Voldemort Defeated by Harry Potter!!!

BY: Angelina Johnson

Harry Potter, 19, accomplished the unthinkable task of defeating the most powerful dark wizard in a century. Since he was born, Harry Potter had been marked for this task. What was expected of him went far beyond the call of duty of a young wizard like he. Yet in the end he prevailed and liberated our world from darkness. He rose like a phoenix from the ashes and overcame death itself.

Harry fought the final battle at Godric's Hollow, his parent's resting place. It seems only fitting that the place where he-who-must-not-be-named murdered Harry's parents took his final breath. Severus Snape, 42, was the first to find Potter. When reporters asked him if he had seen Voldemort die, he responded, "When the Dark Mark faded from my arm that was enough proof that the Dark Lord had fallen."

Ministry officials continue to investigate the scene. The Dark Lord's wand was destroyed shortly after his death. Harry was transported to St.Mungo's for his injuries. The amount of witches and wizards that turned out at the hospital was so great that special wards were put in place to keep the crowd out. Harry has refused all interviews with Ministry officials, but stated to reporters that it was "Love" that pulled him through. Our hero was released this morning to spend Christmas with his friends.

It seems that the Dark Lord's defeat has brought with it a rebirth among all witches and wizards. Communities are rejoicing, people are coming together, and new vigor and youth has been injected into the hearts of all. It is clear that from this day on no witch or wizard will fear to speak the name Lord Voldemort.

We will be ever grateful to Harry Potter for his strength and bravery, and his deeds will transcend the pages of history. Therefore, It is with great pleasure that the Ministry for Magic declares December 24th International Harry Potter Day. This day will be marked by commemorative services to honor the fallen and to…

"Severus, It's been three years. You still have that around?"

Severus lowered the old copy of the Daily Prophet to look at Harry, who stood in the doorframe, cupping his mug of tea.

"It's nice to be reminded."

Harry smiled and sat on the edge of the table, sipping his drink. "It was hard enough convincing the Ministry that I couldn't make it to the celebrations this year. Now that I'm here let's take a walk outside."

"In this weather?"

"It's not so bad. A little snow never hurt anyone."

"No but it does make cold feet." Snape smirked

"I didn't visit so I could watch you sit by the fire all day long. Though you are lovely to watch…"

This time Snape smiled. His smiles had become more frequent over the years. The two had become close friends during that time. They helped each other in ways that brought out the best in both of them

"Well, if you insist, perhaps it is a good idea."

Harry smiled and tilted his head in mock flattery. "I'm glad you think so."

"Don't let it go to your head, young man. Just like all the trophies and awards you've received. And the Order of Merlin First Class, no less." But Harry could tell that Snape was very proud of his former student. And he would forever be grateful to the young wizard before him for erasing the dark mark from his forearm.

"Hey." Harry laughed. "You know I didn't want all that. In fact I think traveling from country to country shaking hands with all those wizard officials was more tiring than defeating Voldemort."

"Such drama, Potter!"

"Well you know me."

"Sadly, yes."

"Come on professor. You don't mind."

Snape sighed peacefully. It had been hard to Let Harry in. He had worked very hard to put his prejudices aside. He was not an easy man to befriend. Most shied away from his cold manner and brutal sarcasm. But there was just something about Harry…Severus couldn't quite place it.

"I'll meet you outside."

And Severus watched fondly as the large wolf trotted happily out of the kitchen.


AU: Thank you ALL for reading my story! I truly hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please leave any and all feedback. A writer can't grow without it ;) See ya laterz, and happy reading. Mouse