Sorry, I was going to try and make this chapter longer, but instead I just stopped writing, and got caught up with work etc. I have the story mapped out, I just need to finish writing it. I love hearing what you think though! It really does help a lot. :) Anyways though, here's a little bit to hold you over until I can write some more.


"But what about the jewel?" Ron asked. "What happened to it?"

"Nothing," Kagome answered with a smile, before digging into her food and leaving Ron to figure it out for himself.

Chapter 13

He was watching her from across the room. What on earth could they be whispering about over there? Draco almost wished he was in Gryffindor just so he could hear what she was telling them. Almost.

He wasn't sure what to do now. That had been his best plan so far and he really didn't want to think up another one just yet. Could he act normal around her still? As if nothing had happened?

Yes. He had to. She couldn't find out that it was he who had set the demon loose. She would never trust him again, and he needed her to trust him. Maybe not just because it helped his plan.

Draco shook his head. Those thoughts were dangerous. Even if he did admit to himself he had started to like Kagome, there was nothing he could do about it. She was dead. Maybe not at the moment, but she would be soon enough, and there was nothing he could do to change that. No one lived long once they'd caught the Dark Lord's attention. No matter that he wished otherwise.

Viciously stabbing the remainder of his food, Draco stood and left the Great Hall, leaving a bewildered Crabbe and Goyle behind.


Far away, the Dark Lord laughed. Snape had not told him of this. Luckily the boy had staged his first failed attempt in public, so he had other sources to get information from. The girl was a priestess. No wonder she had been so whispered about as a child. What a superb bloodline she must have, to be such a powerful combination of witch and priestess. It was truly unfortunate he had not gotten his hands on her as a child. How he could have twisted her powers to his own uses. Not to mention if the rumors he had heard back then were true...

It was no matter. The boy would most likely fail to kill her and then he would see to her himself. He couldn't wait to meet this Kagome Higurashi. In the meantime, he would have the boy work on another operative as well.


Kagome didn't see Draco in History of Magic the next day. In fact she didn't see him at all that day or the next. She hadn't had a chance to even talk to him since before the trip to Hogsmeade the past weekend, and was beginning to worry about him. She hadn't seen him in the Great Hall since the other day, and she knew he wasn't in the hospital wing; she'd already checked.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, seeing how distracted she was.

"How was your meeting with Dumbledore on Monday?" Kagome asked instead of answering.

"Oh, er well he postponed it a few days for me, I'm going tonight instead." Kagome nodded absently. "Why?"

"Just wondering. You'll fill us in again when you're done right?" Kagome asked. Dumbledore had told Harry he could fill his three friends in on the lessons. He said they all should know as much as possible about Voldemort.

"Of course," Harry said wondering what was on her mind.

When Harry finally got a chance to fill them in Kagome was disappointed to note that she still had no clue why Voldemort would ever be after her. He liked power, but he seemed to function completely alone. What was the point of Dumbledore telling Harry that Voldemort liked to collect trophies? She'd have to think on it more after Harry next lesson, whenever that was.

The days passed swiftly, with Malfoy keeping a distance from Kagome. She truly only saw him in class these days and since midterms were coming upon them swiftly she hadn't had much of an opportunity to talk to him since the Hogsmeade fiasco. She wondered if he'd been there. Maybe he was frightened of her now and that's why he was avoiding her? She didn't know.

It was getting closer and closer to Christmas, and Kagome was amused at the necessity of taking detours so that Harry could avoid the gaggle of girls that hung out under the mistletoe blocking his path to class. At least she found it amusing until she noticed that she herself was a target of the same attack by the male half of the student body; a fact that Harry and Ron found hilarious, to her great embarrassment. Apparently the school was highly impressed by her heroic endeavors. She was becoming as popular as Harry himself these days.

She's was taking one such detour on her way to History of Magic one day. This one was tricky because there was no way to avoid the very last clump of mistletoe that hung right near the classroom. Looking around the corner she gave a relieved sigh. She had waited long enough today. The crowd had dispersed to get to their own classes on time, and he bell was just about to ring. Racing down the hall to get to her classroom on time Kagome didn't see the person who seemed to run strait out of the wall until it was too late. Malfoy careened into her at top speed, his momentum sending them both to sprawl on the floor.

"Oof," Kagome's breath left her in a whoosh as Malfoy landed on her stomach. Looking up she discovered they were in fact face to face. "Eh heh heh" she laughed nervously up at him. "How ya been Draco?" she asked as he took in their current position before scrambling off her.

He mumbled something, not making eye contact with her as she got up and brushed herself off.

"Hello?" Kagome said getting annoyed. "Look, I don't know what I did to pisss you off and make you stop talking to me but you could at least say sorry for knocking me over if you aren't going to say hi!"

He looked at her then, surprised into answering. "You think I'm mad at you?"

"I know you are! Why else would you stop talking to me? I thought we were friends."

"Kagome...I...I just...sorry," he finished off in a mumble.

"Whatever," she said cooling off a bit.

"Look Kagome, I'm re--" whatever Malfoy had been about to say was chocked off as Peeves came crashing into the hallway.

"What's this?" flipping over in the air Peeve's cackled. "Ickle Kagome and Draco under the mistletoe during class?" The two ducked as he swooped low over their heads. "He he he" he laughed as he swooped down again pushing Draco into Kagome. She watched as his face grew closer, both their eyes wide as their lips smacked together.


Chaos ensued.


Kagome's face remained a bright red the entire day. It hadn't helped that all the students in the hallway had gotten into the hallway right after peeves yelled and had seen she and Draco sprawled on the floor once again. His momentum had once again sent them both crashing to the floor in an even more embarrassing tangle of limbs. At least their lips weren't touching when everyone had swarmed the hall. Still It hadn't looked good.

After it had been sorted out that nothing had happened, and it appeared that they had just both been running and crashed into each other because they were late, it got a little better. They both had extra homework for being so late to class though, and of course while the teachers were satisfied with the explanation, the entire student body still believed Peeves' story. I mean they were right under the mistletoe.

"Oh god," she said burying her face in her hands as she thought about it again.

"It'll blow over," Hermione tried to reassure her. The two of them sat in the girls dorm trying to get homework done. Kagome was avoiding the stares she was getting in the common room. It was practically a betrayal to be caught making out with a Slytherin after all. Not that she had been!

Hermione had joined her to keep her company.

"Uuugh," Kagome groaned again. Malfoy hadn't talked to her at all after the fiasco, though his face had also seemed to be a permanent red throughout the rest of the class period. At least her admirers had backed off. She could get to class the normal way now, which was a good thing since Harry didn't talk to her all day either. "What a mess."

"At least we'll be going home for break soon," Hermione said trying to cheer Kagome up.

"That's true! Maybe by the time we get back it'll have all blown over." Feeling a little better she went back to her homework.


The rest of the time flew by rather quickly. Harry started talking to her again the next day (in hopes of winning her over before Malfoy got any closer) and her multitude of admirers left her alone. Midterms went surprisingly well, and Draco continued to avoid her. Before she knew it it was time to go home for Christmas.

Ron and Harry were staying at the Burrow, Hermione was heading home to her parents and Kagome was heading back to her uncle's with Cho.

Walking into the house, she took a big breath. "It smells wonderful in here!" she told her uncle who had just picked her and Cho up from the train station.

"That's your Aunt, she loves making big dinners when we have company."


Her uncle simply smiled and led the way into the kitchen where her mother and aunt were laughing with a tall auburn haired stranger.

The stranger turned around just as she entered the kitchen and Kagome froze. Familiar jewel green eyes sparkled in her direction.

"Hello Kagome," he said, smiling a little self consciously. "It been awhile, ne?"

Hope you enjoyed! I'd love to hear what you think!