Title: Second Time's a Charm
Author: SlytheringAeval
Chapter : 8
Pairings: Harry/Draco, others as story progresses
Rating: Pg 13 to R
Genre: Romance/Humor, with just enough Angst to keep the fluff bunny at bay
Disclaimer: I do not make any money off of this, I do not own this, nor do I claim to. All characters herein belong to J.K Rowling and no infringement is intended. It's all in good fun, honest.

Thanks to everyone who corrected me about Buckbeak. Oh well, it's correct now, and I apologize for mangling my facts. In the future I will no longer write in the middle of the night. It doesn't help the quality of my already sketchy story.

"I'll make up a timetable, so you can take all those extra classes and not wear yourself out," Harry began cheerfully, as Hermione studied the paper in her hand.

They were all at the breakfast table; Ron and Harry sitting next to each other and Hermione in her usual spot across from them. "In fact I've already thought of a couple of places that you can study and never get disturbed at all."

"You're making timetables for Hermione?" Ron peered at Harry over his sausage in confusion. "Who are you and what have you done with Harry?"

"Honestly Ronald, you just looked at the schedules. Of course I'm going to need a lot of time to study and a peaceful place to do so in. Harry's being a wonderful friend and trying to help out."

"Hermione you can't possibly be taking so many classes," Ron protested. "Half of these classes are at the same time!"

"Don't be ridiculous Ron, how could anybody possibly take two classes at the same time. I've already worked out my schedule with Professor McGonagall so unless you plan on helping Harry find ways to help me study then forget about it," Hermione said, somewhat snootily.

Harry hid his grin in his cup.

A glance over at the Slytherin table showed that Malfoy was holding court with his cronies, and looked quite content to do so. Then Draco looked over at Harry, a considering light in his eyes before he turned to respond to something Pansy Parkinson said. Harry's own attention was captured back by his table when Ron began to groan about having double potions inner.

Harry clapped him on the back with a grin.

"Cheer up, mate. You just have to survive Divination and Transfiguration and then the there's just Hagrid." Harry spoke after glancing at Ron's schedule. "That's a pretty light load for your first day back."

"I can't believe you both just dropped Divination and jumped over to Magical Theory. Are you sure you don't want to take Divination with me Harry?" Ron mock whined.

"Quite," Harry responded with a grimace.

"We asked if you wanted to switch with us," Hermione reminded the red head.

"Ugh, that class sounds a bit too much like work for my taste." Ron stuffed a large spoon of porridge into his mouth.

"It's a theory class. How much work could it possibly be?" Hermione retorted tartly.

"Mne bfokk in free thimef," swallow, "bigger than Divination's book!"

Ron looked positively insulted at the thought. Hermione just looked uncertain.

"What did he say?" she turned to Harry.

"I think he said that the book is three times bigger than Divination's book," Harry translated.

"Possibly," he added conscientiously, not quite certain that he had understood his best friend's food speak.

"Exactly what I said!" Ron nodded.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"We have to get to class now. Come on Harry. You should get going too Ron you have to find the tower."

They set off for class together.

"Potter, I had no idea you were going to be in the Magical Theory. A bit beyond your capacity isn't it?" Draco Malfoy drawled from behind Harry and Hermione.

Draco, flanked by his two ever present bodyguards, strolled around until he was in front of the two of them. Draco stepped close until he was right up in his face, sparing a brief glance at Hermione before focusing all of his attention on Harry.

Hermione bristled instinctively at his side, frowning at the blond.

"Think you can handle it?"

"Somehow I think I'll manage," Harry responded dryly.

Draco grinned.

"Just in case, you should pick up the Fundamentals of Magic the next time you're in Hogsmeade. It's the only way a Muggle-lover like you could possibly hope to keep up," he mocked.

Crabbe and Goyle guffawed at Draco's rib. The blond glanced again at Hermione, turned and left, his two goons following after.

"Typical Malfoy," Hermione muttered. "After seeing what he could be, it's disappointing to be reminded of what he is."

"Actually, that wasn't typical at all," Harry disagreed. "He just gave us some supplemental reading for the class."

"He was insulting us!" Hermione protested.

"In front of his Slytherin friends, insulting us is the only way he'll be able to give us information without pissing off his father."

"Harry Potter, watch your language!" Hermione snapped in an outraged voice.

"God I've missed you Hermione," Harry chortled as they made their way into their first class of the year.

After class Harry walked with Hermione to Transfiguration class. Hermione's seat was right next to him, and he'd managed to snag the chair directly behind Malfoy. It turned out to be a good thing because he'd managed to pass Draco a note, asking him to meet him later on in the hallway where the Room of Requirement was. Hermione was going to start studying there, so she was also going to be there.

It was, Harry decided, for the best that Draco be forced to spend time with Hermione. He really needed to get over his silly little prejudice towards Muggleborns. In the future the three of them had ended up becoming quite close. They had become Harry's partners before, almost closer than lovers in Harry's view of the world. Certainly they were more important to him than any lover had ever been.

Not even Ginny meant so much in the end.

Harry felt a dull twist in his gut at that thought. He quickly shook his head, eager to dispel the painful memories of those last years. He forced himself to focus on the lesson in Transfiguration. They were changing forks into lizards and Harry was quite determined to figure out how to hide his ingrained aptitude after having achieved his mastery in the subject in his previous life.

Harry was painfully relieved to escape from the sharp eyes of his frowning Transfiguration teacher when the bell ending class rang. He gathered his bags and rushed out the door.

Ron was right behind him, and equally eager to be away from their Head of House. Ron's lizard had a tongue with four splits and a metallic sheen to its scales. Harry knew exactly why he was eager to leave. Hermione was doubtlessly rushing off to Muggle Studies by now and would catch up with them somewhere on the way to Hagrid's class.

They came up to Hagrid's hut and waited for class to start. Hermione showed up a few minutes after they got there.

"When'd you get here?" Ron demanded.

"If you paid the least bit attention to anything besides food and Quidditch, Ronald Wealey, you'd have noticed that I've been here the whole time!" Hermione answered tartly.

"She wasn't behind us a second ago, I'd swear to it," Ron mumbled to Harry. "How'd she show up like that?"

"Magic?" Harry guessed with a grin. He looked over to see that most of the other students had arrived as well, including the Slytherins.

"We'd better get our books open."

"How?" Ron demanded incredulously.

His Monster Book of Monsters was strapped close with a small length of rope. Even Hermione hadn't managed to open hers, book lover that she was. They looked expectantly at him when he pulled his own belted book out of his bag.

Harry unbuckled the belt that was wrapped around his book and quickly ran a finger down the spine before it could take a chunk out of his hand. Hermione and Ron shared a look before quickly following his example.

"That's brilliant!" Hermione announced happily. She kept petting her book, and soon a rumbling purr started from the book's cover. She giggled. Other students watching were quick to catch on and soon a number of the girls had their books purring for them as well. Lavender and Parvati squealed when Lavender's book attempted to lick them both.

"Come on, gather roun'," Hagrid called out, capturing their attention. "I've got a special treat today. Come on, gather by the fence."

Soon Hagrid was leading a number of hippogriff along by metal chains. He anchored the chains to metal rings in the ground and gave a grand wave of his hand.

"Hippogriff! Aren' they beautiful?"

Harry grinned when he caught sight of Buckbeak. He barely even noticed when Hagrid started telling them about hippogriff. Soon Hagrid's lecture reached the point where he needed a volunteer. Harry immediately stepped forward. He barely remembered to cautiously follow Hagrid's instructions on dealing with Buckbeak.

He already knew how to approach the lovely beast, but his thirteen year old self hadn't the first time they'd met. Beyond their third year experience with the hippogriff, Buckbeak had been Harry's mount several times during the war. Buckbeak had died taking a blast from a Death Eater that had been meant for Draco, oddly enough.

Harry bowed respectfully, fearless. The animal had a heart of gold and would never harm anyone who wasn't a threat to him. Buckbeak bowed his head in acknowledgment. Harry reached out and pet the soft feathers, feeling tears prickle the back of his eyelids even as a large grin tugged his lips.

Buckbeak was still alive.

"Well done 'Arry! Now yeh can try an' ride him," Hagrid announced happily.

Large hands grasped him about the waist and pushed him up onto Buckbeak's back. A slap to the grey horse flank and Buckbeak was galloping into the sky, his wings beating against the air and Harry's legs. Well accustomed to this peculiar gait, Harry let his hips roll with movement. He kept his legs clamped tightly around Buckbeak's ribs, allowing his body to fall into a rhythm so that he could ride without holding on. Harry clasped his hands together and raised his arms into the air to stretch his back. Then he fell forward to hug the eagle head, burying his face into the silver lined feathers.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you this time. I swear it!" He promised fiercely. It wasn't only his friends and family that he would be able to save this time. It was a reminder that he had needed.

A fierce gold eye pinned him. Buckbeak gave a caw and turned his head back around.

They were going to land soon. Harry straightened up, releasing the hug. His hands fell to his thighs, and his legs tightened. His body rocked with the jolt when Buckbeak landed. Harry slid smoothly from Buckbeak's back and rejoined Hermione and Ron where they stood at the head of their classmates. He grinned at them happily.

"Who else wants teh try then eh'?" Hagrid beamed at them.

Draco Malfoy strutted forward; much in the same way he had so many years ago. Harry watched with growing dread. The blond stepped toward Buckbeak, an insult falling from his tongue. Draco had obviously missed the warning Hagrid had issued about hippogriff being proud creatures this time as well it seemed, or at least he hadn't fully understood the implications.

Harry didn't think. He flung himself forward, catching Draco and shoving him out of the way. Wind whistled past his ear, Buckbeak's massive talons missing him, barely. Distantly he was aware of the several high pitched screams from the crowd behind him.

Buckbeak noticed who he had nearly attacked and backed away, nervously pawing the ground with the razor sharp claws that had nearly slashed off Harry's head. His tails flicked and his head tossed back and forth.

That's exactly how Harry found himself sprawled on top of Draco Malfoy in the middle of Care of Magical Creatures.

Gray eyes started up at him in shock. Harry found himself curved protectively over Malfoy, his body shielding the blond from any more attacks. His hands were braced on either side of Draco's head. That was all that had kept him from falling on top of the other boy. Harry stared right back at Draco, faces inches away from each other.

"Harry?" Draco whispered, confusion lacing his voice.

Wordlessly Harry shifted his weight to stand and walked back toward the fence. Ignoring the crowd that tried to spill around him, he pulled himself over the fence and walked back toward the castle without a single glance back.

Chapter end notes: Wow, it took me long enough to get this out. My computer is well and truly dead, and I am much too poor to buy myself a new one. I am currently using my computer at work (shamelessly using my keys to get in after hours, I should ask if this counts as trespassing). So it could be a while before the next update, but I do intend to continue with this story. Thank you all who have reviewed so far, and hopefully this will be enough to tide you all over until I get the next bit out. Hugs and kisses.