1My name is Sadocu and I live in Feudal Era, Japan. I've recently discovered that I have a magical kimono. Nobody knows about this besides my brother, Mirochu and my friend, Ayame ,but recently I've been attacked by all kinds of creatures because of this robe. Even my brother wants it! This is how it all started..

When I was 9, my mom died of a sickness. Before she died she gave her kimono to me. My brother and me became enemy's because of this. Since I had no family to live with Ayame let me stay with her and her family. I was very thankful.Before we knew it, 9 years had passed. Me and Ayame were both 18.I still had my mom's kimono. I wore it everyday for the past 9 years.

One day, me and Ayame decided to take a walk through the Mystic Forest. Everything was fine until we were attacked by a demon. Me and Ayame were scared. We tried to run be it was too fast. We backed away as he walked closer and closer. He the said, " Give me the robe"! I was to frightened to talk, but then Ayame asked , "Why do u need it, it's just a kimono"! The demon snapped, "Shut up foolish human! I want it for it's magical powers"! Then I spoke up, "What do you mean magical powers"? Then he yelled, "Just give me the robe"!!! Suddenly he ran toward us. I pushed Ayame aside and slapped my hands together. Out of thin air he disappeared. I asked Ayame, "Did you see that"?? She nodded and got up. I realized that it was magical. Me and Ayame read this in a book once. We were stunned. I asked her, "Can we forget this ever happened She nodded. As we walked home I reached into the kimono and showed her the piece of paper I found in it last week. It had words written on it. We guessed they were commands for the kimono. We were to tired to read them all so we just went home.

I woke up in the middle of the night from a cool breeze. I looked at the window and it was still dark out. I said , "Ayame, you up?" No answer. I got up to see if she was in her bed and she wasn't there. I walked to the kitchen but on my way there the front door was wide open. I also found a note on the floor, it read, "Give me the kimono or the girl gets it". I froze. I knew exactly who it was.

As I was putting on my kimono I heard someone screaming. It was Ayame and she kept screaming, "Sadocuuu"!! I ran outside and followed her screaming voice. It was coming from near the river. Suddenly the screaming stopped. I ran as fast as I could and finally I saw Mirochu. I also saw Ayame tied to a tree and when she saw me she said in relief, "Sadocu, you made it". Then Mirochu turned around and pulled out his sword. I went into a fighting stance. He laughed, then said, "You will never beat me little sister"! Then he ran toward me and I ran closer to the river. I pulled out the piece of paper with the commands on it and chanted one of them. Suddenly water shot out of the kimono. It pushed Mirochu into the river. He yelled, " I will get my revenge Sadocu"! I went over and untied Ayame. She hugged me and said, " Your always there for me". I whispered back, " That because were friends and friends protected each other". We began to giggle. We walked back to the house as the sun slowly rose into the morning sky.