This chapter is short because, well, it's only the intro. That's all I have to say for now cause if I say anymore I might possible ruin the story and tell you all about it!

Disclaimer: I WISH I owned TT, but I don't except for a few choice characters here and there...

Lets us begin!

The Darkest Hero

"TITAN'S GO!" The battle call rang for the four teenage superheros as they followed their leader into battle. The robber glanced behind his shoulder to see the famous peace keepers of Jump City close on his tail. He gave a disgusted frown and pumped his legs harder. Money fell out of the ball catching in the wind and staying suspended for a moment. The thief watched his prize slowly leak from the bag, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand, two one two hundred, five thousand... After all he risked her certainly wasn't going to get back to his hide out with only a few hundred. Turning quickly on his heel the robber greedily lashed out his hands trying to reach for the money. When he did so he felt a sharp sting as Robin's bird-erang cut across his hand.

"I'm not leaving empty handed!" The criminal shouted pulling out two spheres from no where. He smirked and held one up. "This is a bomb, specially built to reach 200 meter's all around, if I can't have the money no one can! I'll take all of these innocent bystanders out with me!" A small delight lit up inside of him as he saw the Titan's freeze in their tracks. He clicked a small button on the other sphere and threw it down on the floor. Instantly a cloud of smoke rose up around him. He quickly gathered the money thinking he was safe behind the screen of smoke. Suddenly the grey quickly was covered by a black force field that circled all around him. "Hey….hey! What's going on?!" His eyes widened when he saw a figure appear.

"Back away man!" he said fingering for the other sphere but a heavy hand knocked it away and a pair of floating green eyes caught the bomb. Chanting filled the sphere in a cold dark tone. The villain turned around to see a half robotic half human teen staring down at him glowing blue. "Boo ya." He hissed in a low voice. He backed away and ducked when a raven swooped at his head. He watched the bird land and reform into a small boy. He suddenly bumped into a small but steadfast figure. Turning around he caught himself in the hard glare of the infamously heroic Robin.

"It's over." Robin said his voice low and annoyed.

The villain hung his head in defeat and held out his arms. A tight pair of hand cuff's wrapped around them.

"Oh man that was awesome! Did ya see his face when I landed?! Ah man that was so totally wicked man!" Beastboy skipped around grinning at his victory.

"Nah man I scared him half way to death! I was all like 'boo ya!' and he was all scared and we got him good…." Cyborg but his arms casually behind his head and walked along in the group gloating in his mind at how scary he looked with his blue mechanics glowing.

"That was good team but don't get too excited, there are other criminals out there and probably worst. They won't stop at nothing, even if it means taking innocent lives away." Robin looked down at the card he had in his hand, in the small card was a disk holding yet another profile on another criminal. They seemed to be popping up more and more often, each one with some new unique talent, just like the last one's ability to create bombs instantly, and the last one who could form and reform, and the last one who had balls of lava shooting out of his palms. An uneasy feeling fell over Robin. Where we're all these criminals coming from? Sure there were a lot of small town villains running around but these ones…no they we're not small game at all. With every battle they were becoming harder, faster, stronger, more and more dangerous.

"Robin? Are you ok?" Starfire's soft voice broke into his thoughts. He looked up to see her hovering over him her green eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." He slide the card into his utility belt.

"Well! Stop with the thinking, I think what we need is some pizza! Mushrooms and Fraganots for everyone!" she said smiling.

Beastboy groaned. "Star! We are not eating another weirdo pizza again! Pineapple it is!"

Raven and Cyborg shook their heads. "I am not stuffing down more fruit on my pizza…" Raven said her voice bland but clearly annoyed.

"Yeah man! What happened to good old meat? I'm talking sausage and pepperoni and steak! Oh yeah baby!"

Beastboy's eyes grew big. "No way dude! You know I've been most of those animals and I am not eating them! Why can't you just settle down with some tofu or something?"

"Why can't you be normal and eat meat?!"

"Shut up, shut up!"

"Friends! Let us not fight in such a joyous time!"

Robin blocked out the bickering that had started between his team mates. A dark shadow loomed over him. He felt it constantly. As if some one was watching him all the time…waiting. He didn't have hard proof but he figured the feeling was some how connected to the sudden stream of crime in Jump City. The urge to run to the tower and immediately began to investigate the links jumped over him but he resisted. His team was already worried for him. His sleepless nights of research, constant talk of crime, and when he did sleep how he'd wake up sweating from some strange dream. He couldn't have his teams mind clouded with worry, not now. He had a feeling he'd need them and himself in top shape for an event coming up very soon. He couldn't put his finger on it but he felt as if his whole world was about to take a 180 any moment now.

"Alright then! Supreme it is!" Cyborg now rushed to the pizza parlor that they had now reached. He rushed through the door with Beastboy and Starfire happily keeping up in pace and Raven trailing lazily behind him. Before she reached the door though her senses suddenly spiked, she froze and stared up at the sky that was now a dark pink to signify the coming of night. Robin joined in on her gaze.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked hoping to see what her clairvoyance could sense.

"I don't know…" her voice was low and worried as purple eyes gazed harder.

"Do you see something?" Robin's patience was already coming to an end but he controlled it.

She sighed and unlocked her stare. "It was probably nothing, I just could of sworn I felt something…I don't know, something bad. Maybe I was imagining it." She gave him a very small but reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you're doing a great job, if it was even anything we're sure to get it."

The rare kind words stuck onto Robin for a while but quickly wore away into a nagging feeling. He followed her into the building feeling as if they had missed something. Something told him to look back, just one quick glance. But then he saw his team mates, and heard the laughter, and the smell of a rather odd but none-the-less appetizing pizza It smothered the feeling into the back of his mind. He took a seat and joined in the fun deciding it wouldn't hurt to relax for just a moment. Lord knows he needed it.

"Sir, she sensed me but I don't think either of them got a visual confirmation. They're just….well, eating pizza. If you would allow me…I have to say I forget sometimes that this Robin is only a teen." A figure hunched low into the border of the roof of a building, his black eyes fixed on the group of hero's happily chatting away. He held onto a headset awaiting a reply.

"Good, don't let them out of your site. Especially him. I want a very close eye on him."

"Yes sir."

"Oh, and the girl, she can sense things sometimes, use whatever means possible to make sure she does not interfere. Is that clear Night?"

"Yes sir."