A single drop of moisture drew Valen from his sleep. The cleric's visit had left him stronger, but exhausted, and he had no idea how long he had slept. His hand touched his cheek where, somehow, it felt as if a tear had fallen. Half-hidden by the room's shadow – but not from his eyes – she stood, watching him.
"Yes, my love?" Valen blinked at her somber form. She did not move, but watched him still, her arms held tight around her body.
Her eyes, though, her eyes shone with an intensity he'd never seen in her. He began to rise, but quickly remembered his current state of undress.
"Valen." And his heart lurched at the sound of his name on her lips.
Her eyes filled with tears and he decided that modesty could join Mephistopheles in the Hells. Rising, still shaking with weakness, he crossed the floor to her in a single stride.
Her eyes seemed locked on his body, but when he wrapped his arms around her tiny form, she tilted her head up to look into his face. Her fingers traced a gentle arc over his eye.
"Oh, my Valen," she whispered again, and the world ceased to be. His huge body began to shake as her hands reached up and cupped both sides of his face. Whether drawn by his vulnerability – or by hers – the demon scrabbled up in his soul to leer from behind his eyes.
"Brin. Brin … please," he gasped. "Brin, you need to leave. I can't control this … I …"
So quietly that, even pressed to her body as he was, he almost didn't hear, she sighed, "Oeskathine … Oeskathine the Demonwrestler …"
His eyes snapped open as his muscles stretched and locked in obeisance to the power of his true name. He dropped like a stone to his knees in front of her, his naked body shining with sweat.
"Oeskathine the Demonwrestler, I release you of your demon taint."
Time shattered around Valen. His mouth opened, but no sound came out – not even the rage-filled demon's howl that reverberated around his skull. His skin began to glow and small, luminescent flames flickered from his eyes. A great shadow of heat and fury filtered through his pores and up into the air, leaving a chasm in his soul. He gasped and lurched, his back arched and his head fell back in a silent scream.
She stood through it all with her hands on his shoulders, fingers linked behind his neck. When his body relaxed, slick and pale, he sagged forward into her embrace. She wrapped her arms around him, caressing his hair, holding him to her body as he sobbed.
They remained locked together as time ticked away with each breath, a strange shadowy painting in the gloom of dawn.
Gradually, the looming abyss in his being began to close – to fill. He took a deep, shuddering breath and looked up at her bleak face and smiled. A joyous light burned so brightly inside him, he felt it must be visible.
Her fingers continued to stroke his hair as she leaned down and placed her lips on his ear. And then… then…
"Oeskathine the Demonwrestler," she breathed, "I release you of your love for me."
He knelt on the cold, stone floor – sweating and shivering – and she was gone without a sound.
My life,
Never has a parting ripped my soul the way each footstep away from you tears at me. In truth, it feels like cowardice but how can anything that cuts so deeply be the easy way out?
I know I promised you explanations, but so craven am I that I can not even put the words to parchment. But I would not go back on my word to you, my love. I could not. I have left my confessions with Nathyrra. I have no doubts that she will be pleased to enlighten you.
I ask that you remember me, my dear, with clear eyes. Think of me, not as Kagita'ar the Heartseeker for I deny that name, but as Brin – your comrade-in-arms. Your friend.
Know that I carry with me a memory of you that I will keep to the end of my days. I will love none but you, in this life or any other.
I wish you well on your path. I pray true love finds you and that you, as a pure soul, can embrace all that it offers.
With light, my love,