Me: Happy Halloween!!

Sasuke: …………couldn't you just save us the grief and stop this stupid fic…

Me: Never…so me no own, and I'd probably say sorry for the late update but that probably won't stop me from updating late next time…

Two dark figures stood talking in a dark room. One had glowing red eyes and sharp teeth and was wearing a witch's hat. He said, "The preparations are ready my lord. Mr. Bear has the subjects in place…"

"Excellent…we will now commence…the plot…"

Now back to the Naruto characters…well the ones left…well Sasuke…Sasuke was skipping in a happy, flowery meadow singing some random song no one gives a fuck about…but for those of you who do, it was the happy happy joy joy song. "Hello Mr. Happy Flower of Happy Happy Joy Joyness, are you happy today?" Being a flower it didn't responde but that didn't stop Sasuke from continuing. "Really?! What a cowinkydink (…coincidence…). I am too!! What's that? You want to know why I'm happy? It's because the world is all happy and full of magical sunshiney goodness that makes everything bright and wonderful just like it's supposed to be!!" Then Mr. Happy Flower of Happy Happy Joy Joyness threw up. And Sasuke Sasuke, in a worried voice, said, "Oh no!! Mr. Happy Flower of Happy Happy Joy Joyness is sickies!!" hen he reached down toward the flower, "Don't worry Sasuke will make yous all betters!!!!" Then he pulled the flower out of the ground and it screamed. Then Susuke continued to skip through the meadow singing another song… Then the sky got all dark and stormy and stuff and evil laughing came from the clouds. Sasuke looked up and saw something and screamed squeezing Mr. Happy Flower of Happy Happy Joy Joyness. Then he woke up…

Now we're really back to the Naruto characters. Sasuke woke up screaming and holding Mr. Bear. He stopped screaming and looked at himself. "Why am I back in my original body?"

"Cause Itachi died during the ten months that this fic hasn't been updated…" Sasuke said answering his own question. Then he looked down and noticed he was holding onto a teddy bear and shouted "ZOMG!!!! Mr. Bear, it's youz!!!" And he started huggling Mr. Bear to death. After several moments of huggling Sasuke looked around and finally noticed where he was…sort of... "Hey, this isn't the happy sunshiney flower meadow, this looks like my basement." …yes they were in Sasuke's basement the entire time…

And everyone else made a wtf-face wile Sasuke continued to huggle Mr. Bear as they all went up the stairs into the main part of Sasuke's house. Then as soon as they got up everyone who was killed in the past couple of chapters popped out and shouted, "SURPRISE!!!!!! Happy birthday Mr. Bear!!"

Sasuke looked at everyone confused and says, "You guys are supposed to be dead!!!" and everyone just started to stare at him. "You guys were killed by Mushroom Fairy's twisted games in the last two chapters!! How are you here and how do you know about Mr. Bear!!!?!" Then he continued ranting about what happened in past chapters as if he were in a fanfic or something…but everyone just thought he was having another breakdown and ignored him.

Then came cake time!! And out of the cake popped out…BUNBUN THE EVIL MARSHMALLOW BUNNY!!!! (From The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy: Underfist…which I don't own…) Bunbun started laughing maniacally and told everyone about his evil plan to take over the world by stealing all the Mountain Dew in the world.

Mr. Bear looked at Bunbun and started to cry. "I thought you guys actually remembered my birthday…" he said sadly.

Bunbun looked at Mr. Bear guiltily, "You didn't say anything."

"I marked it on the calendar!!" Mr. Bear wined.

"You know we never look at the calendar!"

"Well you should! Some friends you are…I threw you a party on your birthday…"

"You spilled hot chocolate on me!!"

"Well at least I did something!!!" and their little conversation continued.

Sasuke looked the two and said, "Does anybody but me think it's weird that a teddy bear and a marshmallow bunny are trying to take over the world…"

"Who cares?" Naruto replied, "As long as they didn't have anything to do with the Code Red drought…I probably jinxed it"

"Mwahahahaha!!! Fools!!" Bunbun shouted, "We did cause the Code Red drought and now we will take all the Mountain Dew in the world!!!!!" The he and Mr. Bear, who still looked sad, climbed onto a random rope ladder that came out of a random hole in the ceiling and attached to a random helicopter. "You can never stop us!! …and we were the ones who took all the Code Red…"

"You fiends!!!" Naruto shouted, "I'll stop you even if I have to sacrifice the lives of my friends to do it!!!" And the helicopter flew away as Bunbun continued laughing. Naruto turned to the others, "Okay, things just got serious."

"…as serious as things can get when a teddy bear and marshmallow bunny are trying to take over the world…" Sasuke added. "Does anybody besides me think that the authoress needs to get off whatever she's on…"

Everyone just stared at Sasuke and Naruto said, "…I think you need to get off of whatever you're on…"

"I did!!" Sasuke shouted. And everyone just stared at him even more. "Why doesn't anyone remember what happened to us in the last two chapters!!"

"What chapters?" Sakura asked.

"The chapters of this stupid fanfic!"

"…what's a fanfic?"

"…………how the hell do you not know!! We've been in thousands of them written by different people and we've been stuck in this one for almost 12 chapters now!!!"

"Will you stop shouting…" Gaara said in an annoyed voice. "Just because you forgot to take your meds today doesn't mean we all have to suffer…"

"I'm off those meds now…" And while everyone kept talking and seemed to forget about Bunbun and Mr. Bear; Bunbun and Mr. Bear started phase 3 of their evil plan.

"Hey Bunbun?" Mr. Bear asked.

"If it's about your birthday I don't want to hear it…" Bunbun replied.

"Don't worry, it isn't. When did we get to phase 3?"

"Well, phase 1 was causing a Code Red drought and phase 2 was kidnapping the Naruto characters and putting them through a series of completely pointless Mountain Dew based games…"

"…Then what's phase 3?"

"…um…don't know…I didn't think we'd get this far…"

"……wanna go trick or treating?"

"Sure…but if anyone's giving out marshmallows, their dead…" And so the two of them went trick or treating, but that didn't last long cause the first house they went to was giving out marshmallows…

Bunbun threw marshmallows back at the people standing in the door. Mr. Bear just stood there watching eating candy left by frightened trick or treaters. Then Naruto and his friends came to the house to trick or treat.

"…it probably would've been a better idea to go to a different village for trick or treating…" Mr. Bear said to himself.

"Oh look!!" Sasuke said looking at Bunbun, "Someone dressed up as the marshmallow bunny we saw earlier today!"

"…………Sasuke…either get off of whatever you're on or get some new meds…" said Naruto.

Sasuke glared, "…for the last time…I DO NOT NEED MEDS!!!"

Bunbun finally stopped throwing marshmallows and realized that the Naruto characters were right in front of him. "Uh oh…" He said, "Quick!! Mr. Bear!! Start phase 4!!!"

Mr. Bear looked dug into his trick or treat basket franticly and pulled out a button. He pushed it and BOOM!! Thunder sounded and red rain started falling from the sky.

"…is rain supposed to be red?" asked Naruto.

"…it's not rain…" answered Sasuke. "……it's blood!!!!" Then Sasuke started to freak out and the little kids who heard him started to freak out and all chaos broke out. Houses were destroyed and candy was thrown around everywhere. As everything began to become even more chaotic Bunbun and Mr. Bear snuck away.

Gaara just stood in the rain, catching it in a bottle. "Gaara!! What the hell are you doing?!" Konkuro shouted at his brother. But Gaara didn't answer; he just turned his head towards his brother giving him a creepy blood lusting smile. Then Konkuro ran and joined the rest of the chaos.

"Wait a minute…" Some random kid said licking his hand, "This isn't blood…" Everyone stopped and tasted the rain. The kid was right…it wasn't rain…it was CODE RED!! Then the chaos ended and everyone started running around catching Code Red in their mouths completely unaware that Mr. Bear and Bunbun had made their escape.

"…" Mr. Bear strted to say, "…what was the point of that?"

"…I don't know…" Bunbun answered.

"…we aren't really going anywhere with this whole taking over the world by stealing Mountain Dew thing are we…"


"How was that supposed to work anyway?"

"I have no clue…"



"Who came up with that idea anyway…" Asked Mr. Bear.

"…the boss…" answered Bunbun.

"…who's the boss?"

"…it was…"

Back in Konoha, Sasuke shouted out, "ZOMG!!! Exposition!!!"

"…what are you talking about now…" Naruto asked.

"Weren't you reading along?"

"Will you stop talking like we're in a story!?"

"…fine then…I won't tell you how to stop Bunbun and Mr. Bear…"

"……I can live with that…"

Sasuke made a pouty face and noticed that everyone had left, "Where's everyone go?"

"…home…it's almost midnight and no ones giving out anymore candy…"

"…aw…that's no fun…" Sasuke looked up at the sky with a bored look. It was a full moon that night. He saw a little speck in the middle of the moon and it got bigger and bigger then something crashed into his head and he was back in the happy sunshiney flower meadow. He started skipping around again and then he tripped on something. He picked up the thing he tripped on and it was a bottle of Mountain Dew Pitch Black. "ZOMFG!!!!!!! It's the ultimate elixir of deliciousness!!!" Then he ran off into some random direction to hoard his newly found treasure.

Meanwhile Naruto woke up in a daze. The last thing he had remembered was being hit in the head by Sasuke. Something had latched onto Sasuke's head and he started spazzing out and accidentally hit Naruto in the head with one of his flailing arms. Naruto looked around and saw Sasuke sleeping and mumbling something about an ultimate elixir of deliciousness. He took another look around the room but didn't recognize it. So he got up and made his way to the door when Sasuke woke up.

"No!!!!" Sasuke shouted, "They took it!!!!"

"Took what?" Naruto asked, regretting it the moment Sasuke opened his mouth to answer.

"My ultimate elixir of deliciousness!!!" Sasuke shouted. Then a bell started ringing…twelve rings…it's midnight…

"…hey Sasuke, we wouldn't happen to be in your basement again would we?"

Sasuke looked around and shook his head. "…but I can't help but feel that this place is familiar…" Sasuke said to himself. The two of them walked out of the room and ended up in the main entrance of a giant palace. "…whoa, didn't see this coming…" Then the chandelier fell on top of them but it was made out of Styrofoam so it didn't hurt them…Sasuke looked up towards the ceiling where the chandelier had fallen and said, "Naruto we need to get out of here…"

"…I can see that…" Naruto replied. And the two shinobi ran toward the door, but when they touched it they were sent to another room. "What the hell!! Is this a genjutsu!?"

"…no…" Sasuke answered, "…it's a nightmare…"

Me: Damn this was short…

Sasuke: …wtf…this thing actually has a plot!?!

Me: I don't know…

Sasuke: ……………

Me: It depends on whether or not I can figure out where I'm going with this...anyway, sorry about lateness and shortness and extra weirdness but this chapter had its moments. It's 4:34AM and I have school in a few hours and again, Happy Halloween!!