If Everyone Cared
Chapter 15: Make it Through The Rain
"Hey I tried to get her to come back…Ryan I really tried,"
Troy's voice came into ear from Ryan's cell phone than the instant dial tone.
He hung up his phone and slid down the hall wall, burying his face into his hands. Tears formed in his eyes than began flowing down his cheeks. He blamed himself for his sister leaving. If he wasn't so hard on her then this would have never happened. He punched his fist into the hall in fury. Nothing will be the same anymore with his sister not there…nothing.
Troy walked into his house, walking up the stairs to his room. Once he got in he laid on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. He had mixed feelings in his head. He thought telling her all of that would make her come back with him, but it didn't. For the first time in his life, he felt alone. Being strong is hard for him right now, but he's doing the best he can.
He sat up in his bed and began walking towards the window. It was really late and though it wasn't raining it sure felt like it. In his mind it was full of rain pouring down on his feelings and emotions. Nothing will be the same without her and he knew that.
In the dark hotel room laid the fragile Sharpay. She tried getting to sleep, but she couldn't seem to with her mind racing with thoughts. Everything that Troy told her scared her and upset her at the same time. She just needed space and she wished people could see that. But what she feared the most was, him saying he won't be there if she came back. Just thinking that brought tears to her eyes. He was actually the first boy she's ever loved. Letting him go would just be suicide.
Today…Today was the saddest day anyone could ever witness for the Evans…well for Ryan. No one has seen Sharpay since she left. Everyone stood surrounding the casket that held the father of the twins…Michael Evans. Gabriella was holding onto Ryan for support. He looked depressed, staring down at his father. You could tell he's been crying by his red puffy eyes and the tear stains on his pale cheeks. Taylor and Chad were there as well sending their respects, though they never saw nor met Mr. Evans, but Ryan was their friend.
Chad felt guilty after Troy yelled in his face about the picture. He was just looking out for the team and in the process he hurt someone his best friend cared about. He wanted to apologize to Sharpay when he saw her, but he hasn't seen her in three days nor has anyone else for that matter.
Troy had his hands stuffed in his pockets, staring down at the casket like everyone else. He was upset that Sharpay wasn't there. He thought he could get her to come back, but he couldn't; he failed. The priest was sending prayers out to everyone at the funeral. Ryan was trying to be strong, but it was just so hard when his father and his sister were gone. He couldn't do it.
The funeral was coming to a close and they began lowering the casket into the ground as everyone parted. Troy began walking away from the grave, but stopped when he saw something in the distance, by a tree. He couldn't make out too much of the figure, but he could tell it was a person. He began walking towards them to see what they wanted. As he neared them, they started walking away quickly away from him.
"No wait!" he yelled to them just making them walk quicker. He started running to them so they couldn't leave. He ran faster in front of them and his eyes began welling up in tears. It was a woman and he knew so well. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.
"You came back," he whispered as she nodded. He scooped her into his arms, hugging her tightly as she returned it with so much feeling. "Don't ever leave again," he whispered into her ear. "I promise," she replied back to him.
As Ryan was getting into the black vehicle, he stopped when he saw two people hugging by the tree. He knew the man was Troy, but who was the other person. He felt something inside him, saying that she was there. He knew it. Ryan walked away from the car, confusing Gabriella. She watched her boyfriend walk towards the two figures. She soon followed him, thinking the same thing as him.
Ryan walked up the hill to see the two people pull apart, to see his little sister's face. He ran towards her and pulled her to him tightly, letting tears flow out. He held her for dear life. She let him as well…she missed his hugs so much when she went to Los Angeles. They held each other close for what felt like days. Once they pulled apart, he looked at her through his glassy eyes and smiled, kissing her forehead.
"I missed you Shar. I'm so sorry for making you feel so pressured," he told her wiping away loose tears that fell from her eyes.
"It's okay…I'm glad to be back," she said as he pulled her to him again. By this time Gabriella, Taylor, and Chad were there witnessing the scene. Once they pulled away they smiled at each other.
"Sharpay?" Chad stepped forward towards her. She looked up at him waiting what he wants to say.
"Look I'm sorry for what I did…I really didn't realize how much you meant to Troy and if I knew, I wouldn't have done it. Its just you were so mean I thought if I got you back everything would be great, but I realize all the crap you've been through and I was wrong," he told her watching his words since he was in a cemetery. "Can you forgive me?" he added.
She looked at him for a little while to build up tension, and then smiled. "Sure, everyone is entitled to make mistakes," she said making him let out a deep breath. He walked closer to her and brought her into a hug, making everyone around them smile since they settled their differences.
"C'mon guys lets go…I'm feeling pretty depressed now," Taylor said making everyone look at her like she's insane. She's never came up with a dumb remark like that and she starts now.
"Well it is a funeral…" Gabriella says.
"Yes, but love is being spread yet were in a cemetery…that seems a little odd, don't you think?" she defends, making everyone agree. So maybe the comment wasn't so stupid after all…
It was a dark night; the only form of light was the bright stars that covered the black sky. Sharpay laid on her back on a hill in the park, just staring out at them. She couldn't quite figure out which two were her parents, but she knew they were up there…somewhere. She sighed as she continued to stare. She was so deep in thought that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. It wasn't until she felt a body sit next to her and lay down that she knew Troy was there. She turned on her side and smiled sadly up at him.
"What you thinking about?" he asked wrapping an arm around her. She sighed and shook her head. "Nothing really. I'm just wondering if life is ever going to be the same," she said staring down at his chest, playing with two fingers on it.
"It's not gonna be the same…will it get better, that's up to you to make it happen," he replied catching her two fingers in his hand. "I mean obviously you had hope considering you came back," he added. She sat up on the hill and sighed.
"It wasn't just about me leaving. I was planning on coming back…" Troy sat up to get a good look at her. She looked back at him as he gave her a "tell the truth" look. "I was…eventually…ugh I don't know. I guess I just needed space," she said pulling out blades of grass, then throwing them wherever.
He sighed and wrapped his arm around her to pull her into him. "Well for what its worth I'm glad you did…I missed you," he said kissing the top of her head; lovingly.
"I missed you too, but we both know what you missed most," she said confusing him. She smiled slyly at him "My witty personality and incredible skills," she replied making him laugh.
"Yes those were definitely what I missed most…that and your beautiful self," he replied, kissing her lightly on the lips. For the rest of the night they sat in the dark staring up at the stars, knowing everything will be okay...
Okay that's the end of the story...I know it's sad, but i'll be back with more stories...Thanks for revies and sticking by me through everything...love you guys!