The Blackwolf Intervention

(Aftershock, pt. III)

A Teen Titans fan fiction

September, 2006

What if Terra had survived the volcano at Slade's lair? What if Beast Boy had saved her? What would the Titans do with her? This re-writes the last minute and a half of Aftershock pt. II and continues the story from there.

I realize I have committed a cardinal sin of fan fiction by inserting one of my own characters, but I feel he was necessary to bridge a gap and tell the story I wanted to tell. Don't worry, the story is still about B.B. and Terra, not Blackwolf.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans, or the other fictional characters in this story, except David. I own David Blackwolf. He's mine and you can't have him. :P


As the Titans quickly started down the tunnel, Beast Boy stayed, hesitating. He looked back into the cavern to Terra, who was standing on a small island in the sea of lava. Her entire body glowed brilliantly with her distinctive bright yellow terrakinetic energy as she fought to hold back the rising volcano. Beast Boy looked down the exit tunnel and saw his friends disappearing into the distance. He looked back to Terra, who was visibly straining to control her energy. As Beast Boy took a few steps toward her, the floor stopped shaking, the rumbling stopped, and the volcano seemed to be calmed. Terra stopped glowing and immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

Beast Boy took a few more steps back into the cavern. "Terra!" he cried out to her. "Terra, are you OK?"

As he looked back at her, he was struck on the head by a falling stone and a spray of dirt. He looked up into the cavern and saw that the whole roof was starting to come down. In an instant Beast Boy was a falcon, his fastest flight form, darting out across the lava towards Terra. He landed as a human and hastily examined her, a hand on her neck to check her pulse. She was alive, but out cold. He lifted her head with one hand, gently pulling her eyes open with the other.

"Terra!" he shouted. The roar of debris from the collapsing ceiling hitting the floor was becoming deafening. "Terra, come on! You need to wake up!"

While leaning over her, he took a good sized rock to the back of the head. He needed to leave, fast. As he scooped her up into his arms he was a gorilla, easily cradling her in one arm. He ran to the edge of their island and, just before reaching the lava, became a huge pterodactyl holding Terra in his claws. The hail of stone from above was worse now, and he took several good hits as he soared across the lava.

He landed as a gorilla, took a moment to adjust her limp body in his arm, then ran for the exit tunnel. Stones the size of small cars were hitting the ground in front of him as he ran. He looked up in time to see one about to hit him, and didn't have time to dodge. In an instant he was his favorite defensive form, the massive dinosaur called ankylosaurus. Thirty feet long on four legs plus the tail, it's back, and in fact it's entire body, were heavily armored with thick bony plates. The armored dinosaur took the boulder on his back with no problem, Terra lying safely under the beast's belly.

Remaining in dinosaur form, he looked around the room. The path to the exit was partially blocked, and the ceiling was raining down hard and heavy. Beast Boy knew he had only a few seconds. As a hummingbird, he felt sure he could dodge the debris and reach the tunnel, but he saw no way to get Terra out.

Without hesitation he made the decision to stay with her. He decided his current ankylosaurus form was best suited for the job, braced his legs, tucked in his head as best he could, and took the weight of the earth and stone building up on his back. In a matter of two or three seconds the crushing weight was more than he could bear. His right forelimb broke violently, the two snapped ends of bone being forced into each other. Beast Boy let out a dinosaur yelp of pain, but held his footing.

After only another two or three seconds, the rumbling stopped, and the pressure stopped getting higher and higher. He still had a tremendous weight pressing down on his entire body, but at least it wasn't getting any worse.

He tried to shift his weight off his broken leg, but found he was securely pinned in place. He thought for a second, and decided to risk shifting forms. As slowly as he could, he shifted into a slightly smaller armored dinosaur, another species of ankylosaur, this one closer to only twenty feet long. He quickly shifted his weight off his broken leg, and prepared to take the weight on his back on three legs. Several large rocks fell on him, but the bulk of the stone and earth held its place. After several seconds of waiting to see what the cave in was going to do, he shrunk again, into a polar bear, still carefully keeping Terra's still form centered under his belly. Only minor debris fell on him, and he found he was standing in a pitch black hollow in the cave in. He couldn't see a thing, but guessed the pocket was about the size of his original form, 20 feet long by about 7 feet high.

He waited several seconds for the rain of pebbles above him to stop, then morphed human, kneeling over Terra, still sheltering her body with his own. He reached into his compact utility belt and produced a tiny but powerful flashlight. He quickly checked Terra, who was the same, alive but out cold, then turned his attention to the ceiling. The micro-cavern he had created seemed to be holding, for now. It wasn't nearly as big as he'd hoped, barely 12 feet long by 6 feet high, but it would have to do.

"Terra?" he started, gently shaking her head with one hand. "Terra!" he shouted more forcefully. He held one eye open and ran his light across it, both to check for concussion and to try to wake her up. Her pupil reaction looked normal, and after a moment she slowly pulled her head away from the light. He let go of her eye and she blinked a few times, but didn't appear to be looking at anything or focusing. He said her name several times, holding her hand, and the flashlight, in the hand with the broken forearm, while gently brushing her cheek and hair with the other.

"Smelling salts," Beast Boy muttered to himself. "Ought to put smelling salts in my utility belt." Beast Boy admired Robin's utility belt, and tried to put as much useful stuff into his own as he could. "Bet Robin would have smelling salts in his belt. Or maybe some kind of stimulant." He paused and thought for a second. "I wonder if Robin has an adrenaline syringe in the med-kit on his belt. He's got every other damn thing." He dismissed the sidetrack train of thought and went back to, "Terra? Terra, wake up!" for what felt like several minutes.

While doing this, he looked over her body, her head, her arms and legs, for any significant damage, but found only the expected bumps, cuts, and bruises. She was still wearing the costume Slade had made for her, and he couldn't help but think about the fact that she had tried to kill him not that long ago. That needed to be dealt with, but not now. Right now his only concern was keeping her alive and safe.


Slowly, Terra began to move her head and groan. After another minute, her eyes slowly began to focus on Beast Boy's face.

"Beast Boy, that you?" she muttered, a barely audible whisper.

"Terra!" he cried. "Yes, it's me." He bent down to her, lifted her head and shoulders, and hugged her tightly. "You're alive! You're all right!"

"What happened?" she whispered, still lying limp in his embrace.

As he gently lowered her to the ground, cradling her head in one hand, he said, "I know you've been through a lot, but I need you right now, Terra. I need you to use your power."

Terra's hands went to cover her face. "Oh, I can't, B.B. Not now."

"Yes, now. It needs to be now. We're not safe here."

"What happened?" she asked again.

"Do you remember the volcano?"

Terra's eyes suddenly grew wide with fear. "The volcano! Was it …? Did I …?"

"You did it, Terra, you stopped it. But then there was a cave in." He shined the flashlight up to the ceiling. "We're trapped in a little cave and I need you to tunnel us out of here."

Terra groaned loudly, slowly trying to sit up. "I'm burned out, B.B. I just … stopped a volcano. I don't want to lift another pebble for a month."

Beast Boy pulled her up to a seat and gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her in a warm hug. "I know you're hurting right now," he said softly, "but you need to be strong. This little cave we're in could come down at any time, and even if it doesn't, we're running out of air. I need you to work, Terra. Come on." As they both slowly got to their feet, Terra shook out the cobwebs and laboriously pulled herself together. "You can do this, Terra. I know you can," he said reassuringly.

Terra held out her hand, and a stone on the ground rose into her grasp. She held it hovering a few inches above her open hand, staring at it.

"I can do this," she finally said, not entirely sure of herself. She looked around the tiny cave, concerned. "Which way should I start digging?"

"Lemme think," Beast Boy muttered. "The cave is longer than it is wide because my head was over there and my tail was over there … and I was facing the exit tunnel, so we go this way," he said, pointing to one end of the cave.

"Good," she replied. "It's a place to start."

"So first, keep the ceiling from collapsing. Then, I guess, start moving rock from over there to over there."

Terra gave Beast Boy a confident grin. "I've tunneled before, B.B. I know what I'm doing." She held out her hands towards the left wall, and chunks of it began to fly across the cave, to be deposited at the right wall. She still looked wobbly and badly fatigued, and Beast Boy didn't know how long she would last.

"Are you gonna be OK?" he asked after a minute of watching her sway and stumble a bit. "I could hold you up if you want."

She looked over at him, her eyes barely starting to glow yellow. "What do you mean, hold me up?"

As an answer, he became a gorilla, offering his arms for her to crawl in to.

She gave a small, weak laugh. "Thanks, B.B., but I can stand. I think I'm all right."

As he turned human again, he noticed that the right wall was a lot closer to them than before, and the left wall a good bit further away. She was making progress.

"You're looking good, Terra. Slow and steady, don't burn yourself out."

She just nodded and continued tunneling.


After several minutes of this they reached the exit tunnel, which was also caved in, but fortunately not far. They found that a long section of the tunnel was still intact, and walked for a bit in silence, Terra still weak and leaning on Beast Boy for support.

"What's gonna happen now?" Terra asked softly.

"I don't know."

After a moment, she added, "I'm really sorry."

"For which part?" he quipped sarcastically.

"Well …" Terra started, not sure what he meant.

"Because last time I checked, you wanted me dead," he said simply.

Tears began to roll down Terra's face. "I never wanted to hurt you, B.B." she whispered. "Even when Slade had me hating the Titans, I couldn't hate you. I just-"

"Which reminds me, last time I checked you wanted all my friends dead, too."

"I don't … Slade convinced me … They were …" she started, struggling to find the right words. "Oh God, B.B. I was so sure …" she said, pulling away from him to lean against the wall for support. She seemed to grow even more pale and shaky than before, slow tears sliding down her cheeks. "I was so sure I was right, so sure Slade was right, that I was doing the right thing." She slowly slid down the wall, sitting down in a heap and staring at the floor. "I thought you couldn't give me what I needed. I thought Slade could. I thought … oh, I don't know, B.B. I don't know anything anymore."

Beast Boy sat down in front of her and watched her for a bit. She didn't look up at him. "What did Slade give you, Terra?" he asked finally. "What did you need?"

It took her several seconds to reply. "Control," she muttered quietly. "The Titans offered me friendship, but that wasn't what I needed. I needed control. Control over my power, which I didn't have. Control over my fear. That's what Slade gave me that you couldn't. He gave me control."

"But at what price?" he asked gently. When she said nothing, he continued, "At the cost of all your friends, all your-"

"I never had any real friends," Terra muttered.

"Yes you did!" he shouted suddenly. "Yes, you did!"

Terra smiled at him. "I guess I've always had you, B.B."

"The other Titans all called you a friend, too, though maybe you didn't see it."

She just looked down and shook her head. After a second, she added, "Not anymore."

"Yeah, you made sure of that, didn't you?" Beast Boy said grimly. This set her off, and she buried her face in her hands, sobbing. Beast Boy thought about getting her up, thought about finding the exit, but decided she could have a little time. After a minute, she wiped her eyes and looked up at him.

"What am I gonna do?" she whispered.

"That's up to you," he said. "What you do has always been up to you."

"I thought the Titans were my enemy. I thought Slade was my friend. Now my whole world has collapsed … and I don't …" she trailed off.

"The Titans were never your enemy until you forced us to be. What was it, Terra? What did we do? Why did you hate us so much?"

"I guess it wasn't what you did, it was what you represented."

"Which was?" he prompted.

Again, it took her several seconds to reply. "My failure. Failure to control my power, my fear, my anger. Failure to control my own weakness."

"But why? What did we have to do with that?"

She shrugged. "Slade made it make sense," she replied. "He convinced me you were the badguys."

"How? We were never anything but good to you. Why would you … I mean …" Beast Boy stopped and looked away for a moment. "Why, Terra? I don't understand."

Terra sat and stared at the floor. "No one has ever liked me, B.B. No one has ever trusted me. Everywhere I've ever gone, I try to be good … but eventually I lose control, cause another accident. Everyone always ends up hating me. The Titans are no different."

"We are different. We nev-"

"Are you saying the Titans didn't end up hating me?" she asked, looking up at him accusingly.

"You're working for Slade," he said coldly. "That's the reason. It has nothing to do with whether or not you can control your power. It has nothing to do with the accidents you've had in the past. You were working for our mortal enemy, and even still, we never gave up on you. We never-"

"You, Beast Boy, not 'we.' The others gave up on me just like I knew they would. Just like Slade knew they would."

"No, Terra, they haven't. I promise you. When we get out of here-"

"If I was down here with Raven instead of you, I'd be dead by now. Don't kid yourself, B.B."

"Raven doesn't kill. Neither do I. You'd be unconscious and on your way to prison."

They sat and silently stared at each other for a moment, unsure what to say.

"Are you taking me to prison, Beast Boy?" she finally asked quietly.

He shook his head and took a moment to reply. "I don't think that's the answer."

"What, then?"

"I don't know."

After another long silence, he continued, "If the Titans decide you belong in prison, will you go without a fight?"

Terra's gaze returned to the floor, and she slowly nodded.

"Look at me, Terra, this is important," he continued. "Is it because you know we're right, or because you don't think you could beat us again?" he asked seriously.

Terra didn't look up. "Both, I guess."

Beast Boy just groaned in frustration and buried his face in his hands.

"I don't want to fight anymore, B.B.," she said softly, her eyes still on the floor. "I can't fight anymore. I can't fight you, I can't fight your friends … I just can't."

"Do you even want them to be your friends again?" he asked gently.

"Were they ever? I mean, really?"

Beast Boy sighed heavily. "They thought so," he said. "But all that time you spent with us, you were … what, undercover? Were you working for Slade the whole time?"

She just nodded. He continued, "So what were we to you? Just an assignment? Did he send you to us just so that you could betray us?"

"Not at first," she replied, still not looking at him. "I met you guys, and it seemed to be going well, then … I trusted you, and you told the others my secr-"

"I did not, Terra!" Beast Boy exclaimed. "I did not tell anyone your secret. Robin's a smart guy, he figured it out. He figured it out, and he didn't care. He asked you to join us anyway."

She paused and looked him in the eye for a moment. "Either way," she continued, "I knew I couldn't stay with you."

"You were always welcome to stay. You ran off before we could make that clear to you."

She looked away and didn't reply. "So … then Slade found you …" he prompted.

"Slade found me, and he trained me. He taught me control. He gave me confidence, self respect. He taught me that in order to control my future, I had to destroy my past. I had to destroy all of my weakness, all of my doubt. I had to destroy the Titans."

"That last part doesn't make sense to me."

She shrugged absently. "Doesn't always make sense to me, either. But I trusted Slade. He knew what was best for me."

"He only ever wanted what was best for himself."

"But he gave me what I needed, B.B." she cried, desperate for him to understand her. "He gave me the control I needed."

"All he did was control you."

"Same thing."

"Not the same thing at all. We could have helped you control yourself. You didn't have to go to Slade."

She paused, staring at the floor again. "But I did."

After another long silence, Beast Boy asked softly, "What were you thinking when you were fighting us? I mean, really, what was going through your head when …"

"It's just such a rush, B.B., ya know?" she replied. "Fighting is such an adrenaline rush. And I had you guys … Slade had the Titans all worked up in my head. They were the reason. They were my failure, my weakness, my fear, all rolled into one."

"I guess I kinda get that," he said, "but, well … you just seemed to be enjoying it so much."

Terra smiled to herself. "Oh, especially Raven," she said with a grin. "Teaching that arrogant little …" She stopped when she saw the truly evil glare Beast Boy was giving her. "Right, sorry," she said meekly. "Shutting up now."

Beast Boy looked especially lost and dejected. "You enjoyed working for Slade," he muttered. "That's something I'm really gonna have a hard time with."

Neither one knew what to say, and they sat silently for a time, Terra staring at the floor, Beast Boy staring at Terra.

Finally, Terra started softly, "I once told Robin I didn't need saving. I think I was wrong about that." She laughed to herself, a small weak laugh. "I said I'm not some scared little girl waiting to be rescued. I guess maybe I am, after all."

"If you are," Beast Boy replied gently, "then I'm here to rescue you."

She looked him in the eye and smiled, the first real smile he'd seen from her in some time. "You always are, B.B." she said. "You always are."

There was another long silence between them, then Beast Boy asked, "What was it like for you, being … undercover? I mean, what did you think you were doing at the time? Living with us? Were you just pretending?"

"Not entirely," was all she said. Beast Boy wanted to say something, but didn't know what. Finally, Terra continued, "I liked the idea of having friends, even if they weren't real friends."

"But they were real friends. They-"

"Not really. Not the others. They only accepted me because I had the control Slade had given me."

"Not true, Terra." Beast Boy sighed and rested his head in his hands. "Dammit, Terra," he said softly, "that's not true and I don't know how to make you understand that."

After a moment, Terra asked, "Do you think they'd accept me now?"

"I don't know," he muttered, then looked up at her. "I know in my heart you're a good person, and even I am really struggling with this. You're going to have to convince us, all of us, that you really want to change. But I believe you can, if you try." Terra didn't reply and wasn't looking at him. "Do you even want to change?" he asked gently.

"Yes!" she cried, finally turning to face him. "I mean …" Tears slowly started to form again. "Slade taught me so much, but he … he never really liked me, never wanted what was best for me. I see that now. He gave me what I needed, but he … he …"

"He didn't teach you self control, he-"

"He did, he-"

"He taught you to let him control you. Big difference."

She paused and stared at the floor again. "Yeah, I guess."

"So, with you under his thumb, the two of you were going to … what? Rule the world? Was that the plan?"

"Something like that, yeah," she muttered.

"And now?"

"Now …" Terra hesitated before she continued. "Now, I don't know."

"Don't know what?" Beast Boy demanded. "What part of this is still unclear? You were the badguy, Terra. Slade was the badguy. Don't you get that?"

She nodded silently and stared at the floor. After a moment, she started softly, "I thought it didn't matter. I thought other things were more important."

"Like what?"

"Control," she said flatly.

"That was worth giving yourself to Slade, worth sacrificing our friendship, worth-"

"I don't know, B.B.!" she suddenly shouted. "Yes! Maybe. I thought so. Now … Slade taught me that I was a force of destruction, that I'm not good or bad, I'm just violence and carnage and death. He said I had to embrace that if I was going to learn control."

"Slade was an idiot. Now he's a dead idiot. You've got to-"

"Was he, B.B.? I've destroyed every friendship I've ever had, even the one with him. He was right about-"

"He was never right, Terra, about anything. I guarantee you everything he ever told you was a lie."

Terra thought about this for a second. "He told me you'd betray me." She gave a small, amused smile. "But after everything I've done to you and your friends, you still won't leave me alone." She reached out and took his hand. "You still won't give up on me."

"Never," he replied with a grin. "Now come on, get up. We need to get out of this cave."


They walked in silence down the long corridor. Terra was feeling stronger, but held Beast Boy's arm for support anyway. She just plodded along, staring at her feet, unsure what to say.

"How's your arm?" she asked after a bit.

"Broken," he replied. "I've had worse. No worries. How's your … are you even hurt?"

Terra shrugged. "Headache. Kinda dizzy. Is it possible to strain your mutant power from over-exertion? I think I pulled something in my brain."

Beast Boy grinned and took her hand again. "You'll be fine, kid," he said.

"Will I?" she said seriously. "What are we going to do, Beast Boy? What's gonna happen to me?"

"I don't know," he said simply.

Terra stared dejectedly at the floor for a while. Softly, she whispered to herself, "Slade would know what to do."

Beast Boy sighed and squeezed her hand. "That is exactly the kind of thinking you need to stop doing, right now. He's not your master any more. He doesn't tell you what to do any more. You've got to think for yourself, make your own choices."

Terra started to cry again. "I can't, B.B., I'm scared. You do it, you think for me. Tell me what to do. I trust you." She sniffed and wiped her eyes. After a second she added softly, "I trust you with my life."

Beast Boy wiped away a grim tear of his own. "Stick with me and I'll do my best to take care of you. I don't know what's gonna happen, but … all I can promise is to do my best."

"Am I going to prison?" she asked.


"I deserve it," she whimpered, crying harder.

"Maybe. I don't think so. There has to be a better answer."

"Like what?"

"I don't know."


After a few minutes they came to another cave-in in the tunnel. As Terra was clearing it, light and fresh air started to come through the cracks.

"Ha!" Terra cried. "The surface!" As she pulled a chunk away and more collapsed on top of it, the gap in between grew wider.

Robin's voice came to them distantly. "Over there! Movement!"

Chunks of rock began to glow black from Raven's telekinetic power and fly away. "Beast Boy!" they heard her call out. "Are you in there?"

Within moments Terra and Raven's combined powers had cleared the mouth of the tunnel, and Beast Boy and Terra stepped out to face the rest of the Titans.

Robin, in his straightforward manner, just said, "Are you hurt?"

Before Beast Boy could reply, Raven turned to Terra. "You're alive?" she said venomously. "Not for long, you little …" Her hands lit up with glowing blackness and she started toward her.

"No!" Beast Boy cried, jumping between them. "No, Raven! She's with me." He wiped a tear from his face and repeated, "She's with me. I'm not gonna let you hurt her. Any of you."

"Out of the way, Beast Boy!" Raven growled, starting toward Terra again. Beast Boy again moved between them, and as Raven reached to push him aside he was a massive gorilla, shoving Raven to the ground. As she landed on her back he was human again. "No, Raven!" he repeated. "She's with me!"

Raven looked to Robin. "Stand down, Raven," he said. "Beast Boy, talk to me."

Beast Boy hesitated and wiped his face again, unsure where to begin. "OK, so she was a goodguy first, then she got trained by the badguy and became a badguy. Then she realized he was a badguy and turned against him, and now she's a goodguy again. So-"

"It's not that simple, Beast Boy," Raven growled as she got to her feet. "She betrayed us. She tried to kill us."

"She needs our help," he pleaded. "She wants to be a goodguy again, and she's trying but she needs our help." He turned toward Robin and continued, "Come on, Robin. She deserves another chance. She was a friend once."

"As I recall," Cyborg added coldly, "we gave her another chance and she tried to kill us."

"That was before, Cyborg," Beast Boy exclaimed. "That was before she got out of Slade's grip. Before she saw him for what he really was. Now, she's-"

"We don't know what she is now, Beast Boy," Robin said.

"How about it, then, Terra?" Raven demanded. "What are you now?"

Terra wiped at her face and huddled against Beast Boy's arm. "Confused," she said softly after a moment. "Scared. Really sorry. I don't know … I don't know what to do."

"You'll come with us, for now," Robin said.

"She should go to prison, Robin," Raven said.

"That may be, but she'll come with us for now. Beast Boy, how's you arm?" Robin asked.

"Broken," he replied flatly. "Other than that …"

"Can you fly?" Robin asked.

"Doubt it."

"Raven, try to heal his arm," Robin ordered. "Cyborg, make one last scan of the area. Starfire, I want an aerial survey of the area. Look for any of Slade's robots that might still be out here."

"Right," she replied as she shot into the air.

"And what am I looking for?" Cyborg asked as he peered into his forearm display.

"Slade," Robin replied. "Or his body. Terra," he said, turning to face her. He paused, and she just stared at him, nervous fear in her eyes. Robin reached into the back of his utility belt and produced a small, thick, flexible metal ring the size of a small necklace. "Put this on," he said, offering it to Terra.

"What is it?" she asked fearfully.

"It's a collar, Terra. Put it on, now," he said forcefully.

"It's OK, Terra," Beast Boy said, taking her hand. "It's an inhibitor collar. You'd better put it on."

Terra hesitated. "It'll block me from using my power, right?" she asked.

"If you're going to even dream of us ever trusting you again," Robin started, "you start by trusting us now. Put it on."

Terra looked back to Beast Boy again, then took the collar from Robin and locked it around her throat. "I don't feel any different," she said after a second.

"Try using your power," Cyborg said angrily.

Terra held out a hand and reached for a rock a few feet away. Pain ripped through her forehead, and she buried her face in her hands.

"Terra, are you OK?" Beast Boy asked.

"Killer brain-freeze," she replied. "I can't use my power."

"Good," Robin said simply. "Now, you're coming with us back to the Tower," he told her. "You will sit quietly in your room while the rest of us have a conference and decide what to do with you. Whatever decision we reach, you will do what we tell you to do. Understand?"

Terra nodded slowly. "Sounds fair," she muttered.

"Good," Beast Boy added. "Good, that does sound fair. Thank you, Robin. I'm sure if it were up to Raven there wouldn't be any discussion. There'd just be prison."

Raven didn't look up from the energy she was casting into his broken arm when she replied. "You shouldn't speak unkindly about the person who's healing your broken arm, Beast Boy."

Starfire returned and hovered a few feet above them. "I have found no enemies," she reported.

"And I'm getting nothin' on nothin'," Cyborg added. "If there's a human body down there I'm not seeing it."

Robin turned to Beast Boy. "Can you fly?"

"I'd rather not. Raven, you got a disk thingie big enough for me and Terra?"

Raven glared at him. "You expect me to carry her?"

"Raven," Robin started.

"Fine," she snapped. "Fine, whatever." She waved her hand and a glowing black platform appeared in front of Beast Boy and Terra.

"Raven?" Beast Boy started as he climbed onto the disk. "I'm sorry I pushed you."

"Whatever," she replied, not looking at him.

"Let's go home," Robin said. Starfire picked him up as Cyborg stepped onto another one of Raven's hovering black disks. Together, they began a very quiet and somber flight back to the Tower.