Believe it or not this story was created at about 1:30am! I was lying in bed and just had a great idea for a story that I needed to write out – so here it is:D

Just imagine our LOST characters were all about the same age – in the same high school! Any ideas please tell me! Review please!! Thanks!

Just a note None of the people who died through accidents on the island are dead, so Boone, Ana Lucia, Libby are in the story!


It was the first day of high school. In this class there was a mix of Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Charlie, Claire, Hurley, Sayid, John (but most people called him by his last name Locke) Shannon, Boone, Sun, Jin, Ana Lucia, Eko, Libby, Desmond, Bernard and Rose.

The children were just arriving. Sawyer was already in the room, sat at the back. He had a reputation for being a bit of a bad boy, none of the teachers liked him much, but he was very popular with the girls, they thought he was hot.

The next person to come into the room was Jack. He was a teachers pet, and he always got top marks. His father was a doctor and Jack wanted to be just like him.

Jack was closely followed by Shannon and Boone. They were step brother and sister and weren't very happy that they were in the same class.

"Just my luck to get stuck with you until we finish at this school!" Shannon was screaming "Four years i've got with you!"

"Well i'm not that happy about it either!" He shouted back, he hated being her step brother sometimes, she always got what she wanted.

The next was Kate. In her primary school Kate had been very naughty. She had been lucky to be accepted to LOST high, she had gotten herself a permanent record at her old school, but it was behind her now.

The next were Sun and Jin, who were boyfriend and girlfriend. They were transfer students from Korea, Sun had learned English well, but Jin was still struggling, he hoped coming to a new school would help him learn the language.

Hurley wasn't very happy about high school, he much preferred to stay home. He had even hated primary school, he had been bullied because of his weight and was sick of it, people often used him because his mum had won the lottery, he was determined not to let anyone at his new school find out.

Locke was very special. He had been born paralysed and used a wheelchair and it was all he had known. But he had been given the chance for a miracle operation and it had been a success. He was looking forward to be able to join in with high school.

Sayid had moved over from Iraq a couple of years ago and had fit into his old school rather well, but he was nervous about a new school as he looked very different and still spoke in a thick accent.

Claire was oringally from Australia, but she had lived in America most of her life and was looking forward to the new school year.

Rose was a sweet and caring person, she put others before herself and she was very wise. She was happy to be in the same class as her boyfriend, Bernard.

Charlie was in a band that sometimes played at the community centre and it was great, he hoped that he could make it big someday. He was only 15 but he had already started smoking and badly. He could hardly cope through one class, he snuck to the bathrooms in between class just for a smoke.

The next Eko, a smart caring boy who was very religious, he hoped to be a priest and have his own church when he was older.

Then Ana Lucia, she was a bit of a tomboy and liked anything to do with fighting or guns. She wanted to be a cop when she was older, it looked cool.

Libby was, like Eko, very caring. She helped out at the old folk's home where her grandma lived some weekends.

Desmond was a very active boy. He loved sailing and had just returned from sailing with his dad in the pacific ocean for 3 weeks before the school year began, and he couldn't wait to hit the water again.

Bernard was also, like Rose, happy to be in the same class as his girlfriend. They made a sweet couple and they were a good couple.

The teacher arrived and the day began.