Friends Forever

Friends With Benefits

Rating: M

This is really sexual, just warning you guys.

The next morning Troy woke up to see Gabriella wrapped around him. He had yet to figure out if he still loved her, he knew she would always have a special place in his heart, but was a little confused. However, he couldn't help but smile. She was absolutely gorgeous, and loved holding her. Then he realized neither of them were dressed. He then remembered the couch and then moving things into the bedroom. Oh god, what did we get ourselves into? But hey, Gabriella was naked in his bed, so he couldn't really complain. Suddenly he felt her squirm.

"Hey," he smiled as she opened her eyes.

"Hey," she smiled back.

"Sleep well?" he asked. She smiled and nodded. Then she realized that they were both naked. He laughed at her shocked expression. She buried her head into his chest embarrassed.

"I am such a whore," she said into his chest and he laughed.

"Nooo," he said (in the way he says it up on the rooftop when she says 'I just humiliated myself') rubbing her back. "At least it wasn't anything we haven't done before."

"True," she mumbled. She looked up at him so her chin was resting on chest.

"Wanna do it again?" he asked.

"Ok," she smiled. He pulled her up so they were face to face. They leaned in and passionately kissed her. As he reached down and began to get her wet, she grabbed him and began to jack him off. She really didn't need to, for she was moaning in his ear and that was arousing him enough.

"You ready," he asked.

"Yes," she moaned. He flipped her over so she was on the bottom. He slipped himself inside of her and began to thrust back and forth. Electric shocks went through their body as they moved back and forth. They both panted and moaned until they hit their climaxes. He fell over to the side lying next to her.

"That was…" she panted.

"Amazing," he finished.

She turned to the side and wrapped herself around him. He kissed the top of her head.

"You want some breakfast," he asked.

"I want to cuddle a little bit longer," she said in a baby type voice and he laughed.

"Ok," he said laughing. After a little bit longer they both decided it was time to wake up. She took a shower and got dressed while she made breakfast. They then sat down at the island eating.

"So what are we now," Troy asked.

"I don't know," she said. "I just got out of an intense relationship and I don't know if I am ready to jump into one again."

"I know, and we are best friends, I don't want to ruin that, so should we forget about last night, cause no offence Ella, I don't really like you like that," he said.

"None taken," she replied. "But…"

"Last night was just too good?" he asked reading her mind and she nodded. "Well then what do we do?"

"I dunno," she said and stopped to think, "how about a friends with benefits type of thing?"

"Like we stay best friends, but we can hook up if we want to, with no emotional attachment?" he asked.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"I like it," he smiled.

"But no dates, no PDA, holding hands, stuff like that," Gabriella said.

"Of course not," he replied. "And we can see other people if we want right?"

"Of course," she said.

"Perfect," he smiled.

"Yeah, well I got to go," she said putting her plate in the sink. "I will see you later."

"Yep," he replied. They kissed each other on the cheek and she walked out.


"So what is going on with you and Troy," Amy asked while she and Gabriella sat down to lunch.

"He is my best friend," Gabriella said and Amy rolled her eyes. "And there might be a possibility we slept together last night."

"What!" Amy screamed.

"Yeah," Gabriella laughed.

"Then how can you say you are just friends?" Amy asked.

"Cause we are…with benefits," Gabriella said.

"You are friends with benefits with Troy!" Amy exclaimed.

"Yeah, what's the big deal," Gabriella asked.

"Gabi, he is your high school sweetheart who you were in love with, come on their must be something more," she replied.

"Well there isn't," Gabriella replied.

"Uh huh," Amy said.


"Wait wait wait," Matt, Troy's best friend said, as they played basketball at the park. Troy just laughed. "You slept with Gabriella?"

"Yep," he said shooting the ball.

"Are you two together now?" Matt asked.

"Nope," Troy replied.

"You are confusing me," Matt said.

"Friends with benefits," he replied.

"Are you kidding me? Are you telling me you can hook up with a gorgeous girl whenever you want, without having any emotional attachment," Matt said in awe.

"Yep," Troy smiled.

"I wish I was you," Matt said.

"Doesn't everyone," Troy joked and Matt threw the basketball at him.


"Hey," Gabriella said walking into Troy's apartment. Troy and Gabriella were still best friends, and nothing more. Well except for the fact that they were hooking up on a regular basis. They were a little more touchy feely, but never in public.

"Hey Ella, what up," he replied.

"Nothing really," she said. She laid across the couch draping her legs across his lap. She threw her head back and sighed.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, my landlord has just been pissing me off lately," she replied.

"Oh I am sorry," he said.

"It's fine, so how is the team doing?" he asked.

"Great, oh I meant to ask you, one of the trainers is going to be gone for the week, I know you are training to be an orthopedic surgeon, so I was wondering if you could fill in for the week," he asked.

"Yeah, but first I don't know how to tape and stuff, and don't you have like 2 others, do you really need three people for one team," she asked.

"The two others are athletic trainers who can tape and stuff, we need someone more medical. And it isn't for 1 team, it is for 4. Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball, Boys and Girls Varsity Soccer," he replied.

"Ok, well I could use the money," she said clearly down.

"Hey it will be okay," he said reassuringly.

"You sure about that?" she shot back.

"Yes, but for now what can I do to make you feel better," he asked. She just raised her eyebrows at him. He smiled and grabbed her hand. He pulled her towards him and maneuvered her so she was straddling him. They leaned in and kissed each other passionately. He stood up and carried her into the bedroom. He placed her carefully on the bed, so she was sitting up against the pillows and bent down to kiss her. As they passionately made out his hands traveled up her sides removing her shirt. He kissed her neck and she sighed as he did. Desperate for more, she tugged on her shorts and began to pull them down. He looked at her and laughed.

"What," she whined.

"Desperate much," he laughed.

"Please Troy," she begged and he laughed. He bent down to her ear.

"Fine, but only cause I love to touch you," he whispered and she giggled. He kissed her neck, and traveled up towards her mouth. As he kissed her he began to pull down her underwear, which surprised for he usually just slipped his hand under it. But it was nothing he hadn't seen before so she didn't mind.

"I'll do it if you let me see you," he said pulling away and she nodded. "Put the soles of your feet together," he said and she did. He turned so he was laying on his side. He reached up and kissed her, beginning to rub her. She began to sigh, having to pull away from the kiss. He then pulled away and looked down to see how his fingers were traveling up and down her folds. He turned his head and looked at a sighing and panting Gabriella.

"Oh god," she moaned as he played with her clit. His fingers moved faster and she began to moan more.

"Ella you are getting so wet," Troy said, the passion rising over him as well. "It's so hot."

"Make me cum Troy," she sighed. He slid two fingers inside of her and began to move them around gently. He looked up to see her head was thrown back and she was sighing and moaning.

"Yes…harder," she moaned and he pushed his fingers in harder. Noticing she was rubbing her leg and inner thigh with one of her hands, he pulled out.

"Troy…" she protested.

"Trust me, it will last longer," he said. He grabbed her hand and placed it in her folds. He moved her hand up and down as she began to sigh and moan more.

"Feels…so…good," she moaned. "Let me get you off Troy," she sighed.

"Just keep touching yourself," he sighed. With her other hand she removed his from on top of hers and continued to play with herself.

"You like it," she asked sighing from the pleasure.

"Yes…don't stop," he replied.

"I need you inside of me Troy," she begged moaning. He quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his boxers revealing his erection. He held himself and crawled on top of her. He entered her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He held the headboard behind her and began to thrust back and forth. They both panted and moaned as they rocked back and forth.

"Harder Troy," Gabriella moaned and he thrusted into her harder and faster. Minutes later they hit their climaxes and Troy collapsed on top of her. They sighed and he pulled out of her.

"God that was amazing," Gabriella sighed as he fell onto the bed next to her.

"You could definitely say that," Troy said in a duh tone.

"Why is our sex always so good?" Gabriella asked Troy and he burst out laughing.

"What kind of question is that?" he laughed.

"Troy!" she exclaimed.

"How do you answer that?" he asked her laughing.

"Shut up," she said hitting him, but couldn't help but laugh. "What time is it?" she asked when her laughter died down.

He looked down at his watch replying, "7:30."

"Shit! I have class at 8:00!" she exclaimed. He laughed as she got out from under the covers. "It's not funny!"

"It kind of is," he laughed as she put her clothes back on.

"Ugh, whatever I will see you later," she said.

"Yeah call me," he replied.

"Will do," she replied and walked out. Troy sighed and threw his head back against the pillows. Why is it always so good? Cause we are best friends. No I would not feel that if I slept with other girl best friends. Maybe cause I still like her? No we are over. Just friends. Right? Oh god, no. I am falling back in love with Gabriella.

PLEASE REVIEW! And there is an importance to them working together, it isn't just really random.