yank his face in her direction and to demand that he tell her what was bugging him now was great. But somehow she was able to resist and folded her arms across her chest in anger. All day while they were traveling towards Kaede's village, InuYasha would stubbornly stand between Kagome and Eros, making it impossible to ask all the questions that she wanted to. Kagome would've "sat" him into the Earth's core if she didn't secretly think his possessiveness was cute.

"Jerk," she murmured, and the only indication that he heard was the flickering of his furry dog ears.

"Sorry about that, Lady Kaede," Kagome said sincerely, giving a pointed glare at InuYasha, who was still not looking at her.

But instead of looking angry at having to wait for everyone to settle down, Kaede appeared to be holding back laughter. She carefully sat down, taking care not to hurt her aged body, and Kagome was suddenly reminded for the first time of Kaede's age. Looking up, Kaede regarded the strange assembly in front of her before asking, "Shall I begin?" When everyone nodded their consent, Kaede took a deep breath.

"I've listened to what Eros has to say and have pondered on the situation a great deal," she began, and Kagome could tell that whatever Kaede had deduced was not good. "And I have found that I am surprised that the gods of the foreign lands even exist. As a child, I have heard many fables about gods like these from my elder sister."

At the mention of Kikyo, Kagome turned and saw InuYasha's face transform before her eyes: his eyes lost a little bit of their anger and his ears swiveled at the mention of her. I bet if Kikyo was the one who wanted to help Eros, she would be considered noble and kind, not idiotic, Kagome thought bitterly and soon regretted her unkind thoughts before turning her attention back to Kaede, who was wringing her hands together while gazing off into the distance.

"After hearing Eros's story, one fable in particular came to mind. It was a fable of the Earth's very creation. Eons ago, hundreds upon hundreds of gods reigned together, living in their realm with relative peace and tranquility. But soon the beings became restless, realizing that, though they were powerful, there was nothing that benefited from their powers, nothing to challenge them. So the gods decided to create a world in which its creatures would need their guidance and strength. Lending their own personal strengths, they were able to create the world we know today, with its oceans, mountains, and beasts.

"Soon the gods were faced with another problem, though. They each wanted to rule over the territory they deemed best. Sometimes, over a hundred wanted the same land. Without a resolution in sight, the gods began to partake in bloody wars that continued endlessly. But soon, a wise goddess decided that a group of gods should reign over a specific territory in order to keep balance. Using her powers, she was able to cast all the gods in different directions and each god would land on a star. The lands upon which that star lent its light were the lands that the god would rule.

"But the gods had to all agree that they would not meddle with the other gods' territory and, should those rules be disobeyed, the consequences would most likely result in another devastating war."

InuYasha growled before shouting, "Yeah, nice story, but that has absolutely nothing to do getting this bastard home! Can you get him home or not, old hag?"

"I cannot."

"Then what was the point of that stupid story?!"

"InuYasha," Kagome murmured as something clicked in her mind and InuYasha paused in his ranting to glance at her. Reaching out, she grasped the sleeve of his haori desperately. "Don't you get it? According to this story, Eros shouldn't be here. All of his comrades already rule over another land and his presence here can cause trouble."

Kagome was about to ask about the Christian God, who didn't seem to rule over any certain land, then remembered the story of the enslaved Jews who were being tormented in Egypt. Rather than go and free His people, God sent a prophet in his stead to act as a channel of his power to give the Jews freedom. Oh, Kagome thought wondrously. I never thought of it like that before.

"Is this true, Lady Kaede?" Eros asked quietly, his cobalt eyes stormy with worry.

"Aye," Kaede replied. "I know not of how to get ye home but I know that ye must do so immediately lest the gods catch wind of this mistake."

"Then, what can we do?" Shippo asked.

"I have heard of a man residing in the mountains due east that should be able to provide you with more information. He is a scholar in foreign studies and is quite intelligent, from what I've heard."

"Damn it!" InuYasha interrupted, slamming his fist into the wood of Kaede's floor and silencing everyone. "What good are you, anyway?" He yelled, directing his hurtful comment towards Kaede. "You can't even help us get this sack of crap outta my face! And you!" Kagome was shocked to see him point a clawed finger at her while huffing angrily. "You need to stop fucking flirting everywhere we go! It's disgusting!"

Flirting? Has he gone nuts?

"And you!" This was aimed towards a grinning Eros. "Don't think I don't see what stupid game you're playing! I'm going to get you outta here and away from her if it's the last thing I do!"

And with that declaration, he grasped Kagome's hand in a tight grip and yanked her up from the ground, causing Shippo to yip out in pain as he fell on the floor. Dragging a sputtering Kagome behind him, InuYasha stomped out of the hut, cursing colorfully under his breath. "InuYasha!" Kagome cried out angrily. And before she could "sit" him, he hoisted her into his arms and began sprinting blindly into the forest, causing the world to fly by Kagome in a kaleidoscope of colors. He's in so much trouble once he puts me down, Kagome thought, fisting his haori with one hand while pressing her face against his chest. But there's nothing wrong with enjoying the ride while I can.


Wandering around the palace in Mount Olympus, Aphrodite once again found herself at her son's bedchamber. Hovering near the door, the goddess glanced in only to see that it was as before: her son had not returned home. Usually, Aphrodite would not be worried over so short an absence but she couldn't remove the image of her son's haunted expression during his birthday celebration.

Unable to help herself, she entered her son's room, glancing at the wide bed that was stuffed with feathers in order to give him the utmost comfort. Propped on his bed were his prized weapons and she allowed her delicate fingers to trace the outline of his golden arrow, careful not to prick her finger on the tip.

"Son," the beauty whispered to herself. "Where have you gone?"

After summoning the strength to leave, she wandered the halls, smiling slightly at whoever passed by, but her heart knew no happiness. In the dismal state of her existence, being tied down to a man so homely that the young offspring would run scared in the opposite direction, her beautiful son was her only consolation. And she could tell, as a mother, that Eros has not been happy lately. For an indefinable amount of time, his smiles would become less and less frequent, his bouts of laughter further and further in between.

When he returned, Aphrodite would do her best to lift his spirits. Wandering with her in the mortal realm and dealing with the love lives of mortals always seemed to entertain Eros, causing his mischievous side to come out while he struck sworn enemies with an arrow that made them love with everything they had and an arrow that made a solid couple unravel at the seams.

Still deep in her thoughts, she finally reached her destination, the large door looming before her. Pressing a hand against the door, Aphrodite was about to open the door to ask Zeus to look for Eros when a wrinkled hand grasped her wrist. Gasping, Aphrodite spun around only to see a shrunken woman in a tattered, black cloak that concealed her entire form besides her twisted, spotted hands. One grasped the cane that the woman used for walking, shaking slightly, while the other stayed firmly around her wrist, preventing her from trying to enter.

"Oracle," Aphrodite gasped and then spoke with strength. "Unhand me this instant."

The Oracle heeded the goddess's request, stepping back after releasing Aphrodite from her hard grip. "There would be no need to tell Zeus about Eros," the Oracle said, her voice raspy.

Aphrodite placed her hands on her perfect hips, staring down at the elderly woman with her perfect gaze. "And why shouldn't I?" The goddess questioned and the two women stared at each other intently: the Oracle upon perfection and Aphrodite upon the harsh affects of age.

When the old woman didn't answer, Aphrodite resumed her previous position, pressing her palm against the door in order to open it.

"He is finding his happiness."

The statement made Aphrodite pause, her arm still poised in the air. Suddenly exhausted, Aphrodite pressed her head against the thick, mahogany door, her fair hair spilling around her to hide her face. "I knew it," she whispered to herself. "He wasn't even happy in his own home."

Lifting her head, the distraught goddess looked towards the cloaked crone with a watery smile. "Fine, I will tell no one of this. Only if you tell me where exactly my son is and if you swear to me that he will return."

A chuckle came from the woman and Aphrodite frowned. "Worry not, Aphrodite. I am not able to tell you where Eros is at the moment but only know that it will lead him to his happiness and that he will return to you."

"Swear it," Aphrodite demanded haughtily.

"I swear it."

Satisfied, Aphrodite spun around and walked away quickly, knowing that her husband must be looking for her.

The Oracle watched as Aphrodite fled down the hall, her pale hair and her elaborate, silk robe floating around her gracefully. Beauty is wasted on the brainless; she thought bitterly and wandered off, in a search of her own.


"Well…?" Kagome prompted but was only met by growling. "You brought me here, you know. The least you can do is start the conversation. It's basic etiquette."

That statement was responded with even more growling.

This is getting really tiresome, Kagome thought wearily, swinging her legs while trying to keep balance on the branch they were currently sitting on.

After his little marathon, InuYasha settled on leaping into a tree in the middle of the forest and settling on one of its branches. After he placed her down, he had not uttered a word and, quite frankly, Kagome was getting rather annoyed. But looking out towards the forest, her mood improved a good deal.

It was actually a beautiful day. Sunlight peeked through the leaves of the tree and the sky above them streaked with every shade of pink possible for the most beautiful sunset that Kagome ever witnessed. The birds a few branches above looked down at the teen girl and half-demon curiously before taking off, their red feathers gleaming. "Did you see that, InuYasha?" Kagome asked, tugging on his hand and pointing at the retreating flock. "Aren't they pretty?"

"Keh, they're just birds," he responded gruffly and Kagome didn't notice that he wasn't paying attention to the birds but rather her hand holding his.

"You're so oblivious sometimes," Kagome said, turning towards him with a smile.

"Am not," he responded childishly, then peered at her blankly. "What is 'ofivious'?"

Ignoring his question, Kagome simply continued smiling at him while warmth spread throughout her heart. It was moments like these – when it was just her and InuYasha – that she held in her most precious memories. During these times, InuYasha wouldn't have such a guarded look in his eyes and sometimes, mostly after she had been hurt, he would look at her in a way that made her feel as if he may possibly have deeper feelings for her than friendship. Sometimes, at these moments, Kagome would pretend that InuYasha loved her as much as she loved him.


It was funny to realize that when she was young, and she would be giggling with her friends over who they would fall in love in the future during sleepovers, Kagome would always tell them that she would love the perfect gentleman. Her soul mate would be a guy who would always bring her flowers, was really sensitive, and would always hold the door open for her. That type of guy would be given her heart, she had been certain.

Until she had been pulled into the shrine's well by a disturbing, half-naked centipede demon and came face-to-face with a half-demon who kept bothering her until she believed she was going to go insane. But, with the thought of losing him to Kikyo, she realized that she loved him so completely she didn't know which way was up. InuYasha may not have been the perfect gentleman that she had always envisioned, but he was there when she needed him and tried his best to keep her safe.

Looking at him now, Kagome could see that a lot has changed within InuYasha. He wasn't as distant as he was when she first met him. Well, since the day she met him he tried to kill her, anything would be an improvement, really. But lately, ever since Naraku had been defeated, Kagome would catch InuYasha staring at her, his expression somber, and she instinctively knew that he had something important he wanted to say. And it was these moments that Kagome's heart would flutter and she would be truly terrified.

Because she was afraid that it would be time for The Talk. The Post-Naraku, "Now-that-my-mission-is-done-I'm-going-to-hell-with-Kikyo" Talk. The talk in which InuYasha would tell her that he was leaving her forever. But, for some reason, the moment would pass and InuYasha's face would return to its normal, indifferent expression and Kagome would be able to relax, knowing that she wouldn't have to worry until he looked at her that way again.

Realizing that the silence between the two of them had stretched on long enough, Kagome decided to speak up.

"You know, you don't have to be jealous," Kagome stated, glancing at InuYasha from the corner of her eyes.

Whipping his head around, InuYasha glared fiercely at her. "Who said I was jealous?" He snarled and Kagome sighed.

Denial, thy name is InuYasha.

"Well, stop acting so crazy because people might get the wrong idea. What's been up with you, anyway?"

InuYasha huffed, stuffing his hands in the sleeve of his haori and staring off into the distance.

"Well, maybe if you weren't stupid enough to invite that moron to stay with us, I wouldn't have to waste my time trying to protect you."

"Protect me from what?And no one asked you to, thank you very much," Kagome retorted heatedly. InuYasha simply stared at her, refusing to give an explanation and Kagome suddenly had enough. "Fine, you know what? If all you want to do is sit here and sulk, then I think I'd better go."

Swinging her legs over the edge, Kagome tried to support her weight with her arms while her feet dangled in the air, waving around and trying to reach the branch below her. Before she could lower herself, a large hand grasped her forearm and pulled her upward.

"Idiot," InuYasha snarled, his face uncomfortably close to hers. "What are you trying to do? Break your neck?"

"Well, maybe it would be better than practically ripping my hair out trying to understand a very impossible half-demon!"

"I'm the impossible one?"

"Yes, you are! You know what, put me down, I'm going back to Kaede's."

InuYasha pushed his face closer to hers, his tawny eyes blazing with anger, "No."

"If you don't let me down, I'm going to climb down myself. And if I break my neck falling off this tree, trust me, mister; you will be the first one I haunt!"

Suddenly Kagome found herself in InuYasha's arms as he leapt gracefully to the ground, dropping her rather inconsiderately after he was safely on the ground. Kagome, not having enough time to get her balance, fell on her bottom and InuYasha's flickered with an emotion that looked suspiciously like regret before he turned his back on her, his arms crossed haughtily. "Go ahead and run to your lover boy," he spat, glancing at her over his shoulder. "See if I care!"

Leaping up, Kagome saw a flash of red, she was so angry. "InuYasha, SIT!" She screamed and, as always, InuYasha was dragged to the ground with a strangled shout. No matter how strong the half-demon was, he was not able to overcome the subjugation spell on the rosary he was forced to wear and the anger behind Kagome's words making the spell that much more powerful. Panting from her shouting, Kagome glared at the fallen hanyou until he began moving again.

"SIT!" She cried out again and InuYasha sank deeper into the ground. "I'm going on a walk to clear my mind and if you dare follow me, I'll 'sit' you until you can't walk for a week!"

Spinning on her heel, Kagome walked deeper into the forest, huffing angrily. The nerve of that guy, Kagome thought, charging through the woods wildly, always accusing me of betraying him when he's the one… Instead of finishing her thought, Kagome stopped walking, let out a cry of frustration, and kicked the nearest tree with all her might. Her act caused a pain to shoot up her leg and Kagome limped to a fallen tree trunk, settling down and nursing her foot.

"Idiot," she murmured to herself. "I shouldn't let that jerk get the better of me. When I get back to the village, I'm going to be cool, calm, and collected. That should show him that his words mean nothing to me."

After the throbbing in her foot stopped, Kagome stood up, noticing that dusk had already settled and the sun was no longer visible in the horizon. Well, I guess it's time to go back, Kagome sighed, heading in the direction of Kaede's village. As she walked through the forest, the sound of the night creatures awakening reached Kagome's ears and she became uneasy. Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on InuYasha…

Off in the distance, twigs on the floor snapped as someone approached her. Jumping, Kagome tried to calm her thumping heart. Relax, Kagome, she chided herself, it's just a villager, that's all. Still, she picked up her pace, walking quickly through the stretch of trees in order to get to the village sooner. Suddenly, someone leapt into her path, causing her to slam into a hard chest and stumble backwards.

Looking up, she gasped when she gazed upon a man who was definitely not a villager and didn't look real friendly.

His untamed, midnight hair stood on end and he wore the armor of a soldier. Still, Kagome felt nervous with the way his gaze seemed to travel up and down her body, as if trying to devour her whole.

"Hey, guys," he called out, his voice as gruff as his appearance. "Look what I've found here!"

Suddenly a group of soldiers emerged from the shadows, surrounding her. Trembling, Kagome looked around her frantically, searching for an escape and finding none.

A short, pudgy warrior stepped forward and passed his hands through Kagome's hair, leering at her in a manner that made her feel as if she was about to vomit. "She looks like a tasty little morsel," he commented, his grin revealing a row of rotten teeth. "Perhaps she is a gift from the nearby village for the warriors who work so hard under the emperor, hm?"

Off in the distance, a disembodied voice called out behind her, "It's been a long time since I have known a woman's touch."

"Now, now, men," the man who had first appeared before Kagome spoke up, quieting the men. "You know that your leader should have the first go."

When he reached for her, Kagome slapped away his hand, her face contorted with anger. "Hey, I don't know what kind of soldiers you are, but I'm not any gift for you! Now, if you guys don't get out of here, my friend's going to get here and, believe me, he's not the merciful type."

After Kagome spoke, the men stayed silent for a moment before bursting out into loud bouts of laughter.

"Ah, you are an entertaining one," the leader gasped, leaning on his colleague and wiping a tear from his eyes.

Arrows, Kagome thought desperately. Where are my arrows

After the laughter subsided, the leader of the ruffians straightened, his face stern and serious. "Alright, enough playing around, little lady," he said and when he reached out for her, Kagome panicked, shoving him aside with a strength she never knew she possessed and charging into the darkness. I have to get to InuYasha, was the only thought that ran through her mind as she pumped her long legs, propelling herself through the night to safety, to InuYasha.

"InuYasha," Kagome panted, her lungs burning from her exertion. "I'm..so..sorry…"

Before she could say anymore, Kagome was tackled to the floor, her head smacking painfully with the ground beneath her. Groaning, she looked up through the haze of pain at the man looming above her, his face stained with anger. "Don't try anything like that again, wench!" He yelled, pulling a hank of her hair to bring her face level with his.

"InuYasha…" she whispered and the man above her chuckled.

"Is this the man you spoke of before? The man who is supposed to save you?"

Kagome couldn't respond, she could only stare up groggily as black began to creep into the edges of her vision.

"Well, he must not be doing that great a job," the soldier taunted, tracing a dirty finger across her cheekbone. "He left you here all by yourself. Don't worry, though, we'll keep you company…"

Kagome groaned as the man leered above her, sighing out InuYasha's name once more before the world became black.

A/N: I would like to take this time to thank all my wonderful reviewers. You guys keep me going, seriously! So many, many thanks to: Alexian, Amathys, The Spiked Dragon, madmiko, Stephanie, MyInuYashaObssession, Blossom of the Spirit, Green Onion Ramen (YUM!), Bethany, Nitchu Mikata (you were my FIRST reviewer-yay!), TheMysteriousAuthoress, NightStar28, animefan135, and Ai Megami Murasaki. You guys earn a gold star! See you guys soon, and the next chapter is chock-full of FLUFF:D