Jack sat at his desk watchingt eh reain flow down the window. He was in maths and had been unable tio concentrate on a thing the treacher had said. Everytime he tried to force his mind back onto the class it wanderd back toi the absent blonde. He saw her running from hin with a looks of intense pain and grief written across her face. He had no idea why she was so distraught but he was determined to find out.

Jack had waited for over ten minutes after the bell had rung, for her outside the school. He had only left because a trscher had chased him inside. Jack was unablr to believe that after only knowing her for less then a day yet she was all he could think of. If it had been any day but today he would have left school as soon as possible and gone looking for her. As it were he couldn't and his only option was to hope that she was at school the next day.


Kinsey stood out front of the school with his friends. He was waiting for the new girl to show up so that he could begin his game. As the bell rang and she had still not turned up he gave up and went inside figuring that he would find her at lunch and start then, it made no difference to him.


Janet and Daniel stood under a large oak tree outside of the school. Keeping one out for Sam to arrive they held a quiet conversation about nothing much inparticular. As five minutes before the bell rolled by Janet began to think that maybe she should ask Jack if he knew were she was. Looking around however she saw that he was in the middle of brooding on the school steps and decided that in favour of keeping her life she would ask him later is he had seen her.


Sam ran down the street with tears running down her face. She didn't know where she was but as her brain had shut down as she was leaving the office it did not really matter.

For over two hours Sam ran up and down the streets before her tears and her energy left her. For the first time she looked around her. She was in a park that edged onto the local cemetery. She slowly made her way towards the entrance gate. She may not have been able to visit her mother's grave but she had always found the quiet of cemeteries reassuring, something she needed right now.

Half an hour later Sam sat under a large weeping willow in the remotest corner of the cemetery. This section was dedicated to the Roman Catholics of the area. Sam watched from the shelter of the tree as another person approached the grave that sat right in front of were she sat.


The lunch bell rang just as Jack left the front gates of the school. The rainstorm had passed and he was happy to walk to his desitnation. In one hand he held his school bag and in the other a wicker picnic basket. With only a two kilometre walk to where he was headed he set off.


Sam watched as the form slowly focused into that of Jack, the boy from school, the boy whose fault it was that she was sitting in an unfamiliar cemetery on a school day. He was holding a bouquet of wild baby's breath and lily-of-the-valley in one hand and a picnic basket in the other.


Sam kept her eyes on him as he first placed the flowers on the grave of a small girl that she had been looking at earlier. He then began getting out a small lunch from within the basket. It was only as Sam watched the food emerge that it occurred to her that it was well past time for her to eat and she was desperately hungry.

Hungry enough even to ask Jack, a person who was currently in her bad graces, if she could have some food.


About the enter the cemetery Jack spotted a small flower store across the road. Making his was over he bought a small bouquet and returned to the front gates. He entered the cemetery through the main gates and made his way to the back of the gated in area, where the children were buried.