"Goddamn, this story is fucking stupid." Crazy Hand stated as he was looking up a fanfic on his laptop, giggling as he moved his fingers around crazily. "Just like me!"

Master Hand sighed as he approached Crazy Hand. "Just what are you reading this time...?" He asked, typically cautious.

"It's a dumb story called 'SUPER SMASH PARTY!' It has us, but barely." Crazy Hand stated in disappointment. "It all right. It lacks nuance and subtle context. It tasteless and lukewarm. Reminds me of the stupid fanfics from this era."

Master Hand sighed as he curled himself into a fist. "Forget I ask. We should be back at the mansion now." He stated in annoyance, sighing.

Indeed, Master Hand and Crazy Hand were riding a subway train on the elevated train service in Earthbound's Fourside stage from Melee, with the Super Smash Brothers Mansion being in the westernmost part as they reached the mansion. Upon entering, they noticed all of the Smashers doing crazy shit, with Yoshi and Kazooie kissing each other in the living room, Princess Peach Toadstool farting all over the place, Mario trying to reason with the others, Fire Emblem's Roy stealing everyone's food, and King Bowser Koopa chasing and burning crickets for some reason.

"STUPID CHIRPING CRICKETS!" Bowser exclaimed as he was chasing all the crickets around the mansion. "GET OVER HERE!"

"I'm really feeling it!" Shulk stated as he was rubbing Pit's butt, who giggled like a girl, with Dark Pit, Wolf O' Donnell, and Ganondorf Dragmire all groaning in disgust.

Master Hand and Crazy Hand glanced at each other, then back at the madness before them as they wondered just what the fuck was happening.

"This is some nonsense, huh Crazy?" Master Hand stated, turning around to see that Crazy Hand wasn't next to him. "Err... Crazy?"

Master Hand turned around, to see Crazy Hand firing off several of his attacks as he was flying around the mansion, with the Duck Hunt dog firing off cans containing dynamite and the Robotic Operation Buddy firing off lasers. Master Hand sighed as he snapped his fingers, turning everyone into stickers as he headed back to the very top of the mansion, contemplating on why he bothered to live with these idiots.


Author's Note: I felt like updating yet another 'classic' from an ancient time. Yeah, notice how cringeworthy it is? Yeah.