My very first FRUITS BASKET FANFIC!! oT0To I'm so happy I can cry… Anywho – I got the idea for this off of a Tohru/ Kyo/ Yuki AMV called Tohru's boys by littlemissproduction. Check it out some time on YouTube!

Disclaimer: if I owned Fruits Basket, they would have made a third series.

PS – this is Kyo – /0.0\ and this is Yuki – '0.0' whenever they're surprised or taken aback.

Belle of the Ball

One: The Dance

"Attention students," announced the intercom one day at Kaibara High. "This Saturday at 7:00, there will be a dance. All students are welcome, and remember to bring a date! Oh, and whoever parked the green Suzuki out front must move it or it will be towed. Thank you."

Tohru began to bubble over in excitement as she and two of her best friends, Kyo and Yuki Sohma, walked down the hall.

"A dance!" she sang. "Oh, that sounds like so much fun!"

"It sounds like a load of sissy stuff," Kyo remarked. "The only ones who would have fun are girls and gay guys. Although, you might enjoy it, Yuki."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," Yuki said.

Suddenly from behind, they heard a loud "PRINCE YUUUUKI!!!!"

Yuki looked behind him to see three girls rushing towards them. They landed right in front of the young Sohma and looked at him with big, puppy dog eyes.

"So tell me, Prince Yuki," one of them said, "who are you going to the dance with?"

"Uh… I… don't really know… I haven't given it much thought…"

"Well, maybe you can take one of us?" said another.

Yuki merely smiled. "Well, like I said, I haven't given it much thought. I may let you know when I do."

The girls squealed and scampered away. Kyo smirked.

"Yeah, Prince Yuki," he said, "I thought you were going to the royal ball with Queen Elizabeth!"

"Shut up, you stupid cat."

"Don't tell me to shut up, you damn rat!"

Yuki sighed and looked over at Tohru, who had been examining a flyer for the same dance.

"So," he said, "who will you be going with, Miss Honda?"

Kyo's head whipped towards her and Yuki could feel his heart beat a bit faster. Tohru merely blinked.

"Oh," she smiled, "I'm not going."

/0.0\ ---?---'0.0'

"What?" said Yuki.

"Why not?" Kyo asked. "I would think that a dance would be your natural habitat."

"Well, no one has ever asked me before, so I've never gone to one."

"No one has ever asked you?" said Kyo.

"Nope!" she said in her usual sunny disposition.

"Well," suggested Yuki, "why don't you go with Hanna or Yankee?"

"Oh," she said a bit nervously, "well, they're not really the 'dancing' type."

"You can say that again," Kyo mumbled.


"Are you two alright?" said Shigure that night at dinner. Yuki and Kyo looked up. "You haven't fought with each other all afternoon, and you're letting this wonderful home cooked meal go to waist! I'm worried."

Tohru looked over at the two boys. "You aren't… mad at me are you? Do you not like the dinner? I can make something else if you want. I even made sure not to put any leeks in your food, Kyo."

Yuki chuckled. "Nothing's wrong, Miss Honda. The dinner is wonderful."

Ah, Tohru, he thought, fondly, always thinking it's her fault…

"I'm fine, too," said Kyo, "I'm just thinking is all."

God, he thought, she can be so naive! In a cute sort of way…

"Good," she beamed, "but don't think too hard, or you'll hurt your brain!"


So… no one has ever asked her to a dance, thought Yuki as he lay in his bed, so she has let them all slip away from her…

Why doesn't she ask someone? Kyo pondered on the roof. But then again, she's so damn modest, she probably thinks no one would want to bother with her…

But if someone were to ask her… then who?

I swear, if any punk asks her just to get into her pants, I'll crack their skull!

But maybe I don't have to risk Miss Honda's safety on a boy that would do her no good…

But how am I gonna make sure that no weird jerks try it?

Very well, it's settled…

Alright, I've decided…


Well? Do you think it's worth another chapter? R&R! Please!
